New Phone

What is currently the best phone? My LG G4 just got a nice burn-in on the display (I can see the afterimage of text I've written ten minutes ago) and I'm looking for a replacement.

Already had the iPhone 6S - memes aside, didn't really like it, so I returned it.
Nexus 6P? I don't really like the design, but people say it's a GOAT phone.

OnePlus Three is meh, with the S7/S7 Edge I can't stand the fucking mechanical button, it's 2016 fuck, get with the times. it's just another useless point of failure.

What else?

>What is currently the best phone?
BlackBerry Q10 and Classic are the two best.

>LG G4
>nice burn-in
>on a lcd display
Google LCD Ghost you retarded fuck, and stick to the phone general you special snowflake.


HTC 10, a flawless phone


I have the OPO since its release and it's lasted. Battery of 1.5 days with decent usage, definitely can hold a charge. Nice screen and good specs and ridiculously cheap. Not sure how the new ones are though.

Realize what you need and buy the one that has the best bang for your buck.

>liquid crystal display display

The nexus 6p doesn't have a microsd slot. Don't get it, you will deeply regret it.

>GOAT phone
>Snapdragon 810



holy fuck, your g4 is already fucking up? sorry to hear that, user. I always wanted to get an lg phone, but it looks like their quality control is piss poor.

Quads. Guess you gotta get a 6P. I have an S7 Edge and i love it. 8 hours SoT, great camera, beautiful screen, it's a real good time.

Edge is too expensive though.

Why are all newer phones moving away from removable batteries and sd card slots?

op here, not for me but still, not entirely sold on it
oh look, triple same digits

yeah, shame
g5 has trash quality control from what I heard, I always wanted the V10 but it's kinda old now to waste €400 on it

Autistic childrens aren't supposed to be here, fuck off

check em

>I can't stand the fucking mechanical button, it's 2016 fuck
Regardless of year on screen buttons are retarded and capacitive buttons are only slightly less so.

It's a feature not many use.
People who use sd cards are usually people with cheapish phones, and you can still get a sd card slot in 150-200$ priced phones no problems. On flagships, they expect you to have some sort of cloud service, and most of the newer phones start with 32GB anyways.

For batteries... I always look to have a phone with that feature, if not for hard-resetting it when it shits itself by yanking off the battery (always works) - I always tell myself that I buy non-removable battery phones so I can buy another battery and have a good charge in no time, but I never bought a replacement battery for any of the phones I've had.

How so? They can be customized in any way you like, even in width/height, so it doesn't take much space. When in fullscreen the fade away and can be brought back. If you're not a complete scullfuck you won't bump on them

>How so?
Because there's a fucking bezel that takes no screen space at all. On screen buttons are the dumbest thing to happen to smartphones since touchscreen keyboards.

Still, a potential mechanical point of failure. I still see chinks and autismo go-gos going as far as using the on-screen home button in their iPhones because of this.

>Still, a potential mechanical point of failure
I'll take my fucking chances
>calling others autismo when you whine about a phone having moving parts that make it better

>The nexus 6p doesn't have a microsd slot. Don't get it, you will deeply regret it.
got it back in december, best fucking decision i have made in a long time

i don't fucking use microSD

HTC 10

Bezels keep shrinking, retard. Buttons require more space.

Yeah because bezels absolutely have to keep shrinking in all directions. It'd be physically impossible to have one bezel just large enough for buttons, wouldn't it?

Fucking dumbass.

This meme needs to stop. No one needs more than 32GB on a mobile phone

Sure thing kid

>4k video
>documents to read on the go
Sorry you don't do anything with your phone, I forgot most of the people here only have it to show off in /bst/ and /edc/ threads.

I have a 5x and it's pretty great + was like $250


>Yeah because bezels absolutely have to keep shrinking in all directions. It'd be physically impossible to have one bezel just large enough for buttons, wouldn't it?

Yes it would. Retard.

>getting pissy because a phone that calls people can't have a large music, 4k movie database

You're a goddamned moron.

>being so stuck in the past that you pretend phones aren't pocket computers

>being so blind you think the future is now


>4k video
>on a 6" max screen

You're a different kind of special.

>implying now is not the present
>implying present smartphones are not pocket computers

Third-party launcher

Physical buttons are completely fucking useless and take up needless space.

Adding them either shrinks screen size or forces makers to make the phone longer. Look at the 6P in the OP image. You think you can keep the same dimensions, have physical buttons and the same screen size? You fucking retard.

