Hi Sup Forums, don't like asking for shit here , butt fuck it.
So I got banned from a forum. No real reason either, triggered admin didnt like my profile pic. Can't get on the site now,figured I was Ip banned, changed Ip and rebooted PC, but im still banned. Wtf, wat do now? Pic related.
Hi Sup Forums, don't like asking for shit here , butt fuck it
This site is 18+ kiddo
And im 20, your point?
Stop going there. Get a hobby that doesn't involve shitposting on the internet.
>hack admin
>unhack yourself
>you are now admin
Why would you even want to go back to a site that bans you for a profile pic?
except I use the site allot, and I dont shit post, I litterally just made the account for it three days ago. Litterally the only reason I was banned was some faggot didnt like the profile pic I had.
I use the site for reviews among other things, there aren't many sites like it, in fact I would say its the only one that has the stuff I look for.
Don't say you changed your local IP and expected to bypass the ban...
well its worked before.
Well then tell me how I should do it, I came here for help after all.
So op what pics got you banned.
Well there were 2.
This was the first one. Next day got message telling me to change it. Fair enough, so I did.
This is the second. I use this for alot of my social media accounts, so fuck it why not right?
Day after I was banned.
Second one
You're a little fag, kill yourself you cancerous pathetic fuck.
Oh Sup Forums tard?
Sensing some self projection there bud.
first one I can understand, but the second one doesn't make any sense. what type of forum is it?
christian dating forum
You have to go back, Gonzalez.
its called sbg
Its a sword forum. Talk reviews of various sword makers and historical stuff. theres allot of weebs there too, I don't see why my second was triggering.
Whats up, kno me on face book or something?
The admin interpreted the second profile picture as a "fuck you." I want summer to end already.
Suspicious friend request is suspicous.
So, how old are you, m8?
15? 16?
Lol,most of that shit is old, I made the count back in 2010 when i was 14
Well changing your local IP won't resolve an IP ban, try turning off the router for a few hours to see if you get a new public IP, should be able to connect to website after... You won't be able to use a VPN if your public IP is already banned
What forum? I almost got banned on the COL forum for asking a petty question in my n00b days.
Try deleting the cookies for that web zone.
>He actually uses neogaf
Nice botnet
>web zone
It's called a domain, you ignorant little shit.