Please stay there and get the fuck off of Sup Forums, you mindless retard.
Explain you pretentious aspie.
There's nothing to explain, simply kill yourself
I'm not going to kill myself if I literally see no reason to kill myself, tell me the reason to kill myself you retard.
Kill yourself.
Fuck yourself piece of shit
lmao I am genuinely confused.
You don't have to kill yourself but please leave Sup Forums.
I won't, don't worry.
Alright fine. See ya!
I'm fine with you killing yourself, but not leaving Sup Forums is a problem.
It's not.
It is a problem for me.
And me
You won't recognize me among the thousands of shitposters anyway.
Not saying they all are not a problem.
By the way, why is everyone so pissed off? I just can't enter the normal Facebook page (only on mobile) because I just see this wall of text on Mozilla and Chrome as well, is that such a problem?
Visiting facebook is the problem.
If you're so much of an idiot that you can't live without visiting that site, at least pretend you don't when you go to Sup Forums.
Wow, that was the problem? Are you people literally mentally handicapped? Facebook is useful because in the first couple weeks of college, students usually make FB groups to talk about homework and notices, since nearly everyone has one, until they move to a better and more specific school platform. That's why I need to use it, not for looking at stupid statuses and funny pictures. Looks like I'm not the one who needs to kill himself here, Christ.
Go somewhere else and discuss your facebook related problems there. Your kind is not welcome here.
How hard is it to live being a literal Aspie?
No idea.
''My kind'' you mean the average college student who has a Facebook? lmao.
Did I miss something?
It works for me just fine
No, only those who come to Sup Forums to talk about facebook and facebook related things.
No, the problem revolves only around my laptop.
Facebook is a web site, this thread is about tecnology, my problem is tech related, you are retarded.
why not?
All of those are true except for the last one.
And you are still not welcome here.
If the amount of responses suggesting you to off yourself is not good enough evidence for you, I don't know what would be.
Yeah, the 31 responses and the 11 posters are going to make me leave for asking about a tech problem related to a web site you don't like, makes sense... not.
get a new video card.
Would Obama materializing in front of you and confirming that talking about facebook is not socially acceptable here be good enough evidence for you? What kind of evidence will you accept?
I get that it is not of good taste but I won't leave because some aspie told me to, retarded piece of shit, lmao.
Go away.
I know you won't. Doesn't mean I should stop telling you to leave.
>Are you people literally mentally handicapped?
This is Sup Forums. Sup Forums specifically.
What do you think?
Also the problem is that your browser is reading the page with the wrong encoding. (for some reason)
Go the options in the top right > more tools > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8)
Should also make sure the "Auto detect" at the top is checked.
(Yes, I'm answering your question to annoy the autists)
You're not annoying anyone: your answer is incorrect.
No encoding will display page content as it's seen in OP.
Thanks. I feel like a retard now.