Yfw certain configurations of 1s and 0s are worth almost $800 each

>yfw certain configurations of 1s and 0s are worth almost $800 each

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw bought 5000 ETH at $1 and it's $20 now

>yfw a printed piece of paper is worth a 100$

yfw certain configurations of 1s and 0s represent all digital data humanity has ever produced

yfw certain configurations of subatomic particles interacting with each other under just four fundamental forces compose all (non dark) matter in the universe, including your brain

wow sure is cool trivializing everything to basic concepts


To be fair most fiat nowadays is also 1's and 0's on bank balance sheets.

So you bought $1 worth of ETH, which was a total of 5000 coins at the time, and now it's worth $20? Good job man.

> tfw bought 38 BTC for 10k, now worth 30k

5000 coins at $1 per coin

>actually believing him
stop lying

I never see any proofs or signed messages

>mfw i had 47 bitcoin from way back when they were worth nothing
>forgot password for wallet
>bitcoin hit $1000 back in 2013

Why the fuck would we show you our wallet ids?

if u really had that you would send it to my wallet so that I could send it back and confirm

why the fuck not? you're such a liar. nobody knows who you are here.

wasn't it $450 2 weeks ago

holy shit man I made out like a bandit

what happened to litecoin?

Because my wallet ID will be archived on some shitty Sup Forums archive and come up in search results

>Forty seven motherfucking dollars worth of BTC
>lolz i forgot pass for wallet and none of my guesses work

Maybe you should pick passwords that are a little more memorable?

yea so? top lel poorfag. why are you lying on the internet? satoshi had 900k BTC without anyone knowing who he was and you're acting as some kind of VIP you poorfaggot. you don't have shit

Stay mad nocoiner

litecoin took off because the community could mine it, unlike bitcoin
bitcoin was being mined by asics, and only the people that make asics were the people profiting from it
everyone else wasn't breaking even

because litecoin could be mined by people at home with graphics cards, it needed to be worth more than the electric cost being used to mine them
then litecoin asics came out
then litecoin died because home users needed some other memecoin that asics weren't on yet

Well, the main problem was that i really didn't care back then as they were works jack shit.
So i formatted the drive with the wallet on it without taking backups.
Otherwise i would ofc have spent a little work trying to work out the password.

Besides, "memorable" passwords are insecure passwords.
Problem here was i hadn't used it for at least a year, while i change my passwords every month.

>he actually has no coins


yeah fuck off

wasnt litecoin meant to be ASIC proof?

lel.. how the fuck is this proof? Any moron can edit this page within the inspector in Firefox and screen it.

No signed message = no proof

Stay mad poorfags. Get jobs

>Besides, "memorable" passwords are insecure passwords.
Only if you're terrible at picking passwords and/or terrible at memorizing things

there is no asic proof

so what does everyone think will be the next meme coin?

it was meant to be harder to develop ASICs for. Not ASIC proof

In a way, litecoin choosing scrypt actually did nothing except undermine the security of the scrypt hash function.

Great way to test cryptoalgorithms though: Make it so that you can generate lots of money for free if you manage to crack them.

Let's see if it's for real or this fag is lying. Here's my wallet. Send me 1btc

I am good at memorizing passwords, but only if i use them frequently.
I change my passwords every month, after changing it a few times remembering old ones can be a little problematic.

It's pretty crazy isn't it? My 0's and 1's made me billions.

even if he had 1000, why would anyone would send you 800 dollars
.001 would be enough to prove he owns a wallet

Fair enough.

So pathetic

Can somebody explain the purpose of physical bitcoins like in OP's image?
As far as I can tell they don't have a wallet attached to them

> spending money to prove myself on a Jamaican pipe carving website

>I am good at memorizing passwords, but only if i use them frequently.
What do your passwords look like?

curl -s 0x0.st/8Ix.bin | shuf | head -n 8

a bunch of people bought some like this which had the bitcoin details inscribed on it.

Then they got stolen by the creator.
top kek

i think they have a private key somewhere in them
there really just memorabilia tho

>800 """""""dollars"""""""

I'd say fuck off to /biz/, but the cryptocurrency scam shouldnt be welcome anywhere here.

it's kinda funny because he doesn't have to spend shit to prove his BTC. He could just sign a message but since he's a lying piece of shit he can't.

>yfw certian configurations of 1s and 0s are nudes of taytay

That fag could send as or the least he can. I am not begging. I was unaware of current exchange desu senpai.

And hence you're lying.

Butthurt nocoiner detected.
I was late to the party and invested $20,000 a month ago. Already up about $8,000.
No I'm not going to send you pity money


>I am not begging, just send me money!!!

How is it begging if I ask him the least btc which has almost zero value in dollars? It doesn't have to be me. He could send to other anons or do

>yfw $1 is worth ???

>while i change my passwords every month

aw fucking hell, this is why i should filter all bitcoin from my browsing. brings up regret of not buying in

is trump coin the new meme coin?

>i bought 20 dollar worth of btc 3 months ago
>now its 30 dollar worth of btc
time to invest friends

If you have a rough idea about the password then you can crack the wallet with a GPU, you moron.

I'm Craig Wright. Fuck you.

when you only put $22 in


>yfw certain configurations of 1s and 0s are the dankest memes in the world

>yfw the core bitcoin developers are a bunch of autistic neckbeards that are killing bitcoin


>yfw certain configurations of atoms are worth more than $50.000

>tfw DAO got hacked and ethereum prices are dropping like a rock

Oh hi

>tfw had a couple of thousands of dollar back then
>tfw could have bought tons and tons of bitcoin
>tfw could have become filthy rich, talking nearly millions here


I've got 4000 ETH as well. Bought it in the presale

Time to sell?