Hillary Clinton and Google

Google is washing search results for Hillary Clinton's criminal activity.

Other urls found in this thread:


We're aware. There isn't anything we can do. Go on with your life and stop sperging.

they are a private enterprise. they can do whatever the fuck they want.

i chose not to use google. if you don't like their services, don't use them.


No-one's really surprised.
Told you this was going to happen in 2010

Watch the video. It's more search suggestions than actual results, but still.

Trumpet, get the fuck out and go back to Sup Forums

what video

I posted this thread in Sup Forums, but everyone needs to know. I don't go on Sup Forums and I would have voted for Hillary previously to this.


>posts a fact
>G-GO BACK!!! GO BACK!!! :((((

>Censorship is fine as long as a private company is doing it and not the government
Lolbergs ladies and gentlemen. They'll accept corporate slavery and megacorporations as long as the government isn't doing it.

Not him but I agree. What makes you so special that you force a company to adhere to your viewpoints? They should be allowed to censor any and everything they want. Why? Because it's their company, not yours. You're free to start your own or support a company that does not perform censorship.

1. Stop using Google like most of Sup Forums already has

2. Hillary isn't responsible for this, Google is a company with their own liberal interests to maintain. They did similar things with Obama's search results in comparison to Romney.

3. Sometimes, what is in the best interests of a company may also be in your best interests. Don't assume that just because a company has motives, that you may not also benefit.

how fucking retarded are you?

Thing is, there is competition to Google. Use one of the other search engines like Bing or DDG of you don't believe tolerating Google's motives is worth using their services.

>youtube video source

fuck off shill

the world is always going to kind of suck. sorry.

I agree - Google is and should remain free to do what it wants.

I don't like it though, and there is plenty of reason to believe it will give Congress an excuse to exercise the power the FCC has unlawfully claimed to "regulate" the internet and political speech.

Started with the Dems, now the Republicans will take the next step, using this as an excuse, then the Dems...

I wish they'd all just fuck right off and leave all my internets alone.

>complaining about the google botnet
holy shit you guys have no idea.
over here in china all we have is baidu a company that even deletes reports of a medical companies product killing people instead of helping them because they paid baidu for it.
google tried to argue with the CCP that they dont want to manipulate results and got blown the fuck out of china because of it.
suck it up faggots.

>I wish they'd all just fuck right off and leave all my internets alone.
this, but are you as retarded as the grill that thought google was the internet and sue them when her naked pictures got leaked?

Google is a unique situation as its services are akin to that of an encyclopedia. If someone removed a part of the Encyclopedia Britannica because it conflicts with their world view you would be mad, but why does google get a free lass. Encyclopedias are corporate products too.

>right wings benefiting from censorship favoring libtards.
Stop posting you fat fucking cuck.



Why didn't you just Bing it?

You fools, Hillary is paying and/or forcing search engine giants to make finding her lies impossible. First Google, tomorrow ask? Bing? Yahoo? And then what? She might even force individual websites to stop posting her lies or be shut down. She might try to shutdown/pol/ because they know too much. This is a vast left wing conspiracy. Wake up you sheep.

OP here, the thing is fine Google can do what it wants, however, people should know what Google is doing. That's all. Discuss whatever you want.

I posted this because of a video that has released

watch the video. Nothing they say is not provable yourself.

The results are supposed to be ordered based on relevance so changing the ordering even a little bit is harmful because it provides a less than optimal experience.

nobody will give you views. post a webm, a mirror, or just right the fuck off

That wasn't OP, I am. I don't own that channel. That channel has 1,738,387 subscribers, it doesn't need shilling.

>Sup Forums because they know too much
>Sup Forums knowing anything at all

Sup Forums has swallowed the redpill and reject the lies the Jews feed them daily. Take the wool of your eyes and accept the redpill. Accept the redpill.

hopefully the red pill also sterilizes you stupid fucks. ha just kidding you guys are alright

i dont live in the us and can not wote in the us


What was that anti-botnet seatch engine everyone was talking about?

No, I don't conflate Google with the Internet.

The "net neutrality" bullshit was the foot in the door, though, and it is just a matter of time before our "leaders" find a good enough excuse to start promulgating regulations and issuing fines and locking people up.

God, we are so fucked. The two-party system is going to completely destroy this country. Take a good look around, Sup Forums, because you'll be telling some future generation about how you used to be able to speak freely about anything.

...but you'll probably be telling them on Reddit after the FCC closes this place down.

Is that you, Pajeet?

