The performance we are seeing here is pretty insane for a $199 card although actual AIB pricing will be slightly above...

>The performance we are seeing here is pretty insane for a $199 card although actual AIB pricing will be slightly above this mark in all probability. You are looking at performance levels of the Radeon R9 390 at almost 40% discounted off the starting MSRP and nearly twice the power efficiency.


Other urls found in this thread:


If this is also reflected on games and emulators' performance, I'm getting one in a couple of months.

This makes me moist.

I only wish the a4-sfx was cheap so I could build a qt bang/buck itx rig.

The a4-sfx is far from the only itx case out there. Personally I think this looks better.

delete this



>not buying a $500 mini-ITX case

autism, the case

ayy lmao

Nah, that would be pic related

TFW this is just a teaser for the absolute holocaust ZEN will bring to Intel.

i stand corrected


Actually this might be a contender. Though it is pretty fucking rad.

That is cool af. My uncle would probably love that.


AMD is going to sell a sh** load of these and all the trolling and horrible memes in the world isn't going to stop that.
Like it or not.

Its always hard to watch the fall of an empire.

You have singlehandedly cucked Nvidia, Pajeet. Good game, sir. Good fucking game.

Nigga I'm getting like 20 of these cards and selling them on ebay when they sell out. I'm about to be rich.

1070 received 147xx for $180 more. Pretty insane.

I don't have a side, I'm not on Nvidia or AMD. Why the fuck is everyone praising this card again? AMD has lied numerous times in the past about processors yields, TDPs, performance in general to save their ass. You guys realize this is going to be in between a 390x and a 980 right? This isn't going to be 980ti levels. You guys get pissed at Nvidiots for when they believe the marketing but you retards are doing exactly that.

Confirmed for $200/250. It's a big deal.

>3D Mark

Too many kiddies here on this page

Are you retarded?

It's $200, matching the 980 would make it absolutely incredible.

step up senpai

You are biased as fuck senpai

Then get me a 980 for $200.

Even if they lie massively and price it 30+% more at $300, it would be a bargain compared to the 1070.(which received the same 3dmark score)

But can it run X11?

>designates Nvidia to be shit upon

Well played.

It can run games besides ashes of the singularity in benchmark mode right?

That's about 500 points more than what I'm getting with my overclocked GTX 780 with a lot better efficiency. I want AMD to succeed and release a killer top of the line model too.

This remember the 970 was so big because of the price. People still bought that shit after 3.5 was long confirmed. Hell reviewers were like well ya that memory thing is shit but look at this power/price and still recommended it. Hell even Logan "AMD Shill" from tek syndicate said the same thing.

The price thing is going to bring AMD back into the game.

Nvidia is trying to condition the market to pay for shit like the founders edition and this is going to dump on them.

just to add a little bit of salt to the wound

Not having a competitor besides AMD is ruining the market in NVIDIA's favor

The best part is, imagine if they decided fuck it

They could literally make a 480 X2 and sell it for $550 to fuck the 1080 over

B-but the benchmarks..


>it takes several years for AMD to fix their drivers
How is this supposed to trigger me?

>4K gaming PC
>Gaming PC
>Gaming laptop

Damn, that's a solid fucking benchmark.

Why is everyone blowing their load over the rx480 when it's obvious that Nvidia will cuck AMD with their 1060?

it shows that nvidia handicap their own gpus through driver updates.

Because most of these people are new and don't remember what happened with the 390x. Good 3d mark scores, decent in game performance. All AMD cards are amazing on paper but function terribly in games.

but that's nvidia meddling with devs

Because nobody with half a brain would view it otherwise? No matter how idiotic the 3.5 GB usable memory vs 4 GB advertised is/was, the GTX 970 was and still is a very good card for the money. Having expectations based on marketing as a consumer is dumb and bound to make you disappointed time and time again.

It's 3DMark. Check the (graphics) score and compare it to similar cards. But everyone jumping the gun should just wait for proper benchmarks by multiple different sites.

Yeah no.

Because it's obvious nvidia won't do anything of the sort.
They can't outpower the 480 because then they'll be fucking the 1070 over and they won't be able to match the $200.

It also won't be out until the 480 has already sold out 3-4 times.

Sure it is

No, it shows that Nvidia cards don't have much performance to gain through driver updates because they're as optimized as they can be pretty soon after launch. AMD takes several years to get their drivers right. If Nvidia was deliberately gimping their own cards, it would be super easy to counteract because you can just install an old version of the drivers, and Nvidia would lose a ton of customers.

But I don't know why I both. AMD customers are a bunch of anti-Semites who think Nvidia is run by Jews when their CEO is Asian and that everything is a conspiracy.

the 1070 has titan-x tier performance for $400

you can't expect people to believe the rx480 will match that. It's going to match a 290x/390/980 which is still respectable for the price point. But it's not gonna touch the 1070.

i see. you are not acquaintance with jewish business practices

I prefer my Silverstone SG13B-Q

>i see.
You have to be 18 or older to post here user, stay on funnyjunk

>49 replies
>27 poosters

Nvidiots on pooicide watch

Nobody ever said it would.

