Worked at multiple big tech companies (think - IBM, INTC, MSFT, ORCL, CSCO, etc) in "core product" R&D

Worked at multiple big tech companies (think - IBM, INTC, MSFT, ORCL, CSCO, etc) in "core product" R&D

>Nobody cares about editors
>Nobody cares about desktop environments
>Nobody cares about languages
>Nobody has outside projects (in fact, outside projects generally disallowed)
>All normal, well adjusted, people with significant others, kids, houses, outdoor hobbies
>Very few gamer types
>Very few GNU/Linux users, and usually Ubuntu / Fedora
>Everybody getting shit done all day everyday so you can waste your life arguing about it on Sup Forums.

Enjoy your computer janitor jobs, aspies.

Other urls found in this thread:

>outside projects generally disallowed
You're not allowed to write your own software on your own time?

Sorry, you must have been working in dumbfuck phone support or some shit where they put all the dumb people, because I've held REAL tech jobs at major companies, EVERYONE cares about editors, DEs, languages, everyone has their own projects, gamers everywhere, mostly GNU users (and some Applefucks, but they're weird) because Microsoft is hated among non-normiefucks, and we STILL get shit done all goddamn day.

>outside projects generally disallowed
damn op I bet you also let your boss have your gf on the weekends. cucked as fuck.

Most companies have a clause in the R&D employee contract to the effect of "any sort of engineering work you do, on or off our time, is the property of the company (unless it isn't - like for work you do for the company involving GNU sources)". I've worked for a couple which expressly forbade committing to GitHub project or running a blog / website of your own which may discuss engineering topics.

It's your fault for agreeing to such terms.
If you were actually valuable to them, you could get them to remove the clause during negotiations.

Mixing of home and work life is absolutely deplorable.

At Google we have to get permission. It's usually pretty easy though.

hobbies and interests are bad, m'kay?

I have no reason to believe that you actually worked at google, you dumb sperg,

nobody cares what you have to say here, either

>Everybody getting shit done all day

That's because I still do work there.


lol, deluded prima donna


Google encourages people to work on their own projects by default. You're a fucking 18 year old idiot pretending you work at Google to get attention. Fuck off.

im not even that guy but who the fuck peed in your wheaties this morning


OP is right. Serious, high-skill STEM jobs are full of people without severe mental illness. Autism may guarantee you an above average chance of having an above average IQ score, but all around, you're an idiot. Human creativity does not exist in a void, and a regular well rounded human being has a creative advantage over an aspie because they naturally seek out and retain wider variety of information - USEFUL, primary information, while aspies are normally obsessed with a narrow subset of meta crap created by other humans andor aspies. The closest to aspie high level STEM professionals get is being a little weird about computer user interfaces and programming conventions, but that's like a successful automotive engineer having a strong opinion on dog leg shift patterns.

Autism is a form of mental retardation.

>meanwhile in the dev monkey section

Intel and Microsoft were the same.

I have a buddy who ended up working for Lincoln Labs and they were ultra strict, down the asking you to not use social media to discuss anything engineering or work related (but then again, there's some DoD classified shit ithere).

When I worked at Optum contractors would complain during their first week about how we used IntelliJ instead of Eclipse but after that first week they stopped caring and just did their job.

>I am a soulless corporate bitch.

Uhhh hardly anyone ever does really. The whole 20% thing is silly. I also wasn't even looking for attention. I was just answering someone's question.

is this you?

he's a short, ugly lower class pleb with zero quals that has to take the first job he can get calling you a rich and handsome man who has the liberty to choose

Better than being a soulful NEET.


Have you been to thier ops sections? That is were the people you speak of live. Also they run all of your servers that you code farm on.

what do you need to work on a company like that, knowledge-wise? do i need to specialize in something? i think i'm an okay programmer all-around. i think i could do a lot of good in a small company, which is what i'm doing right now. but i don't know much about software engineering and i'm not an specialist on anything. i'm trying to become good with numerical methods and statistics though, but it's going to be a while until i become an expert at it, if i ever do

NEETs have more time to enjoy their life, this is a fact.

Fuck off moot

No, I don't buy into pop sci "sexy people r smrt" trash.

The correlations range from slight to insignificant and it really doesn't matter unless you're a literal midget with a face that looks like it's melting off. Don't even bother, you'd make better judgements if you guessed who liked the occasional dildo and who didn't based off digit ratios.

Yeah but they don't actually enjoy it because being broke and directionless isn't actually all that fun.

You're a wageslave tho.

you'll never understand their love for anime and tiling WMs user

quit while you're ahead

better than toiling away under fucking oracle doing god knows what

>getting fired from multiple corporations

What a retard

I'm not OP, but usually a lot of programmers don't know if they're just starting out. Or you learn on the job if you're entry. Obviously specialization is always a good thing.

>t. toiling away under hiroshima making shitposts

So, are you saying that, by having Aspergers, my life has been pretty much doomed to begin with?

