So I recently graduated from high school and they let me keep my laptop...

So I recently graduated from high school and they let me keep my laptop. It's running Xubuntu but the problem is I have no admin access and the administrators at my school set it to where it doesn't have a desktop either. Basically works as a chromebook, all it is made to do is run chrome. I tried to install a few things (such as tor) but it says I don't have a program that can open .tar.whatever.

I have absolutely no experience with Linux at all so I need your guy's help with a few things.

- Is there a way to add a desktop? I know it can be done as before making this post I looked up Xubuntu videos and they had desktops.

- How do I open/install things that have a .tar extension?

- If I must, what's the best way to go about installing a new OS or resetting Xubuntu without having admin access?

Other urls found in this thread:,

Step 1. Format it
Step 2. Install OS of your choice

If you're too retarded for that then then I don't know

Give it back Jamal

What does it mean to format it? (I'm being serious)

Google it fukkboi


Can gentoo be installed with administrative rights?

It is the only way

What is?

Why the fuck would you come here if your level of knowledge on this subject is near zero?

You need to install a different OS. Now go do some research.


But how do I do that without admin privileges?

You fucking get another computer, make a bootable Linux flash drive, boot it on this shitty laptop, and install it you dumb bastard

Take a magnet and run it all over your machine. If you let it touch the hard drive it will remove the admin configuration

If your system is locked via administrative rights there is one option you can do. It's the same as a administration would do

You have to install gentoo.

It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but believe me, if you can use google chrome you can also install gentoo

Here senpai:

You don't need admin privileges to format a drive and install a new OS.

Why the fuck would they give you a laptop?

doesn't that cost the taxpayer money so some fuckhead like you can watch anime on it

ok, I'll spell it out for you since you weren't alive during 9/11

go to a windows pc, get a usb, download the xbuntu iso, make the usb bootable following, boot into the usb, follow instructions and install the os, hf

Can it really be installed without admin shit?

Listen to this people, OP.

That would not work you retard. He has no administrative rights.

The only way is to install gentoo and gain administrative (or root) rights through that!

Fuck I'm tired


Is this guy right? More people are saying things that go against this.

Holy shit kid. You're about 5 years of technical experience too behind to even be posting here.

First of all, admin privileges are on the OS level, not the "computer" level (whatever that means.) Unless the BIOS has a password, but I somewhat doubt that.

OS is the OPERATING SYSTEM. The software that gives you a desktop (or not) environment to work within.

The simplest way to do what you're asking is to FORMAT (i.e. delete everything, for your purposes. This isn't what format means but I'm not giving you more information than you need) your HARD DRIVE (a drive that contains all the software that will run [aside from BIOS, but again, this is out of your depth]) and install a new OPERATING SYSTEM.

To do this you will need to do some digging. Find out whether your laptop boots in Legacy or UEFI mode. Do you see options when you first start the laptop? Does it say anything besides "Dell" with a loading screen? Such as "Press F8 for advanced options"?

Your technical knowledge seems to be approaching zero, so I'm trying to (foolishly) hold your hand at least a bit so you can get to where you want to be.

Anyway, find out if it's booting in Legacy or UEFI. UEFI is only really useful if you're dual booting. If it's booting in Legacy mode, you can make a bootable flash drive, FORMAT your HARD DRIVE and install your chosen OPERATING SYSTEM. It is pretty hard to FUCK UP your install so as to not be able to USE IT but I wouldn't put it PAST YOU.

Good luck.

Wow fuck. That sounds extremely mushigushigi complicated there.
Why not installing gentoo instead? Why do you want to be so complicated broo?

install os x on it
read hackintosh manuals, they describe every detail

Op read the wiki link which was posted here for There everything is perfectly healty explained

>OP has no idea what format means
>you suggest a hackintosh

maximum kek

I'm gonna be the ruiner of fun here.

Gentoo is a Linux OS that is notoriously complicated to install and run, and is a running joke of Sup Forums that everything can be fixed by installing gentoo. And you fell for it.

I'm sorry you're this illiterate/retarted to figure that out.

half of os x is for people like him

I think everyone here is falling for OP's trolling user...

Kindly fuck off.

I'm really not trolling lol I'm just that dumb

Poorly executed
We could really have made op to read the wiki xD
But you tried too hard to help someone who does not even want to google himself.

The operating system itself, sure. The process of installing OS X on non-Apple hardware? No fucking way. God forbid he needs to flash his BIOS.

Do you have a bios?

holy shit dood

Was what I said really too complicated? Do you honestly not understand?


I put my cock and balls in, I put my cock and balls out.

I put my cock and balls in, and shake it all about

Don't listen to this guy, he's memeing you!

I really hope OP is trolling

Listen faggot get another computer and download and install this:

Then use it to download this and lets call it A:

Also download this and lets call it B:

Install B and use it to burn A on some CD (it has to be empty dumbass), and put that CD into your school computer before turning it on (CD means Computer Disk by the way, you didn't download anything we're referring to as C or D, don't be a retard).

Now as your shit turns on look for some shit that says "Press [some key] for advanced options/boot options" and press [some key]. Go to boot options and change the main boot device to CD, and then some shit is gonna happen and you're gonna click next every single time. Enjoy your Windows laptop and if you couldn't do it then kill yourself asshole.

>So I recently graduated from an USA highschool
Clarified that for you OP

CD doesn't mean computer disk you faggot retard

thanks, OP, your post made me realize:
Sup Forums REALLY doesn't know shit about linux. doing this is easy as HELL.

no one, NO ONE mentioned this:

Man I was able to learn these things on my own when the internet was much shittier and there were no high quality youtube videos to walk you through everything.

Search on google or youtube "How to make a bootable Linux USB"

Then search "How to boot from USB on ____" where ____ is your laptop brand

Then search "Guide to install xubuntu" (assuming you chose xubuntu for the USB

Listen to this person OP, this is the simplest way to do it if you're really retarded.

taxpayer money is going to a bunch of retards who can't format a computer



This is a pretty good method of solving your problem without reinstalling the os