What is your REAL reason for not using a social media site? Any of them. And don't give me"they sale my data!" bullshit. Give me a legit reason. you have no excuse to not stick with society. I can almost take apart any issue you have with it.
Social media
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Because I got banned.
I am required by my employer to not use them.
I have no interest in using any of them. I can already discuss things anonymously here on Sup Forums.
AHAHAHAHA that is the biggest bullshit excuse I've ever heard. you can make accs with out them knowing
so you don't like having friends?
I do not need social media to talk to my friends.
It's boring
I don't care about what other people are up to, I get my memes from Sup Forums.org, and I don't have a pressing need to update others on my current ongoings daily (please disregard the irony of the aforementioned statement in context of this post)
I have plenty of other hobbies and all the freetime in the world and I still feel there's not enough time in the day, so I don't need to have my eyes glued to twitter all the live long day
Im apathetic about society and the dumb shit people fill the place with. I stopped watching tv and listening to the radio for the same reasons. In fact, Im not just apathetic about society, society makes me mad with how bad it is.
If I need and want to talk to someone I use a dedicated means of communication.
You recognize the legitimacy of the reason so much that you're actually advocating I use a secret (and therefore fake) account, perhaps among the most socially autistic things that a person could do. What should I name it, XxXBlitzBaller420XxX? Or do you really think I should make an entirely convincing fake name and somehow not creep people out by having to explain "Oh I'm not actually named such and such."
This was fun. Take care ~Pu$$yDe$troyerLXIX~
I use twitter to follow my favorite porn artists.
I use it. But I want to 'delete' my accounts since I only talk to 1 person through it. But at the same time I don't want to sink further into the rabbit hole that is my distance from the real friends I once had. I'm hoping once I start college again I can stop being such a metaphorically proprietary person.
I have no friends. Take that apart, faggot.
You have no idea how social media works do you?
>needing to update
nigga, I know people who do all the time and people who don't
so you use outdated means like an irc or skype I take it
As the stallman.org/ thing was on about, they laxed up on the names for that shit. People don't have to worry any more about hiding when you can turn off everything.
You can unfollow people you don't want to talk to.
that is 1 thing I can't do anything on.. I'm sorry user
>You can unfollow people you don't want to talk to.
. . . . . . . . . . .The Point
you didn't refute mine nor several other's arguments
in fact, explain to me why I SHOULD use it and I or anyone here can tear YOUR arguments apart
Are we really okay with OP inb4ing the data collection facet?
OP, you have to pick that one apart too shithead.
I legit dont have interest in them
I dont have a single friend
I dont need more timesinks in my life
I have social phobia and im paranoid of everyone judging my nonexistent personality
> (You) #
>so you use outdated means like an irc or skype I take it
If I did, so what? Phone, cell, email, discord, whatsapp, slack, hangouts, viking talk, irc are mostly it. Depends on my target (like irc only because the faggot uses only that) and if I like it or not. Skype makes me puke, its the ultimate example of shitty crapware.
literally socializing.
>shit head
that's uncalled for user. Why so mean?
>data mining
>thinking any one cares what your favorite colour is
>I don't like amazon/ebay or facebook knowing what I'm interested in to help them work on their research on products like my next grapghics card
>No! I should tell them what I think so they don't have to dig for it!
get a shrink
I feel better that you say that at least. I've gone down to using fb messanger and discord and a little twitter just to post my thoughts.
Fb is there cause it's still fun to keep up on my gaming news
Discord is slowly turning into a social media.
>implying anyone is mandated to spend what little time they have left on stupid smalltalk and shit with people we hardly care sbout
My best friend and I sometimes dont talk for months, doesnt make us less friends. Socializing is a ceremonial waste of time like muricans and their anthem all the fucking time
social media isn't requisite to socialize, and most of us aren't fulfilled by social interaction, so again, why should we use it?
The thing with discord is that you should just use it how you like it. Everything it does is convenient for us, it works well, it's easy to set up and use, and it's consistent across all platforms and the website. Who cares about what their marketing team decides to label the thing or how others use it?
but i can socialise irl
or on irc
or other things that aren't social media
I do not care about what other people had for breakfast. Or about the traffic jam some people are stuck in. Or about the cute picture of a cat.
I spend years on MSN. And I gained nothing from it.
Why would I make the same mistake twice?
>I can almost take apart any issue you have with it.
what did he mean by that
Personally, I think social media is quite irritating, as it is essentially filled with mindless rubbish no one cares about and spam. There is an incredibly few number of intellectuals that exist in these websites, thus it is near impossible to maintain a remotely meaningful relationship in this manner. Furthermore, it is not appealing at all as a result of the fact that if I actually cared enough to be "social" with someone, I would do it face to face or not at all.