>They'll accept corporate slavery

But he doesn't:
>i chose not to use google

Hillary is about as left wing as Genghis Khan.


cuck #2

cuck #3

lolbertarian cuck #4

cuck #5

cuck #6

... fuck this thread, too many cucks in it.

Or maybe you can apolitically benefit as an individual, asshat. Unless your definition of being a Republican means you literally work for the Republican party.

Sup Forums is fucking retarded

makes you wonder why m00t the jew joined jewgle huh?

>Hillary Clinton's criminal activity

Back to using jewgle I guess...

Liberalism is all about censorship

Notice they have no problem with Google or Apple pushing liberal agendas, but they lynch mob any business or individual that pushes conservative agendas

It's okay for big business to censor people they don't like, but this would be spammed non stop if Trump tried to have them do this kind of thing

Sorry I forgot to post the video:

How the fucking hell am I going to benefit by having things that I don't want done done. Are you seriously doing the "We know better than you for you so we're going to do what we think you need which isn't what you want for your own good" argument? How in the fuck am I going to benefit from the candidate I DO NOT WANT ELECTED having an easier time being ELECTED because of censorship removing legitimate facts from the public view to artificially boost her credibility.

I asked for examples of criminal activity, not a video

I already know liberals are retarded, but I had some trust in loblertarians. But not anymore, most of them think a company like google is allowed to do this (muh free market will fix dis)

>search results for Hillary Clinton's criminal activity
The OP didn't say Hillary Clinton committed criminal actions, just that search results for this are being censored.

He literally implied that there was some.
>Google is washing search results for Hillary Clinton's criminal activity.

Well there are strong allegations with her email scandals.

yep, sure looks like censorship to me. f*cking epic discovery Sup Forums!

He's so full of bullshit.
>"We deeply hope that this is a mistake."
>"If it is proven that this has occurred, then Google is in the wrong."
>"There is no proof though."
>"Don't trust us. Do your own research! Arm yourself."
>"Look at the facts!"
He tries to make it look like he's trying to be unbiased with all these sayings. But he knows people aren't going to do research themselves, and will just trust what he says without second thought.

do you even know what 'liberal' means?
of course you don't
read a book, nigger

Modern usage of liberal refers to those that only care about identity politics and every issue is a victim/oppressor relationship

No one cares about classical definitions of liberal

The youtube channel is pretty liberal, man. And it caters to teenagers and manchildren. They consistently make fun of Donald Trump.

retard, he is on youtube which is owned by google.

I'm already thinking he will get less views from now on to his channels.

Yes that's true. They can do what they want but if they do one thing and deny they are doing it like Cuckerberg then that's bullshit.

Libertarianism is fine in theory, but the whole idea relies on you to reboot the entire system. You'd essentially need remove all forms of government and replace it all.

Just trying to apply libertarian ideals to a market that already suffers from government corruption and government created monopolies will only lead to corporatocracy

>don't even finish typing her name
>already brings up her scandals

>left wing

>gommunism is wonderful

We get it. You're European, and your left-wing is actual commies instead of pretend ones. Congratulations, no one cares.

I want Sup Forums to leave, they infest other boards with their retardedness

I want Sup Forums to stay in Sup Forums

It depends on where you work, what state you live in, your gender and nationality, and numerous other things.

For example if you were an oil well technician and a major American oil PAC donates to the campaign of a senator of a party you oppose. They do this out of their own interests, oil. You likely benefit from this even though it is not your party preference.

Just try to separate politics from your own personal interests if you want any personal gain.

>implying the companies aren't just acting out of their own best interests
>implying politicians are controlling companies and not the other way around

Yeah, google censorship to fulfil an agenda is not Sup Forums at all and Sup Forums is terrible, right go-, guys?

Fuck off back to plebbit.

>Crime and Indicement filtered unless fully typed in
>Hillary Clinton email is still a top result
Trend analytics don't apply to state unless you're able to, its default is set to country.

I care because you're misinforming the rest of the world with your meme understanding of politics, if Trump promises to close you off the rest of the Internet hell yeah I would be supporting him.

you have to go back,
go back to where you belong

Hi donald

Sup Forums you fucking edgelords, leave

not only europe you drooling burger eating shit



>you have to go back,
>go back to where you belong
I have always used Sup Forums and /prog/, and Sup Forums and /n/. Fuck off, you need to go back to your safe space. Most people on Sup Forums are right wing.


not going along with sjw != right wing
spamming this board with vaguely political Sup Forumsution isn't going to change that


And politics shouldn't be on a technology board

>assuming the internet is that easy to contain

>no source
and that's how you get your thread deleted
