/csg/ Chink Shit General

Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

Chink Shit Wiki:

• user bought himself some NFC tags and a wireless charger • user got a Micro USB hub from eBay • user's RUIZU mp3 player came with a cracked screen • user received his Xiaomi Square Bluetooth speakers and thinks they sound fantastic • user got his Zircons and one of those VR phoneholders • user buys a Daki and expects it not to be lewd because the seller didn't advertise it as such seller isn't willing to give user more than 50% of his money back • AudioAnon reviews the Senfer UE because the seller fucked up when user initially ordered the UEs • user received some memes • user got some chink Oliver Peoples sunglasses, they pass the standard polarization test • Another user with a RUIZU youtube.com/watch?v=y1qxOBzsDec

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Is the 2GB of RAM on Teclast x80 enough? How much free ram you get with no apps open?

I was away for couple of days but my wife received 1) cheap mini raspi wifi dongle
2) in the post box there were bicycle wires
3) and in the post office there were the gaybans (pic from seller), but they look like that, sturdy, metal hingies, logos + etched RB on lens
4) 10m HDMI HDMI, the first one I received was mini HDMI on one end, they sent me another one and I got an adapter for the first one.

Senfer UE.

Say the cable breaks, where can you get another?

and to the HDMI cable I had a present

It uses the same cable as shure se215 and they're common as fuck

It's beyond fine for shitposting etc. I have an equivalent spec tablet and it can play old games without much trouble as well.

Ordered X80 Plus myself a couple of days ago. Might arrive one day.

Unbiased sexual favours here.
just got my Rock Zircons in the post.

Best bloody earphones I've ever had! I'm trading in my Piston 3s and never looking back son.
I'll be doing a bit comparison of them vs the Xiaomi air capsules when they turn up.

So far about the zircons;
very comfortable
very good low end
great clarity. Not as sharp as the piston 3s but only just by a hairline.

One issue;
they make a clicking noise when no audio is playing when in your ear. But it's nothing major. Hard to hear but I have the ears of a bat.

>I'm batman

also new review for the Cube i7 if you're thinking of getting one


Thanks. I will probably wait for the X80 power to be released

any cable with MMCX connectors or shure SE cables.

>chink seller calls the cat plushy like this
>toy Pusheen Cat For Girl Kid Kawaii
Why are chinks so sexist?

ummm it's not that one but looks similar it's a ' onvif' one. I forget the brand of the other one I got.

I managed to read enough of the docs to get VLC working and making calls to the pan/tilt stuff, but I got preoccupied with other stuff and didn't finish writing something to make it usable.

>tfw still waiting for my pair
>40 days have passed after shipping
I am fucked right?

>both piston airs and zircons are better than Piston 3's according to /csg/
>cant decide which ones to buy.

>zircons better than pistons 3
I didn't get my Airs yet but some anons including me aren't that fond of Zircons.

It very much depends on your personal preference.

>and in the post office there were the gaybans
What store? Li brand sunglasses, AOOKO, RAY-BAM?

review the airs please
i may get them if i get a refund on my senfer UE's.

wow I got one of these when I bought my redmeme I and didnt knew wtf it was for, thought it was a mini-plastic toy tampon weaboos played with with their dolls or something.

Considered KZ-ATEs?

another user bought from them, he's also satisfied. we agreed the store should be pinned or some shit as recommended.

they are a little bit too narrow for my head, but I think they will stretch out a bit. One of the side logos's bottom of one of the letters is a little bit like worn out or faded out, but it's not a big deal. There's even a manual in like 20 languages

Anyone have any experience with chink lasers, are they any good/worth picking up for the price.


has anyone interacted with a chink seller outside of the market place?

i got a discount on some audio products after i talked to a seller on twitter

how good/bad chinese stuff is? i'm sure this is a dumb question, but people generally distrust chinese stuff. is it that bad?

Everything you own is made in China.

If it's something hard to fuck up then it usually doesn't matter.

Yeah I got the same on a year ago and sold it on two months later for 3x the price. 303 w/battery and charger

Only thing is now theyve stopped sending them the the UK cause some dumb cunts shone some at planes, so now everyone cant have one.

40 days is a long time. I'd def dispute that
Piston air's aren't even out yet? You mean hybrids?
I'd go for the piston 3s or rock zircon

rock ; bass heavy music
piston 3 : idm , classic, jpop etc

I fucked up and posted in the dead thread.

Judging by all the links, gearbest seems somewhat legitimate. I ordered the cheap motospeed mechanical keyboard off there because it was twenty less than anywhere else, but now they want a picture of my ID to "verify payment" which seems like a huge red flag. Can any anons who have bought from them before offer advice?

Unbiased dildo experience here

I'll do the review for the air's as soon as I get them. I preodered from banggood at theyr set to ship at the end of the month.

piston 3 vs ate

looks fake as fuck imo tbqh senpai
not that it really matters

alright, i meant chinese stuff with chinese brands
most electronics are hard to fuck up, right?

You really think anyone can definitively answer "How good chinese stuff is?" Is American stuff good? fuck's sake man, they literally make everything

They are out, user posted about the ones he recieved from gearbest 3-4 days ago.

that's a pic of real raybans m8 they all look like shit

guess I got reverse chink'd

When buying shit that has a billion different sellers (like sunglasses), how do you decide where to buy? I usually go for ones that are not the absolute cheapest shit (e.g. with sunglasses I wouldn't buy shit under 10 bucks). Is there any point in this or am I just a baka laowai paying more for the exact same product?

i recognized it was a dumb question from the beginning. i was expecting you to tell me something like "they're good at x, they're bad at y" or that there are certain good brands

i've already got a pair of ATE-S's.
alright neat, i'll keep an eye out for it.