This, coming from a 14 year old child. Seriously, the vast majority of my peers are incompetent morons.
>but I'll tripfag
oh the irony. Why should we care about you not caring about other people's lives?
Avoiding family
Avoiding people that knew me
Not being a pleb
I have no desire for people to know anything about me, my appearance or my activities. Go away
I don't think you are required to care. He's just giving his reasoning why he doesn't use social media.
I have answered OP's challenge.
>Give me a legit reason. you have no excuse to not stick with society. I can almost take apart any issue you have with it.
A lot don't mark any niche I am interested in.
I use Instagram though.
Facebook is fags yelling at each other.
the exact same is the case with social media
you don't have to care about that caveman spongebob pic but it's given nonetheless
> but it's given nonetheless
And because you don't care, you don't want to take it, and hence you have no reason to use social media since there are superior means of direct communications without all drawbacks of social media.
I don't use them because I have friends.
>get a shrink
Get a gun and kill yourself.
>It's boring
my family forces me to take a political position for everyone to see, otherwise they get mad at me. that gets me into trouble with everyone else if i comply.
if i dont, they wont care, so it is better for me to stay away from social media.
I only use FB for Messenger. Haven't kept up with friend's affairs or posted anything in months. It's too much effort for such little gratification.
Bad breakup and too much vapid shit. IG and Snapchat condense it all nicely without having to see the text based retarded shit.
Because it's a liability to your image. Like a pro Trump page? Good luck getting a job. Photo of you partying uploaded? Good luck getting a job. Didn't go to Sue from HR's wedding? Good luck not getting fired.
This is one of the worst aspects of social media.
>Friend A
>Very political
>Makes highly controversial political statement
>Tags (You)
Social media is full of it.
basically this, but i do have a cuckbook in a manner of speaking. It gives me some feeling of being in touch with people but i usually deactivate it completely when not on it.
>tfw kikebook and co are datamining this thread
i wouldnt be surprised if they took actions based on what is posted in this thread.
Yes. I'm sure getting a bunch of poor NEETs who use adblock to sign up is central to Facebook's business model.
I come here.
It is a social media site where we talk about boring inane things and give a lot of data to google.
I don't have a blog, facebook, twitter or diaspora because I don't have things I want to share that way.
Facebook also doubles as an IM for some people, but I have other ways to get in touch with people
>being friends is stupid but I don't want to be lonely.
more so to keep up to date with what is going on in the world
literally what you said can be said about ANY other social media
do you live in 2005?
>MSN was a social media platform
Thanks now you're banned. You realize that now you are going to be banned cause all of Sup Forums is meant for 18+
You have no opinion yet child.
>go away
then why did you come in here?
LOL you must be like in 2010 or some shit cause I keep away from those idiots
Salty user. What's wrong with a shrink? I'd love to have a shrink
What's wrong user? Need somoene to talk to? I'm listening
I honestly don't. I keep tabs on a handful of 50 something friends. People think that when you have a facebook, you have like 500 people on it. When I got on facebook originally, I had maybe around 200 friends. I realized, I didn't talk to 1/2 of them if not even 3/4 of them so why even matter?
at least you use those
>I think that my job pays attention to all the shit i do
You dumbass that is not how that works AT ALL. If you knew shit about social media you'd know you can turn all that shit off on almost all places
>last implying
I do agree, witch is why my friends don't tag me in shit cause they know me well enough
>user thinks that facebook cares about Sup Forums
I wouldn't doubt Mark being the nerd he is, he shit posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
I was wondering when someone was going to say Sup Forums is a social media.
fucking retarded cuck
stallman.org/facebook is the most legit excuse i know, and its mine aswell
so go deal with it u fag or go die
>I can almost take apart any issue you have with it.
Oh my.
>do you live in 2005?
Wow! Amazing response there, user!
I don't have any friends.
Nothing but a waste of time.
>go die
man why you so salty?
Why do you think I said Almost. I didn't want to have a reason to fall back on accident.
>I have no desire for people to know anything about me, my appearance or my activities
The vast majority of the time I agree. 5 years after closing my fb, never using my real info. I have no way to contact anyone who's number I don't already have, event promoters only using fb, forums are dead. I regret being such a recluse in a lot of ways.
There's nothing of value there. All of the people who added me there just share click bait shit or things I don't care about.
cause op (you?) is a retard for saying that privacy is no reason.