I work at the NSA in the Special Source Operations division

and 90% my colleagues have riced out anime desktops

Is Sup Forums retarded? A SHITLOAD of people work at Google, apple, IBM, Intel. I'm sure there's a significant amount of them that browse Sup Forums so there's no real reason for someone to lie about it. It's really nothing remarkable. Further than that, these types of clauses are the norm. If you want to go pro se go ahead. But you won't be getting a professional job. These terms are non negotiable and conditional of employment. They also often allow outside projects with permission.

Yea, OP here. I think the majority of skills which make me marketable today are things which cannot be learned in school, or from any online source. A lot of what you will learn at major "apex" tech companies will be confidential / proprietary ecosystems (like for me, a lot of hardware internals).

I think what the majority of big companies today are looking for in an entry level candidate is the same sort of stuff top universities look for in an applicant, except at the college instead of highschool level. I.e good grades, lots of extra-currics, outside projects, something novel you did, internships, an interesting story, etc, and for you to be a "good interviewee" (i.e. free of obvious personality defect / mental illness). So, the sort of stuff wasting your time on Sup Forums wont help with (in fact is probably a detriment to...)

where do you think you are

>field is full of norps because they exclude non-norps on purpose, not because they can't do the job

oh okay

day of the rope etc etc

>>Everybody enduring worthless administrative paperwork and soul-destroying technical minutiae all day everyday so you can waste your life arguing about it on Sup Forums.


I think having that good looking "University CV" type resume is really what gets you past the HR front desk at these "big 50" tech companies. Being pro in obscure language and style X and having written an interpreter for it in brainfuck in it is super cool if you're applying to a place that has like, 15 employees and the person who is reading your resume is the guy who founded the company, but it's pretty worthless (in fact a bit of a turn-off) if you're trying to get on at say, Intel. Even when dealing with a product dev recruiter (who often has an engineering background), they're much more interested in like, that research conference you got flown to in another country to present at or that academic award you won. Because that stuff is more quantifiable, you can fact-check that, and it shows prior success working within *organizations* and with other people, not just nuttin' off on your own.

I know this isn't the shit disgruntled aspie NEETs want to hear, but if you can't function and be happy within a society, you're always going to be fucked.

If you do something for your job, generally you don't want to have it as a hobby.

>wanting to be in society
By definition, only a fascist could want that.

shit like this is why programmers need a union or guild

companies can just fire devs who threaten to unionize

If devs unionize and become lazy and expensive just like other unions, companies will have even more reason to hire pajeets.

This isn't exclusive to programming.
My professor worked at National Semiconductor as an EE and they made him sign the same kind of thing. They let him mess around in the labs though whenever it was slow. He ended up patenting some egg incubator thing, for his own hobbies. It's not always a bad thing.

AAA game dev in SoCal here, everyone uses Visual Studio on Win7 and doesn't give a fuck. One guy has a bunch of plugins to make VS look like Sublime and everyone relentlessly ribs him about it.

that's always the case when labor organizes

the union can push for tariffs on outsourced IT services

natsemi was a special company. others would have sued him for the patent

pretty sure thats illegal/void in europoorland

While games are fun, and gaming is a valid use for a computer, Windows simply almost isn't used for science or math.

>get handed the best tool there is
>complain you want a slow, buggy, dumb and useless mockery instead

FWIW, I'm OP, and this is the first time I've posted to Sup Forums in about 4 years. Just thought I'd let you know what a bunch of broken fucktards you seem like, now having seen and experienced and been involved with the primary production of a lot of the crap you are only consumers and spectators of.

>gaming is a valid use for a computer

>completely disregarding Deep Blue and AlphaGo

I don't know what your statement has to do with this thread, it's difficult to imagine that MSFT and ORCL aren't using Windows in "core product" R&D. When I worked at AMD, lab workstations were evenly split between Win2k and Solaris depending on the equipment they were hooked up to.

Conversely, it seems like the only thing you've found in your ivory tower is miserable antagonism and a perverse need to descend back to the unwashed masses. I suspect that for all your alleged successes, you're still the outsider and that's why you're here tonight.

I said science and math, not engineering.
Are those companies doing anything unrelated to selling widgets? No.

so there is no hope?



Not necessarily. Maybe not at entry level, but get quantifiable experience at a smaller, edgier, company that does care about your brianfuck interpreter and then use that to apply to a bigger company (or get acquired).

Correct. They don't want you using shit you learn working for them to make a competing product, basically. If you are already working on something before you get hired, you have to declare it in your contract beforeyou are hired.

those aren't mountains

Is that why some of these top new grads that land some of these R&D jobs, quit after a few years to join startups, saying there's no 'product development'?

>people intentionally choose to become wageslaves
How can people be so shallow and careless?

that would take years

He's right, technically Google owns the copyright to things you write while employed with them, or at least could contest the copyright. If you don't want to publish the personal code while you still work for them, no one will care / catch you. It is impossible to enforce.

There are three processes for releasing your code outside Google.

