And why?
In terms of usability (Not desig), would you rather use Linux Mint or Elementary OS?
horrible options.
I guess mint is the lesser of two evils
What makes any of them evil, user?
I'd rather use a good distro like Fedora, OpenSUSE, or Gentoo.
Neither. *buntu/Debian is the way to go matey..
But between the two, I'd say Mint. Elementary OS has a long way to go.
>what is a distribution
>what is a desktop environment
Irrelevant when it comes to overall comparisons
Why isn't Arch on that list?
I second that.
Mad archbabby.
Because the logo is shit.
Mint. The utilities are way more sane, the software store is godlike and most of what you need and then some is prepacked. Mint's installer in 17 doesnt pick up on Windows UEFI though, so you'll have to read on how to set the installer to dualboot with it if you want to. (Spoonfeed: install to a new partition but install the bootloader to the efi partition)
lol one time I tried to install pantheon on arch. Did not go well. Not well at all
I'd do Ubuntu, but not on that list, I'd rather Xubuntu.
Ubuntu because strength in numbers (I know that's a bad argument), and definitely not Mint because with the whole security compromise thing I can't help but feel wary.
Dash a shit and I don't even know why elementary exists
Between those two, Mint by a mile. Elementary is pretty bad, and worse if you have multiple monitors.
I use arch, it's not exactly user friendly.
Op you should use mint. It's not as locked down as elementary is.
Linux mint has a comunity shit.
I been perma banned from irc for be rookie
You sure you weren't banned for being incomprehensible?
they're all debian with extra shit strapped on user
if i had to set up linux for a computer-illiterate family member i think i'd go with mint if they were a windows user or elementary if they were a mac user
unstable, outdated shit
both of them
but mint has a bigger userbase and it's slightly less outdated
both are shit with old as shit, outdated packages.
Just use ubuntu and be happy
Mint is automatically disqualified until the devs start taking security more seriously.
Is Mint security really that much to worry about? Torn between Xubuntu 16.04 (buggy) and Mint ("insecure")...
Go for ubuntu it works like a charm
They fucked up badly recently and no one wants to let them live it down
additionally i'm told they delay things from debian/ubuntu because not breaking compatibility is such a high priority
I'm still pretty bias as i'm typing this from my mint box.
>Is Mint security really that much to worry about?
Lots of folks like Mint. I would suggest doing some research on the topic if you want to use it. I would start here:
I had an easier time working with Mint.
>no one wants to let them live it down
The feeling I get from this board and other forums on the Internet is that Mint users don't really care.
Mint. Version 18 comes out this month.
Its true I dont, I didn't download from the site that day, 80% of the time I am just on Sup Forums, the other 20% is some mix of school, youtube, and misc. which I dont even sign into youtube or misc.
I might aswell be running live because nothing is on here besides the OS itself. So for my situation security isn't a big deal
Thank you all.
I've never really liked the Unity desktop
environment in Ubuntu.
So i think i'll try Ubuntu Mate.
It's an unfortunate issue but if you torrent and check your ISOs you should be fine. Mint holding certain packages prevents breakage that sometimes comes when Canonical mass ships new packages. You can turn that off entirely and receive the upstream however.
Muh dick
>gentoo is user friendly
install gentoo
They're both dogshit. I'd choose gentoo anyway, but if I were retarded, I'd at least choose something that doesn't use ubuntu's absolutely craptastic installer.
Xubuntu is buggy as fuck. Go to Ubuntu mate its the only Ubuntu flavor that's actually good
Regarding usability i think cinnamon is much more complete, also for me the design part regarding the defaults is not very important because i knows there's a lot of artwork on the internet for customizing most desktop environments.
dpkg is a horrible package manager when compared to the alternatives. Even shitty meme pacman is better, but just barely.
It was a breach on the wordpress site, it's not like people don't care but mint guys has been nice with their community and being honest i'm much more willing to forgive an honest mistake than something pushed on the users on purpose (see windows 10 for example). Also it's definitely not that linux mint maintainers don't care about security:
While the breach was a very bad thing claiming that the linux mint team doesn't cares about security is at best unfair.
This, although I'd take XFCE or KDE over either.
Standard Ubuntu is excellent and better than those two options
What happened, user
I'm guessing he had problems with Gala (Pantheon's window manager), as well as a few already known issues (some of them have work arounds).
Ubuntu Gnome
Mint obviously. I'm currently running 18 with Linux 4.6.2 and nvidia 367.18.
The compositing is finally smooth, but it's even worse in some scenarios (chrome playing youtube video + dual monitor)
because arch is a meme
and not in the way wewlad is a meme but in the way mechanical keyboards and cs degrees are a meme
>it's definitely not that linux mint maintainers don't care about security
>claiming that the linux mint team doesn't cares about security is at best unfair.
>I do not think that the Mint developers deliver professional work. Their distribution is more a crude hack of existing Debian-based distributions. They make fundamental mistakes and put their users at risk, both in the sense of data security as well as licensing issues.
Who do I believe? The linux mint article really didn't refute any of the points the debian dev made. But it did state the comments made by the debian dev were not constructive.
>I would therefore highly discourage anyone using Linux Mint until Mint developers have changed their fundamental philosophy and resolved these issues
Is this the advise we should give people who want to use Mint? Or is the post by the Debian dev just mean spirited hyperbole?
Ubuntu mate
what would be better alternative for mint?
>what would be better alternative for mint?
Create some Livedvds ro liveusbs and try some distros yourself.
In my opinion, asking other people to select a distro for you is ridiculous. Everyone has their own tastes. Outside of security issues (real or perceived) the main differences between major distros is cosmetic. Get yourself some liveusbs and try out some distros without installing them.
Good luck.