Of course its a reason, and its not the only one. There are multiple reasons, ans every one of them as it is enough to not use this shit.
Btw im not using any of this shit beside twitter under fake acc + fake mail.
The only reason I have a Facebook is to spread my SoundCloud and easier groupwork collaboration at university.
I never said you couldn't have it. But then again, people on Sup Forums act like its a crime if they know EVEN your real name when the gov doesn't care who you are even when they already do. No one on Sup Forums is important. Everyone here is a damn neet.
did you check with Sup Forums for the discord?
Cause I'd probably end up never using it anyway, is why.
Because I'm not a teenager. Only reason you should have one is if you are still in school/college. Seems like even ivy league professors want you in social media, once you graduate no one cares about fb.
Probanly they dont care, thats true. But doesnt matter - they collecr everything I do, im interested in etc. and sell it, and that sucks. I prefer hosting my own Diaspora instance & keep in touch with ppl that way / over email / over xmpp or other E2E encrypted chats, where I am not the product.
I prefer the format of this Chinese money laundering forum.
I talk to friends on the phone or see them in person. I have no need to network, and am happily married. None of my friends or family actively use social media. I believe no one cares what I look like or what I do day-to-day, and that makes me happy because all I want is a quiet life.
Sup Forums is social media
hi grandpa, do you still use traditional mail?
Until facebook stop giving a voice to meat eaters and disparaging vegetarians I will not support them.
Because I'm socially recluse, and outside of my missus, you guys are the closest thing I have to friends.
I'm not even joking. ;_;
As a teen, I enjoyed sending handmade cards to faraway friends. I spent hours meticulously cutting and glueing together pieces of card stock, usually without the faintest idea of what to make or write, until I produced something to my liking. I let my hands do the thinking. When I graduated from high school and went off to college, so did I from cardmaking.
Don’t get me wrong—I prefer to stay in touch with friends and keep apprised of their lives. But I miss the richness that our interactions once had, and would much rather catch up with someone face-to-face or at least through a true correspondence, rather than peek at their life through the distorted lens of social media posts.
The time and energy I spend streaming disjointed snippets of consciousness to social media would undoubtedly be better spent writing and sharing more cohesive written works. And there are better, private platforms for journaling, which is primarily what I use social media for.
So today my Facebook and Twitter apps join the purge, replaced by trusty pencil and notebook paper. If you notice me less on social media (as I hope you will), know that I’m still around, and eagerly await and welcome your letters. Or a bicycle ride, walk in the park, and even just reading beside one another—anything but a tweet.
I've been "online" since the late 1970s, seriously (yes that means I'm an old bastige, deal with it) when I started with the Dow Jones News service at a whopping speed of 50 baud with an acoustic coupler. Yes, I told you I'm old, fuckers.
Over the decades of progressing from that low speed, to CompuServe (was one of the first 100 users, original user ID was 70001,98), then on to using other services (I had been messing around with BBSes of all kinds in those times as well, from the most basic services in local areas to larger networks like FIDOnet and others), then onto faster networks, and so on.
What that means is in those decades of my "online" experience I've made thousands of friends around the world and we all started off at roughly the same points in time so, when we look at what's become of being online and the way the Internet (which many of us helped physically construct by designing the technologies now in use that make it possible to do the things like making this post on an image board/forum/etc) has turned out, we just kinda collectively laugh at people that are so new to this "Internet thing" that they just don't have the slightest fucking clue how far we've come in a relatively short period of time.
Anyway, we meaning the people I know and keep in touch with don't have any real use for "social media" or "social networks" because we've been doing this shit for 40 fuckin' years now or longer, we invented the entire concept of "being online," we were using smileys (that's what we called 'em in the good old days) back on CompuServe's CB Simulator in 1979 before anyone got around to thinking to create a stupid name like emoticons for them, let alone attaching some stupid graphic to 'em like what's being done nowadays. :( (that means sad, kids, sorry there's no stupid graphic, you just have to use your imagination)
But you kids, go right on ahead and have fun with it if that's your thing. Us old bastiges will just kick back and laugh.
I'm not a fucking sheep. Baa baa.
The reason? To stay away from people like you. I don't have any fondness for your personality type. So you keep being yourself, and I'll keep being myself and stay the fuck away from you.
I don't want to be used by facebook.
This exactly. I lived 20 years without Facebook and Twitter and guess what kids. I still have friends, we use this thing called a phone to communicate. It's just like social media but I don't have to remember any passwords. You children need to pull your head out if your arses and realize that your couple of social media sites DO NOT represent the culture at large. Your in a small garden with other people who think like yourself and your tricking yourself into thinking your plugged in to the whole world. People got along fine and dandy before we had a 140 character limit imposed on what we could say.