One is IARC (Invention Assignment and Review Committee). This is a process for you to request that Google formally disclaim ownership of an idea. For you to get something through IARC, it needs to not compete with Google, and it needs to not be based on internal / confidential systems. Ie, IARC won't approve a video hosting site since it competes with YouTube, and they wouldn't approve a database project that's a straight up copy of some novel propriety database Google uses internally.

Second is Google OSS. With this, Google will own the copyright to your idea, but will release it with a permissive open source license (Apache iirc?), with a Google CLA. That means Google is free to do whatever they want with the code, since they own the copyright, but after you leave you can still fork the project like any permissive open source licensed project and accept contributions without the CLA. This is how the stuff on the Google GitHub org is released.

The final way is approval to contribute to a third party open source project (something Google doesn't own the copyright for). They can either approve patch-by-patch, or give you blanket approval for contributions to a specific project. They won't approve contributions to projects licensed with risky licenses, like AGPL. Other than that, getting approval is easy.

>Ubuntu / Fedora
more like you worked as a secretary or janitor

>working for a big tech company in the us

Probably not Ubuntu proper. Many companies use an Ubuntu derivative specialized for their purposes, though.

>Nobody has outside projects (in fact, outside projects generally disallowed)
It's shit like this that makes me glad that I use the GPL3.

>OP works in core product research and development in more than 5 big companies
>condescendingly looks down on Sup Forums cause he's so better than all of us here.
>can't install anything that does not have a "next" button to click on.

I so trust you OP, thank you so much for taking time to describe your helpful advice :^)

I would never work at a place were gentoo or arch isn't the norm.

I've got good news for you, then. You'll never with at a place.

>worked at IBM, INTC, MSFT, ORCL, CSCO
>everyone is a fucking normie
>outside projects generally disallowed
yikes nigga enjoy your mid life crisis for working at such garbage cubiclecuck companies holy shit I would kill myself if I was you, not even memeing, your life sounds terrible.


I mean, I get that Sup Forums is Autism Central, but these are some shitty companies.

Post proof faggot or your story has a much validity as a post on /x/

No way that someone can work at multiple companies in R&D without being old as fuck or incompetent

>all companies with little to no room for advancement
>OP is proud of working at these companies

Why is working at multiple companies for R&D hard to believe? Tech companies poach employees off each other all the time. The fastest way to get a salary bump is to switch to a competitor.

would be illegal in my country and I think in most of EU countries

you can't reserve rights to an intellectual property that doesn't exist yet

>he believes random faggots trying to brag about their lives through greentext on Sup Forums
the disclaimer on Sup Forums applies to the whole website, you know.

I'll believe it when I see some badges or official swag with timestamps.

Sure, I'm not saying it is true. Chances are it is at least partially a lie. I'm responding to
>No way that someone can work at multiple companies in R&D without being old as fuck or incompetent

Let me tldr what you write:
>Nobody cares what are they doing only asperg, who in the end do nothing.

Nice b8 tho.

Implying enthusiasts (OP call them "aspies") don't have any value, especially in R&D area for these companies. How can they advance with only salaryman on board? They should work somewhere else if they don't like technology. It's have nothing to do with autism.

It isn't even bragging. Dude is talking about how he held multiple relatively low paying white collar jobs. I don't see an issue with this

You're telling me this guy does R&D for intel, a semiconductor company, Microsoft, a software company and Cisco, a networking hardware/software company?

And he's working as a researcher at all of those companies and he's not just a coffee-fetching intern?

Yeah okay bud. What was your PhD on OP?

There's functioning in society and then there's wanting to

Hitler was an introvert. because of HR departments, the only way he could ever succeed was by rising to power and killing all the jews.

See what your bullshit brings about?

What's so incredible in working in Google?
Google has thousands of people all across the globe, I live next to a Google building in my city, there are lots of young people (pretty much all of them are young to be honest famlad) and even students working there.

>technically Google owns the copyright to things you write while employed with them

I don't think this would last before court. You can't tell people what to do in their free time.

I guess you could forbid any products for "commercial use". But if you make an open source tool? I'd really like to see them enforcing that..

On a sidenote: Why are big companies always such asshats?

You get access to an immense amount of design and architecture documents for tons of different internal projects.

You get to learn how things work at scale, from there company with "big data" bigger than potentially any other company on Earth. Exabytes, petabits per second, terabytes of RAM, millions of computers, etc etc.

I realize you meant that rhetorically now. Being employed at Google isn't "rare", you're right. They hire a ton of people. They're also pretty selective, though.

cool, how did you get into the industry?
i've been a regular software dev for a few years now but im thinking about making the switch

I currently work at IBM, and I know that any ideas you come up with or software you develop USING IBM's resources is considered their intellectual property. You're all g to develop things in your own time, as long as you can prove you didn't come up with the idea using their resources.

Oh, and I'd say about 40% of people use Windows, 30% use Linux, and 30% are Apple users (mostly because IBM let's people choose between a Macbook or a Lenovo).

All those documents are worth absolutely nothing if you're not allowed to share or "leak" them.