This is why those iphones have those retarded resolutions for muh physical home button.

Only button needed is the fingerprint sensor and those go on the back just fine.

6P's already too big, but even in its exact current form there is space for physical buttons on the bottom bezel.
>This is why those iphones have those retarded resolutions
iPhone's odd resolution has literally nothing to do with this.

>6P's already too big, but even in its exact current form there is space for physical buttons on the bottom bezel

buttons so small they become meaningless. There's absolutely no need for physical buttons on the front. The decision to replace them with front facing speakers is so much better.

>implying pseudo computers are computers
>implying that a phone should be tacky and do much more then call ,take photos and shitpost on g

>buttons so small they become meaningless
No matter how tiny they are they provide tactile feedback, which is the point.
>There's absolutely no need for physical buttons on the front
If you're okay with wasting thousands of pixels
>The decision to replace them with front facing speakers is so much better

>computer |kəmˈpyo͞odər|
>an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
Phones are computers you fucking moron,

You don't need this tactile feedback for using the keyboard, yet you do just to press a menu button? lol okay.

>You don't need this tactile feedback for using the keyboard
Where the fuck did I say that?
>yet you do just to press a menu button?

So you want both a physical keyboard and a dedicated buttons? Well the Priv is right there for you go nuts.

>OMG my watch can store/recieve data and it can't store 4k video and books
just because it's a computer variant doesn't mean it's supposed to have the capabilities and functions taken granted in personal computers

>My LG G4 just got a nice burn-in on the display
it's not the same 'burn-in' with samsung phones, the burn-in goes away after you don't use it for like 10mins. I know it's horrible.

Come on, an Android BlackBerry? I'll stick to BB10OS

You need to face the fact that smartphones have become general purpose computers. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but it doesn't change shit.

What are you going to do when Blackberry dies?

Keep using my BlackBerry. It's not like the phone's going to magically stop working if the company goes under.

>on a 1440p phone
Even if it was 4k the screen is like 6 inches
I bet you're an audiophile retard as well

nexus 6p is not a GOAT phone i've had the last 3 nexus's but i like the original 6 more, the best thing about the 6p is the screen is far more shatterproof than the 6

>not owning a 4k desktop screen
>not wanting to view high quality video on your PC
I swear you're fucking retarded.

Why are you storing shit on your phone to view on your desktop? Does your desktop have no storage?

>take video on phone
>"hurr why are you storing shit on your phone? Does desktop habe no storage??? ::^^^DDD"
Let me break it down.
You take a 4k, large sized video.
On your phone.
Then, until it reaches your computer, between that time you might take a 30 min recording. Or an hour. Or multiple 10 min ones.
So until it gets to B (PC), you need large storage space for A to hold videos. But not to mention all the apps and music you have on it, that's why you need lots of space.
Get it honey?

Don't you fucking treat me like a retard just because I don't keep up to date on the latest pocket toys. I'd forgotten 4k cameras were in phones now, you piece of shit.

>none of these people can figure out USB-OTG

If you needed more storage while recording long ass 4K videos, why dont you set up USB-OTG? You'll store it straight to a drive anyway, so what's the point?

Only thing I think I would need a sd for is storing multiple roms for testing without the inconvience of having a huge ass wire lodging around while I set them up

sony xperia z5 premium is the best. all other phones are shit

fuck you

>falling for the touchwizz is just the app launcher meme

>just got a nice burn-in on the display
Literally just noticed that today as well. Hasn't happened before, only had the phone for less than 6 fucking months.
How good is the LG replacement/repair service? I don't want to drop money on this, since it its not easily noticeable, but goddamn that's some planned obsolescence shit.
My fucking S5 didn't even do this kind of thing and that's a fucking OLED.

>inb4 LCDs don't burn in, it's the retention
A meme by any other name would be just as fucking shitty.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Nexus is goat

Eat a dick

Just received my OP3 today this phone is fucking awesome.

What a stupid thing to say.

He means recorded video you retards
What's the point of having a phone that records 4k if you can't store more than 30seconds of it?

I own a 6P its pretty good and ever since Google updated its keyboard I can type with one hand comfortably. I've been using it with the N beta and it's size has been a positive with split screen

>Pic related

>4k video on 12 mp camera
>viewing it on 4k desktop

HTC 10

>4k is ~8MP
>somehow a 12MP camera is incapable of 8MP

how's battery life? SOT?

Xddddddddddddd le kek

can cunt firm the n beta is very nice on the 6p
and it's just a good phone, nothing else. If you have small hands dont get it