I just go after who has the most orders/reviews.

Does the aliexpress app actually have more / better deals or are they just trying to chink me into downloading it?

since you guys are mentioning glasses, what are the differences between chink copies and genuine ones? will i be laughed at if i'm seen wearing $10 sunglasses or no one will even notice?

that s the pic from the seller

it game me 8% bonus when i ordered form it.

Gearbest was shipping them out some weeks ago already

Any thoughts on chink keyboards? Are lolitas the best or whatever?

Anyone had any joy with prescription chink glasses? Are they going to be too tiny for my western face? Will they work with my pitiful eyes (-8 in each eye and astagmatism)?

never had chink glasses but I'd assume the main differences are of course the crystals/shades being of lower quality (i suppose) and the paint from the frame might chip off faster than the originals

Got you covered mate, all you need to know is detailed in the link:

>order converse chucks for like $20
>one month passed, nothing, i get refunded
>one month later they arrive
>i've literally got free shoes

Faggot, you got a enhanced version.

Stop being gay.

Yea iäm scratching my head here, 5$ polarized glasses that come with the polarization tester.


Can this be real?

There's literally no difference.
You've been brainwashed into thinking $200 glasses are the norm while these 5 buck ones are the same ones except actually the price they cost to make.
Just get them.

Can anyone suggest a laptop/tablet to put kali on for cheap.

>gearbest seems somewhat legitimate
they are the cheapest
but calling them legitimate is a bit hyperbole

>they censor negative reviews on items
>they often oversell stock
>they pay people to shill for them on review sites

K, I'm trusting you, Sup Forumsentoomen.

inb4 eyecancer in 6 months

ummm lot of times there are slightly better sales on the app. Like $0.50 instead of $0.25 off.

Once in a while there are things where it's a actually really good deal on the app - like $2 off on a $5 item.

they're a fiver anyway, nothing to lose there desu

unless you live in very richfag districts, most people probably wear chink shit that they bought for 10 bucks at a bazaar

well wearing that you will be laughed at yes

also obviously the materials will be way lower quality, it will feel cheaper and be much more prone to damage. Obviously no warranty either. Do not fall for the usual self justifying poorfag "they're literally the exact same you're just paying the luxottica tax" meme. On the other hand, paying 20x as much for genuine doesn't mean those will be "20x higher quality".

link to glasses?

Do go over the app permissions before installing and see if you're REALLY ok with all that.

Is there a small screen size chink phone that is recommendable? (4.3-4.5 inch)?

I had one person call me out on fake raybans who worked at a sunglasses place. Everyone else thought I was a rich boi and asked if they were really raybans.

Either way, they look better and are cheaper than the $20 drugstore sunglasses most of us neets buy.

>not running andro emulator inside of virtual machine
It's like you want the chinks to get all your data.

my buddy who bums raybans thinks they're real :'D

Remember, if someone works at a sunglasses place all the more reason to laugh at him, rather than you.

it's pretty easy to spot fakes if you're looking for them, but nobody does. Probably more people wear fake sunglasses than real ones, especially memennials.

I'm not worried, why he thinks I'm worried?

Don't worry :)

How much did the fakes cost?
Most of the fakes I've seen posted here didn't look like you could tell them apart from the real ones without taking them in your hands and taking a close look.

>pay people for reviews reviews on sites

Wew lad, 300 gbpoints for an extra 30% off of already discounted chink shit some bribery that is.

Fair point

chill, don't worry.

I bought a pari of cheap chink converse wheni was in Chino. The sole disintegrated after 1-2 weeks becouse of shitty chink rubber.

sent :)

Okay, I got you there.

But I posted that asking if sending my ID to them was a safe idea. Common sense says no, but seeing how many people here use it, I may be overreacting.

mine are still together after years of occasional usage, nothing fell apart. i'm amazed at for what i got for free from china

>sending your ID
>to chinks

why the hell?

on fleek bludren

payment is payment no matter the currency

glasses frames are one of the examples where chinkmagic works really well due to it being easily mass produced + luxottica jewing, but they are def not the same and while reputable brands sort out lemons, with chinkies it very much varies on a case by case basis. most of the times the frames are slightly lopsided for example

Just browse around this thread and order a few things recommended. The general consensus is that since the chinese steal technology and manufacturing methods from people who develop them, they're usually the same quality as the real thing while being ridiculously cheaper.

We got people ordering micro SDs, sunglasses, microphones, earbuds, tablets, phones and more without complaints.

Should I send him this message and the 1 star image?

Or he could piss on my Mi Max before shipping it to me?

>He's not running xprivacy

Oi hol'up, never 1 star before shipping.

Exactly, it seems very sketchy. But that's the only way I can verify my payment. And it seems like plenty of people in this thread have bought off the same site.

Which is why I'm asking what to do here?

Should I refund and buy the keyboard for twenty dollars more off amazon?

>• user's RUIZU mp3 player came with a cracked screen → # → #
Look in the archive about a month back, these are the same pictures of a guy complaining about his ruizu from Ali

How garbage are these? Has anyone ordered anything like this?

Time flies, that happened February-March

what's a good router?

Thankies user! Missed your post, my bad.

I'd rate my hearing an A, but I don't hear any clicking on my pair. Plugged in or not, audio or no audio playing, not even during the time I put them in my ear (I've had cheaper earbuds make crinkly sounds when the pressure changes).

Might be your audio source if they're plugged in.

no one here has had to send their ID.

Tell him he better stick some chink shit that'll compensate for your very valuable time

I once did that with a fucking online betting site and no one ever stole my identity. But what in the fuck are you doing even, gearbest has paypal.

I hope he gets the message.



I've only had them in my phone. Il try them on something else tomorrow.
it sounds like a mini nematic drill in the distance at a very low volume