Why are computers so difficult to use? Can't we make an easy to use computer for normal people?

Why are computers so difficult to use? Can't we make an easy to use computer for normal people?

A Mac, designed for stupid people :^)

Funny how all these "stupid people" have more money and thus can afford luxury, right? Because "stupid people" are just loaded with money, it's not like they got it for being smart.

Wake up, idiot. You're the stupid person. =)

No, you're the stupid person!

akarishit is no better
fuck off


We stand of the shoulders of giants.

You realize centuries of mathematics and decades of hardware engineering have brought us here?

This shits complicated dog


You can't thread your own post

>hurr durr being able to spend $1500-$2000 makes me rich

Go back to flipping burgers, josh.

You don't have to be smart to have money. You should know this by now. Also, if you don't need to do anything clever, macs are perfect. You don't have to be all defensive... or do you?


Maybe a hammer to the head might make you smarter.


>Can't we make an easy to use computer for retarded people?
Fix'd. Computers are easy to use. A normal person shouldn't have any problems with it.

Use Windows

why would you post a blank image




Akarin is really adorable

Well you could make a computer that even stupid people can use but people who are even more stupid will come along and astound the world by not being able to use it

Unless you like games, in which case they're shit

No, shit is already way too fucking easy.
Most people don't even know how "applications" and "windows" are related, they just click the icon and wait for the magic. And everything is a "virus".
THIS is the reason why we can't have nice things.
God damn it smartphones are ridiculously strong computers in the size of your hands, it sounds fucking insane on paper.
But they have to be simple, shiny, easy to use, and retardproof. They are literally gimped so that people who doesn't care about how their shit works can use them.