Speccy thread

speccy thread

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2500K masterrace

Laptops are truly a joy to use in summer, boiling my blood trough my wrists.

is this bad



Shit those temps scare me.
Buy a usb laptop cooler then.

AMD apu's are notorious for not reading the correct temp in speccy

>Asus laptops

My new ThinkPad P50

Sad specs, no money to build a pc right now.

It's not a bad laptop performance-wise, just gets hot during hot weather.


No problem in my basement bedroom



What? It's a Speccy.


Come at me b0is

are these temps normal?

the 980 likes to idle at 60 without a custom fan curve.


Noctua is not a meme

Shitty specs except the storage.

Specs aren't that good but pretty alright for me.
also what the fuck cpu



You folks without ssd's amaze me.

144hz master race

>Master race

Pick one

Finished this 2 weeks ago, should have waited for next gen cards but I was ignorant of them at the time.

Your graphics card should be able to handle that peasant resolution fine

Peanus Weenus

>tfw fell for the Skymeme meme
>tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
>tfw fell for the SSD meme

Tfw feel for the being alive meme

New laptop

my craptop in charge of not being on fire while doing basic shit

Always thought about going for 4.8Ghz or 4.9Ghz but can't be bothered.

1080p 144hz or 1440p 60hz?

I'm thinking about getting a 1070 but I would have to upgrade the monitor to make any real use out of it

Did u overclox uraudio


Explain your gpu

I bought 4 months ago and my most intense game right now is counter strike and occasionally Total Warhammer.

The 960 is just a holdover for a next gen card probably by the end of summer (not buying a shitty founders edition)


>tfw need a graphics card that will fit in my tiny ass computer

Budget: asus r7 240
Habmoneis: msi 750ti

Assuming this isn't a b8 picture, that cpu would bottleneck pretty much any modern gpu

not bait, just poor

Gotta Have them Cores

rip poor user :*(

I think I am upgrading to a 6800k and a 1080. Would it be worth?

Damn, that hitachi is dangerously cold. Fucking 14C?


RAMlet detected.

Every day until new computer

you'll gain performance sure, but not $1000 more worth of performance

then again, I'm sure price doesn't matter if you're even considering it

if I were you, get 1080 first then 6800k. more of a benefit that way

i dont even care anymore

memer coming through

>290 flashed to 390, 1150 Core, 1500 Memory
>2500k @ 4.4GHz

Is your monitor possessed or something?

You need 16 GB RAM to be a true memer.



Sup Forums 1070 or 480?

Why is there no version of Speccy for Linux?


Not feeling like creating a thread, how bad did I fuck up Sup Forums?

Have a 120 GB SSD laying around and roommates forced me to get a OD, we don't have Ethernet, getting win 10 from kinguin and dualbooting ubuntu

>Inb4 gaymen peripherals

A friend bought them

>not overclocking audio

Forgot pic

who /icecold/ here?


I failed, didn't I?

CPU and GPU colder than chipset? How?

Am I okay? Would I benefit from upgrading to an i7-6700k with 16gb of ram?

bretty gud/10

and make your own choices senpai

Just put this build together last night. Replacing a 7 year old q9400 build that was on its last legs with only 4 gigs of ram (the other 4 died a few months ago).

Feels good, man.

Waiting to see what's the deal with the 480x before upgrading the vidya.

amd cant in2 sensors

who /dualssd/ here?

nvidia rules

What the fuck is wrong with your CPU temps?!?!

>nevermind, it's an AMD

Dude,... how about you turn on your GPU fans?

Why would I RAID SSDs when a PCI SSD is faster?


it's turned on mate
there's just not a lot of space for air to come out

Why did you buy this in the first place?

came with the workstation
exchanged two core 2 duo optiplexes for this, it's crunching all the time now.

mobile edition

>3x msi 390
how did you even fit them inside?


my desktop.

all these i7's for gaming


>for gaming
that's your assumption, this is Sup Forums, I know for a fact some of these builds are for rendering, encoding, number crunching, etc.

Though it is summer as fuck so I am sure a good number are for gaymen and they're just idiots wasting money.

i5 stutters like a mug at anything bigger than 2560x1440 in newer games.



>rendering, encoding, number crunching
No most, if not all ITT is for gaymen with their gaymen GPUs.

Well I know for a fact my own 5820k posted earlier in the thread isn't for gaming primarily

I have ~18TB of HDDs and a GTX 960 GPU. Obviously not a gaming rig.

>Not point out Windows 10

If you render shit or unpack shit constantly then sure

My PSU fan spins really slow and I can smell that burning plastic scent

>2500k is proven time and time again to be all you need for today's games if you have a decent GPU
>still going strong FIVE YEARS LATER
>somehow, by some next level mental gymnastics...people...still buy i7


Nice, are you architect or engineer?
And I'm still using a 4 year old dell precision desktop.

What do you need that RAM for?