>cop out
gramps, go get your new paper and pipe.
phones are dying, it's all about texting and social media platforms. at this point, only my parents call me on the phone, everyone else talks to me on facebook/discord
Gayest thing I've ever read.
Everyone you know. Because you think the entire world is on your shitty little social media site. You actually think phones are dying? Your living in a bubble you little shit.
>phones are dying, it's all about texting and social media platforms. at this point, only my parents call me on the phone, everyone else talks to me on facebook/discord
It means you only know autistic people who can't speak properly, so they send you only text messages.
your a cop out
I disagree with the premise that using social media == "sticking with society"
I'd argue the contrary, actually.
Using social media is separating oneself from society 90% of the time.
It's sad really. A while generation growing up without the ability to actually interact with the people around them. Who use the internet, a modern marvel that can connect you to people all around the world, to sit in their small walled gardens and pretend to socialise with people they could actually talk to if they just picked up the phone or got of their fat ass and went to see.
Well, the thing is it's actually not just kids who use social media. There are plenty of pretty old adults who've used the internet since, say, the '90s or so who I've seen use Facebook and WhatsApp.
Also, I know someone who's used the internet even before that, (probably sometime around your newsgroup days,) who I was able to find on Facebook, so...
Because I don't like being friends with the kind of people that absolutely need me to be on facebook with them.
I'd rather not know about how much of a faggot you are when you're not talking to me, thanks. I'd rather no one else know. That would be embarrassing
Also "tagging" is the most glorious form of character assassination ever invented
>more so to keep up to date with what is going on in the world
You mean with exaggerated and spin-heavy news stories chosen based on your suspected political beliefs.
Social media + news = echo chamber
>What is your reason for doing this thing?
>The best, most valid reason is automatically disqualified because I said so
wew lad
Yeah here's why old people get on WhatsApp.
>Little billy never calls me or comes to see me anymore, I do miss him. How can I get his attention when he never looks up from that phone. I guess if I get a phone too I might be able to get some kind of communication with him.
About 23% of the world is on Facebook.
The people on there don't appeal to me, for one. My memories of high school aren't particularly fond, and ever since leaving high school I've been something of a loner, preferring to interact anonymously or at least under an online pseudonym. The last time I met someone new who had an actual lasting impact on my life was high school, so if I don't want to interact with those people there's really nothing else to draw me to social media.
It's possible that I'd have some use for an account on Twitter, where I won't need to use any identifying information or limit myself to interacting primarily with offline acquaintances, except nine out of ten tweets would be either parts of multi-tweet series or links to something like TwitLonger or whatever it's called: I have some trouble fitting my thoughts into Sup Forums's character limit at times, so it probably wouldn't even be possible for me to express a complete thought, with all the explanation I need to include for the sake of the idiots around me, in 140 or fewer characters.
because i hate using computers
hey son, do you still have actual friends?
no you fucking don't faggot you have "canis doganus the fluffy sergal" on steam and you 'totes know eachother' because you videochatted on skype once
fucking internet kids
-posted on Sup Forums
Vegetarians are mentally defective
In no way does valuing the lives of simpler animals make sense. They're more disposable and easily replaced than hobos with downs syndrome. Your sense of empathy has run amuck, probably because you have a mild form of autism and watched too many furry cartoons.
because i don't like the way the people i know act on social media, but i'm not going to tell them to stop, so i just deleted my account
Oh, woops, I failed reading comprehension. You said you subscribed to the Dow Jones, not that you were necessarily using newsgroups at the time. Sorry.
People turn into retards the instant they do or say something online. I don't want to hate people more than I already do.
Also I have no friends.
Yeah sure. I'm sure none if those accounts are just sitting dead or were set up and used once 10 years ago. I'm sure every Facebook account represents someone who spends dozens of hours a week on it.
Yeah. Shitposting on then chans is just so much better right?
It's a little better, because it's spontaneous human opinions with no "higher" purpose instead of manufactured media from people who went to school to study what is literally a form of mind control.
You know it is. Drop in and drop out as you like. Saying something dumb doesn't come back to bite you on the arse later. Connect with people from all walks of life. And most importantly it all gets forgotten in a matter of days no matter what happens. Like how conversations work in real life.
>shills don't real
>meanwhile, the IDF literally posts on Sup Forums, microsoft literally posts on Sup Forums, and the FSF literally pays chinese orphans to call the linux OS "GNU/Linux"
I didn't mean that old. I meant more like, say, parents of kids in their 20s.