So my wife was putting together her new computer and she put waaaay too much thermal grease on the processor and heat pipes, literally the entire tube of Arctic Silver. I have denatured alcohol to remove it but what is the best procedure to do so?
Thermal grease
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Rub it off. How is your wife that retarded?
Considering how stupid she is i bet she is hot as fuck
Use one of those water compressors, if it can remove the dirt of a car, I'm sure it will remove the grease
She had the impression (as I did for a long time) that more is better. Hey we all make mistakes.
those things are pretty small.
The size probably made her think they were a use once type of thing.
I mean it's supposed to be no longer conductive so there really should be no effect, but it's wasteful.
Exactly it's why I thought that for a long time myself.
Let your wife's son do it next time.
According to Arctic Silver when it's really thick it acts as an aggregate insulator instead of a conductor.
If you use this case you don't need thermal paste.
lol women in tech.
Why don`t you ask your wifes son?
90% rubbing alcohol should help....honestly though she may have destroyed the CPU. It can act as a conductor and short stuff out.
The best route is rubbing alcohol with as little water content as possible.
Denatured alcohol is not good for plastic if any of the grease reached something plastic. It is most likely ethyl alcohol, which is the alcohol that you drink, and in order to make it available to everyone without the restrictions of drinking alcohol, they add stuff to make it painful to drink like acetone. Go find some isopropyl alcohol to use instead.
>>>inb4 mayonnaise as thermal paste.
Just get your wife a fucking laptop, she's too stupid to maintain a desktop
It has not been turned on yet thankfully so I don't think anything will have shorted out. Besides that it's an i7 and only gotten on the metal plate on top and nowhere else.
Don't the intel coolers come with thermal paste already on them?
Using a Master Cool replacement one.
>Implying there are not dozens of threads on here every day that show that males are just as stupid on average.
>implying that you have never made a mistake that involves technology
I guess.. if you're fucking stupid
I accidentally bought a PATA CD/DVD drive on my first comp build
That's not as bad as me trying to put my cpu in the wrong way on my first build
I bought desktop RAM for a laptop when I was a teenager
I bought an AGP 8x card for an AGP 4x motherboard back in the day, with a shitty power supply. At least I could return it.
There's enough in one tube for at least half a dozen heatsinks.
>Considering how stupid she is i bet she is hot as fuck
She put a computer together. Confirmed very very ugly
>Besides that it's an i7 and only gotten on the metal plate on top and nowhere else.
so then leave it.
not googling how to thermal paste :(
sorry duckduckgoing :^)
This. Isopropyl is the way to go when cleaning CPUs and boards.
About paste application, some guys decided to put several application methods to the test(single dot, cross, surface spread,...) and the difference was minimal. Air bubbles had a minimal effect on temperatures:
(the pic i uploaded is what Cisco suggests for their blade servers, to maximize the covered surface while keeping air bubbles at minimum)
HP has you do a 5 dot spread, like the 5 side of a die.
You don't have to worry; too much of it WILL NOT affect your performance/heat.
The myth was busted.
pick one
also, arctic silver is shit tier, get ceramic based instead.
This thread has made me worry about did I put any thermal goo on my CPU when I recently put it into a WC loop.
But then I think about it again and figure I must've, there's no way I'd forget something so essential.
Either way, I can hit 4.7Ghz while only reaching 70c on a stress test w/8GB of RAM, so I suppose that I'm fine regardless.
Stop trying to spread this
Post tits with timestamp also never let her out of the kitchen again.
>only 70c
>pick one
I'll pick two, it's not conductive.
At 4.7Ghz while under stress test. Learn to read.
an i7 4790k only pulling 70c at that clock is decent.
>and heat pipes
u wot m8?
underside of the heatsink, you tech-virgin
I assumed you meant the heapipes on the SIDE, not on the cpu and the bottom part of the heatpipes that contacts the cpu
Jesus christ
no one is that retarded
I chose to belive some are that retarded, that way im always pleasantly surprised.