You told me this shit is good Sup Forums. Why you lied to me?
You told me this shit is good Sup Forums. Why you lied to me?
Other urls found in this thread:
because you installed the tainted play version that cheetah mobile jewed up
It wants to update after I've installed the pre cheetah version though.
then don't update it fuckface
Google Play automatically updates fuckface.
>he didnt grab a good apk and use zipalign so it never updates
>hitting the 'update all' button like a good goy
Not him but just set Google Play not to auto update
I installed this yonks back and have never had an issue with it.
What seems to be the problem, officer?
The old versions are good. Fuck off.
>being completely retarded
You can stop auto-update for a single app. Open the app's Play Store page and uncheck "Auto-update" on the upper right.
Some alternatives.
F-Stop Media Gallery:
I use QuickPic to view my DickPics
Is it a botnet? I have picsatr and even tho its good, its a botnet.
it is good faggot
Oh I didn't know that thanks.
this version is good.
beyond that...
whats wrong beyond that fireface
That seems bad. It doesn't upload the pictures themselves, does it?
Piktures is better
Well, it's owned by chinks so you never know.
On the topic of apps that were good before they were bought out, what was the last good version of ES File Explorer?
Piktures has a buggy rename function that adds an extra file extension on the end. You can get example.jpg.jpg.jpg.jpg... by trying it repeatedly. I emailed them about it a while back, but it still hasn't been fixed.
Is it a botnet?
>complaining of botnet when you already have GAPPS installed
After this version is that Cheetah Mobile starts adding their shit. Similar to how people always recommend uTorrent 2.2.1
Your 20 rupees have been deposited, Pajeet.
Try Leafpic
>not using leafpic
kill yourself
or.. leafpic.. the open source version of quickpic
in piktures, how do you add directories to hidden portions? instead of just adding per picture
Not sure if shill
Hmm, very impressive! The only questionable part is "full network access".
Also, on app start, the folder previews always show the most-recent picture inside, even if I've changed them to sort by Name Ascending. If I then enter a folder and return to the top page, the previews change to show the first alphabetical picture (for the folders I sorted by Name Ascending). Not sure if the different preview on app start is intentional.
>Hmm, very impressive! The only questionable part is "full network access".
It's FOSS you dumbfuck, go and check their github
>Also, on app start, the folder previews always show the most-recent picture inside, even if I've changed them to sort by Name Ascending. If I then enter a folder and return to the top page, the previews change to show the first alphabetical picture (for the folders I sorted by Name Ascending). Not sure if the different preview on app start is intentional.
It's still in alpha, probably a bug
Gotta hand it to these Chinese
Why need another application?
>that font
Why freetards can't into design?
Use 4.5.2 and stop asking questions.
>tfw Quickpic is pretty much the only gallery app that still works with my ancient android version
I've found it's often the botnet apps that still support older Android versions. Funny that. Guess they want a bigger spread to expand the botnet.
Thank god for 4.5.2.
Pretty fucking right 4.5.2. is the last version that works just fine.
you're a fucking idiot if you can't figure this one out
why do you have google play installed?
>Not using Piktures
>It's FOSS
So have you audited the code? Otherwise that doesn't mean anything.
If you got the xda version when it was up you did good.
Feels good