It also doesn't need to, nobody will buy a 1070 because the 480 does 1440p@60 perfectly and the 1080 / Vega is a better choice for 4K/VR.

Nvidia fucked up with their price points.

Except if you're not a moron you'll realize they're not reducing performance, merely not bothering to improve it.

AMD are still making gains on their GCN 1.0 cards, meanwhile nvidia aren't improving maxwell anymore.

Yes. Because it takes AMD several years to fix their drivers, Nvidia doesn't take nearly that long. You can't indefinitely improve performance of cards through driver updates.

I still remember Nvidia fucking older graphics cards with new drivers just last year.

And yet their performance at launch was close enough to the nvidia competitor that it's not a 'fix'.

It's called improvement, and magically every company that isn't nvidia does it.

That's what I have too m8.big improvement over the sugo05 I had before

There's one graphics card company that isn't Nvidia (unless you count Intel's graphics...). AMD failing to optimize their drivers at launch is not a conspiracy by Nvidia.

Except for every other form of hardware outside of graphics cards also having the same thing happen.

Everytime someone is asked to prove the gimping meme, they always fall back on "Nvidia just ends support for their cards earlier". That's not gimping. Neither is imperfect updates that causes problems which get patched to fix them. Like half of the examples that get brought up to prove the gimping meme were patched ffs.

Really? I can improve the power efficiency of a hair dryer with a driver update?

>no drivers
>awful opengl performance
>proprietary microblobs in open-source drivers

Nice try pajeet, but Nvidia is still a better choice if you use an operating system that isnt malware.

>not "Apoologize"

one job, you faggot

Stop trying to convince yourself that you're white, Raja.

The RX 480 is just a R9 390 with the same speed and half the power consumption. It will be the best buy in its priceclass but nothing to get overly hyped for.

>awful opengl performance

>no drivers
Stale as fuck meme. Never had an issue with drivers and been using ATi/AMD since 2006.

>awful opengl performance
True but basically irrelevant in 2016. Not really an excuse for AMD there other than that they have never been believers in OpenGL.

>proprietary microblobs in open-source drivers
Literally who-gives-a-shit-tier.

Consider ending yourself, lincuck.

>no link, no source
Sounds legit

>You are looking at performance levels of the Radeon R9 390
So literally all it has going for it is that its cheap

>consume twice less power
>support H265 encoding 4K60FPS
>etc, etc, etc

>already at 390 levels of performance
>want to upgrade because its lacking for 1440p
>"Here have a cheap card at 390 performance level"

Nvidia it is

>you are looking at performance levels of the Radeon R9 390 at almost 40% discounted off the starting MSRP and nearly twice the power efficiency.

So exactly what the 1070 does to the 980ti but at a lower performance level and price point, not bad but I'm not interested, I already have that kind of graphical horsepower

I have iGPU and i dont want to pay more than 250$ for a video card. RX 480 is perfect for me.

Nice blog

Please like and subscribe.

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>being poor in this day and age
Doesn't it nag somewhere in the back of your head >why couldn't i afford the best
Do you have this kind of feeling in every aspect of your life?

LMAO. New RX 480 has performance of a 2 years old 980. Top kek.

correction, a 2 year old 970

at a lower power draw, with ACTUAL dx12 support, and with higher performance potential and less than half as cheap...

I really love how nvidiots just decide that if something is beaten by another card that it's completely worthless, regardless of price, performance, featureset, or potential.

So this is the power of... 1070


look up the heaven benchmark, one of nvidias drivers made that run far worse on the 700 series then it did before, it took a month to fix, but due to the shit storm largely being on nvidia's site, it was scrubbed, the few tech sites that reported it chocked it up to "not on purpose and its fixed now so nothing to see here"

>at a lower power draw
Holy shit I'm sidegrading to that shit right away


More like Customers meant to be played

>There are people in this thread who will actually fall for the AMD meme
>There are new people visiting this thread who will get tricked into le ebin crossfire meme
Top keks, well played sneaky Nvidia bros. Keep tricking retards into buying AMD, Nvidia needs some form of 'competition' after all.

in dx12, depending on how close the 480 is to the 1070, i could see it matching or beating it.

but everything we have to go on is all speculation till someone reputable breaks embargo.

I save my money apposed to paying out the ass for things I don't need.

that way when shit hits the fan, im not 100% fucked like most of my family and friends are.

For the less conspiracy minded, drivers are coded by imperfect human beings and it looks like Nvidia responded to community feedback and fixed a mistake.

>this still doesn't sell anything because everyone and their mother bought a 970 last year and is set for another 2-5 years

My wife's son would love that.

23.7% faster than R9 290X. Amazing.

>nvidia card
>2-5 years

It's just sour grapes. Everybody railing on the RX 480 for being "just" around 980-tier is salty that their "high end" GPU is now basically on par with an AMDpoorfag $199 special.

For people grounded in reality the RX 480 looks like an amazing deal.


Its actually makes it faster than GTX 980.