You first.



I love anime threads.

Sup Forums hates weebs though, they're the fags of anime fandom

Senpai why?


Why you gotta be so emo about it.


They're usually drawn with technology



anime website

Yeah, me too. But you know I'm really wired. What do you say I... take you home and eat your pussy.

and your point is???

anime website

That I hate you fat bastards who are on the wrong board



Who is you're favourite semen demon Sup Forums?


>implying all those pictures trigger me



stop watching drawn child porn you fucks

futaba is shit

frogposters are even worse than weebs

just like the rest of this board


kys desu senpai

The rite of passage for embracing technology requires embracing a NEET lifestyle and aggressive masturbation using cute 2D anime girls as fap fodder.

What you are asking for is heresy.

Love at first sight. Only waifu ever.

>he loves pixels

I am 31 and virgin. This is the only thing keeping me alive.

On the bright side you dont transfer stds

Why don't you get a bf? Are you a str8 weirdo or something?

wew lad :^)
I am 24, not virgin and a 50yo milf cured me at the age of 22 :^)

I love anime, but these pedophiles, waifuist scumbags, zunshit secondaries, and shitposting Sup Forumsedditors should be lined up and shot.

Sup Forums is a second Sup Forums, and Sup Forums needs to stay on Sup Forums like Sup Forums needs to stay on Sup Forums.

Keep anime, remove f/a/ggots.

>becoming gay because you can't handle grils
wtf, is this a new cult or something?
So many weird boys are becoming gay because they are apperently just plain retarded. Being gay should be illegal

Yes I am heterosexual. Cock has no effect on me.

I have a hard time approaching girls and having a conversation without coming off as creepy.

just get drunk. problem solved.
that's how I picked up my milf

jailhouse gay is last year

the new trend is conditioning yourself into trannyhood through increasingly weird porn and masturbation practices

anime website

if you fugg a tranny you are still gay though

All gay is jailhouse gay.

Because we're all in a prison.


>anime website

get this degeneracy off my honorary aryan cartoon forum


>Makes a thread dedicated to Anime
Good job.

Got any
Real proof?

But I don't want to be squishy and gross :(

anime website


Bullshit. He's a dumb bastard if this quote is real

god damn japan and their new more "sensitive" manchildren, 90 years ago in 1982 this would be a montage of alpha males piloting robots

i blame evangelion




Fuck off

lol y u mad tho

>not putting your moot in the fridge

That anime sucked man anus but goddamn would I rape her

No you fuck off weab. Moot no longer owns 4chins.

Yeah, now it's owned by a straight up nip.

So fuck off, if he wanted to make it an anime website he'd remove the anime containment board.

>all nips are weeaboos
Top kek makiposter.

Did anyone watch it for any other reason than Shinoa?

Instead, some nip does kek.

anime website

Do you even know the definition of weaboo though?


>Around the mid-1990s, however, schools and individuals began to choose sports shorts instead, citing modesty concerns.

anime website

stupid frog poster

It's the anime that's done it to you. Stop anime stop being a virgin

If you're asking if I know the difference between poop of different consistencies then no I don't, for me, they're all poo.