Hello Sup Forums , remember 1 year ago making a thread aboPC parts at work?. It's been 1 year since i stole that i7 3770 from my dumb coworker and replaced it with a shitty i5. The stupid bitch is so tech illiterate she never noticed a thing . Nobody ever checks our computers so i can safely say i got away with it , dusted fingerprints just in case and it wasn't even my PC. Why are women so tech illiterate?
Thief of the century
Other urls found in this thread:
Give it back Shaquille.
This is troll right? If not you are most likely not very successful with women, so to make yourself feel superior you try to put them down. Most men wouldn't notice if you swapped their processor at work.
damn it Daquan, that shits not cool
lucky your parole officer hasn't found out about it
yo tyrone give it back, pahaha just kidding hook a brutha up mah nigga
Return it you filthy jigaboo
It would probably take me a while to notice frankly. I think this is the case for most people that don't shitpost speccy screenshots on Sup Forums all day. Either way, you are less than useful as a human being OP and are a terrible person. I hope a thousand flies feast on your genitals and I wish shame on you and your ancestors. May a plague of locusts fester in your son's sewed seed and further generations for all eternity. May you all become infertile after the first born child. And may the first born always be male
Genius. Good steal OP.
More would though.
>he doesn't benchmark his cpu every hour
nope , made same thread 1 year ago when i was nervous thinking i would get jailed
> If not you are most likely not very successful with women
Sadly that is true
Give it back Shonte
Yes, that is most likely true. Only someone who was truly insecure would try to use that anecdote to say that women are tech illiterate though.
>Sadly that is true
It is okay user. You will always be able to "wow" them with your technological processor wizardry.
Sadly for you i am not a nigger , i'm romanian
>inb4 gypo jokes
>Being a slavic nigger
Its literally no better.
Explains everything
No this is real I remember him and this thread.
Glad you're doing good jamal.
At least i'm white. But i can tell you sometimes whe eastern europeans behave like niggers. At least you can stay away from a nigger but we are like niggers in disguise
I remember that thread. What did you do for thermal paste?
Bought a good termal paste for me and a really cheap one for my coworker's PC. At first i was tempted to steal the cpu cooling as well but it was too big and someone might notice the lack of a distinct sound it was making.
Neither gypsies nor Romanians are Slavic, you uninformed man.
Slavish Arab mix then, or mutt.
>mum gets ripped off buying a new computer
>swap GPU, hard drive and some ram
Feels gud
You disgust me you filthy gypsie. Te bag in pizda ma-tii.
the joke tells itself
I always wonder why thiefs are so stupid.
when you steal something you want to make sure it's worth something. do you understand that? DO YOU? nvm.
congrats on saving 100$ though. well done.
>hire romanian
>know he'll steal some small stuff
>pay him few cent/h less than the others
I mean, as long as it makes the lil' fella happy, I'm fine with it. he's a good boy. who's a good boy? YOUUUU're a good boy.
hehe, you people are dogs to me.
si eu pe ma-ta
Are you stupid?...100$ is 50% of my salary here...and i have a college degree too , imagine how shit it is to not have that.
>100$ is 50% of my salary here
This isn't a YLYL thread you filthy gyp.
Oh hey user, I remember you.
You're romanian, right?
Not "Argentina white" you dumb fuck
Nice job.
>all this effort for hyperthreading
you better be doing lots of encoding or streaming or something to have made all of this worthwhile
if you said i3 then I'd actually feel a little bad for the co-worker. chances are even an i3 would be overpowered for whatever she's doing at work if she doesn't even notice the dif between an i5 and an i7
Slavic is a language group for fucks sake.
Yeah I do remember, only eastern europeans do shit like that. We live in a harsh environment and we do what we must to survive
Cuck detected
>you better be doing lots of encoding or streaming or something to have made all of this worthwhile
I just play games with the ocasional conversion of mlp episodes for lower storage
>mlp episodes
>admitting this outside /mlp/
>jealous gypsy shitskin stealing from others
Wow I'm so surprised
You should be thrown out of the EU
Fuckin Macedonia would be a better addition than you (not much better though)