Deep Web

Oh the mighty Deep Web, I have long waited to get to know you, maybe Sup Forums could help me?

So here I am, curious and ignorant of the Deep Web, I have always wanted to know how to use it properly, I would very much like a guide for it, not just the dark wiki or whatever but really have an explanation to how to surf it and get deeper and deeper.

TL;DR I need a guide for the Deep Web ASAP!!

Other urls found in this thread:

You want CP or drugs?

I think I have stated exactly what I want. A guide to the deep web.

Requesting CP is against the rules, bud.


I haven't requested CP!!!

I'm literally going to contact the FBI if you keep this up, dude.

fuck off, download tor, go find a link for the hidden wiki you dumb bastard
also, reported

nice try FBI guy

fuck off you little fucking shit faced niggers, if you cant help out don't fucking reply you cunts!!!

>falling for this meme

there literally IS NO deep web. it's just some made up shit they talk about on TV shows and fox news to seem scary and hackerish

Fuck off m8 will ya?

There literally is. I saw my friend hacking it once. He had a terminal open and everything.

Reported to the FBI, enjoy your sentence you pervert.

gee tnx cunt now fuck off

i would like to explore your deep web

You can get on the Deep Web (and below) if you can solve this.
Don't try to cheat or I'll be notified.

Yeah you stated you wanted a 'guide' which is clearly a way to ask for drug buying advice.

Reported as well, fuck off scum.

I also am a god

go choke on your daddy's dick you cunt


Use google you fag


The "deep web" is useless, it's only useful for CP and illegal shit


>it's useless
>it's useful



Are you?

a guide meaning it literally, an explanation to how to surf it you shit faced imbecile. I also am familliar with the drug segment of dark wiki, dont need any advice on that.
do you know many people who go for answers in Sup Forums instead of googlig first?


>do you know many people who go for answers in Sup Forums instead of googlig first?
I only know one guy that does that and he's the biggest faggot retard I have ever met.

>do you know many people who go for answers in Sup Forums instead of googlig first?
If you go for answers in Sup Forums instead of Google first, then I'm sorry but you're literally retarded. Unless you're going for answers about anime and shitposting.

The summer solstice isn't even here and this is already happening

reported, my dad works for the FBI, you're fucked m8

cant you read?! my post implied i did google first you dumb cunt

And my post implies you're still fucking retarded for going here for answers.

If you googled first and you're still here looking for answers then fuck off my nigga. You don't need to be on that side of the internet.

how come your dad rapes you than?

fuck off then m8
instead of being a cunt maybe give me some advice

really makes you think..


This kills the colors.



I already did give you advice
The advice was to fuck off and that you're too stupid for the deep web

i assumed youd say that.
plz fuck off & kill your self

At least I know how the deep Web works.

There's no guide you fucking autist. You go where you want. That's the beauty part.

Is there anything out there better than tor or i2p, how is there something out there not yet optimised for mobile devices? It seems strange that considering both goals are to remove censorship from developing nations when most computing devices these people are confronted with are low end smartphones.

>goals are to remove censorship from developing nations
Where the hell did you get this from?

The Guardian Project's website

The only reason for tor to want more Pajeets and Chinamen on the network is to provide cover traffic for American spies operating in those countries, which is ultimately the reason tor is still tolerated by the western authorities.


That's understandable, but the government isn't Tor's developers

OP's use of exclamation points genuinely has me convinced he's in it for the cp.

Ahh summer.


>it's an OP wants to see a baby getting fucked episode
reported to the FBI

Google harder retard

Put 100 USD in a brown paper bag under the tree in your front yard.
Open the command prompt, type
ping -t -l 1024
and wait.
You will not be contacted again.

fuck you.



if you have to ask, you
a) don't belong to the deep web
b) won't get around the deep web, as
c) you won't understand the deep web

tl;dr install gentoo

There's a wiki of most useful links, google it. A lot of them are scams, some of them are just niche forums and websites made by paranoid people, what's not there is CP and shit.

Have fun spending time in the slammer

Then you didn't visit the same hidden wiki as me.


timestamp or gtfo
or at least say who i am


The US State Department is the biggest source of funding for the Guardian Project.
You pirating your Chinese cartoons or swapping tips on tin foil headwear origami on it is tolerated because it provides the necessary obfuscatory traffic for the network to do what it is supposed to do, i.e let American covert operatives communicate.

If you struggling with Google I don't think deep Web is for you. Maybe even /g for that matter
