Apple harvests users' faces in a 4 GB buffer connected to the camera and uploads it to their servers when the mac gets...

Apple harvests users' faces in a 4 GB buffer connected to the camera and uploads it to their servers when the mac gets an Internet connection. And you fa/g/g/ots call Windows a botnet.

Other urls found in this thread:

[citation needed]

He'll be dead by Sunday for uploading this.

>Not disabling the camera and putting tape over it for good measure.

>4 GB buffer

Get schematics or open your (post-Prism) Mac.

>"disabling" the camera
Yeah, because turning it off in the device manager or whatever the fuck Apple uses physically disconnects it.

That's not a citation.

You're also supposed to put black electric tape over the camera.

Rossman is wasting his potential just fixing people's laptops.

>black electric tape
And damage the lens. No, thanks.
Put a band-aid in it.

what buffer?
are we seriously still asking for a citation 15 minutes later?
who is this swarthy-looking dude and why should i care?

There is no citation yet you dumb cunts. Go download the fucking schematics.

Apple doesnt release eschematics

So you've just made something up and made a thread about it?

Do you have a mental illness?

ITT: Tryhards

4 gigs? does anyone understand how long that would take to upload?

OP clearly didn't

It's not like it has to upload all at once, retards. You'd think a bunch of stinky pirates would understand basic shit like data transfer.

OP where is the citation?

when is Louis gonna dump the trash called youtube and just go work for Nasa or intel

it's actually 3.5GB

At least link the video

Does anyone have a link to the schematic?

No, because it's not real.

what is its just a buffer and 4gb was the cheapest denomination?

Why go out of your way to manufacture a smaller chip when you already have an assembly for one that will work





This guy is pathetic and unfortunately he cant even realize how retarded he sounds because he is supported by a religion Apple haters that will jerkoff to anyone that make sarcastic comments about Apple.

Literally all he is saying is hurr Im ignorant in the subject and I dont know why this happens but I hate Apple so it must be bad durr

This guy should be a mod here, he would fit in well.

2 rupees have been deposited in your iLoo account Pajeet.

You can probably google it and find it from some Russian site.

u wot m8

All he said is that he sees 4GB of memory connected to the camera on the schematic, and that it'd cache about 16 seconds of high quality 1080p video. He didn't say anything about spying, or make any conclusions at all for that matter. That was OP

He probably is a mod here, or at least a regular poster. That'd explain why so many people have such a hard on for winblows and shitty ThinkPads, only niggers and spics like those things.

So schematics don't exist?

Fuck off back to apple.


>He didn't say anything about spying, or make any conclusions at all for that matter
>something isn't about spying
EVERYTHING is about spying. Extra 4 GB chip on the motherboard with no documentation? It's a face database for the NSA. There's trace that's longer than it could be? It's a fucking antenna that covertly transmits data to any NSA harvesting device in range. There's encrypted data going between your computer and your bank? The NSA is harvesting sensitive parts of your RAM hidden in that encrypted "banking" data.


When did he get so many subscribers?

He had like 10k last I checked

Did I say he said something about spying?

You're more likely a currynigger, curryniggers love windows and about 99% of them are CS majors. Why don't you fuck off back to Bombay and die of dysentary? There's a good subhuman.

But only on devices running Nvidia® Graphics.

It's so that the data isn't written to flash unless you actually want to save the video. In addition it means your video recording isn't maxing out your actual main memory and crashing the phone.

I never said it had nothing to do with spying, user, I said that HE never mentioned it


You act like he insulted Apple for something (like OP) when literally all he did was point something out in the schematic. Get Tim's cock out of your mouth

>calling someone else subhuman

They all are m8. Indians are all windows/android users. But they are also a self-hating race so they try to insult Apple users by calling them Indians. lel

he got popular with ledditors in the past month.

Unplug it and point it away you dinguses.

Ok, so Im supposed to pretend that his sarcastic tone is just the way he speaks? He has some kind of mental disorder?

its 4Gigabit so 500mb as someone already mentioned in the youtube comments.

>this is what iPajeets actually believe

The fact you have pictures saved in your computer just to post in apple threads shows how mad you are.

It's fucking Louis Rossman. That's how he talks. Stop being a triggered victim.

Even if he is insinuating something it shouldn't trigger you this hard, so I'd say you're the one with the mental disorder. Fucking curry

he literally fucking repairs apple laptops for a living.

>HE never mentioned
>running "wire" across the motherboard to fix an "issue"
It's a fucking antenna that he's adding to it. It's literally beaming out data whenever it sends data through that wire.

so what?

That doesnt change the fact that this was exactly what he was implying in the video.

Louis is my favourite jew nigger

-love, Sup Forums

user pls

>implying hes so much better than me cus he looks at apple schematics while im out fucking bitches

wwhy is drake piss
why is drake piss

Not everyone is still stuck on 56k.

Doesn't Apple wire the camera in series with the LED to ensure that it can't be turned on without the user's knowledge?

What other programs could the camera be running? It does have a weak dedicated processor, doesn't it?
Could it just be some bloatware or something? Some userspace streamlining thing or other?

>And you fa/g/g/ots call Windows a botnet.
Because it fucking is. Something else being a botnet as well doesn't make Windows any less of a botnet.


U4000 is indeed real, but he's retarded because it's 4Gb, not GB.


Look at these Mactards all mad because OP took a simple question from Rossman and twisted to facial recognition spying and shit.
Never stop being this gullible Sup Forums.

where does he get the schematics from?

>not saving every picture you come across on Sup Forums
Of course you cant when apple charges 200$ for 64gb

and thats partially why i bought a mac mini

when will we start a torrent tracker for schematics

>and thats partially why i ate shit from my hands

>goatse the webcam
>turn on mac
>somewhere, someone has to look at my asshole

i see no problems here

what craptops does he recommend


where can i buy this in FLAC

>That doesnt change the fact that this was exactly what he was implying in the video.

check your autism