Vi or Emacs

Oh well.

First for vim

second for vim

I like emacs, but to each their own.

third for vim

Forth for vim

Emacs and nano.

Emacs + evil mode is objectively the best.


Do people actually use nano?

My nigga. Emacs for lyfe


When's the last time you've had a mental evaluation?


Go fuck yourself

>I use nano so I can feel snug because I'm not using notepad

I like emacs. But nano and Vi are also pretty comfy.

Why should I use emacs instead of vim?

Vim everywhere at all times


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pic related + vim

Someone explain why any text editor with a little bit of color to see better is not just as good as vim or emacs

although i agree with this post, i have to go with vi(m), because it's always available. any time i'm fucking around on a server and need to edit config files it's guaranteed to be there.

batch processing of files. if you need to do some repetitive shit with like 50 files at once it is a much more sane way to do so.