
Prev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

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3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

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Have to install arch for class. got base installed and the like (i.e. finished beginners guide). what are the best post-installation steps? bit of a linux newbie.

Fuck, KDE5 got wrecked again. As soon as I unplug my 2nd monitor, Plasma just shits itself, and remains shat, even after a reboot. Only plugging my monitor back in, makes it return to normal, just as if nothing had happend.
Problem is: It's a fucking laptop, so I need to be able to use it without its external monitor.
Last time this occured, only a reinstall fixed it.
Now that is a known bug, but seems like it wont get fixed, and I cant fucking have a work machine, where I am afraid of every single display unplugging fucking my machine, and costing me a few hours of reinstalling and configuring shit.
So, what do?
Switch distros?
I'm on fedora, and used to quite like it, but supposedly, Suse has a few KDE patches of their own still. Used to use suse back in the days where you actually could buy a box full of DVD'S and handbooks, and it was quite comfy, but somwhere along the way, they kinda lost their focus. Worth returning to?
Ubuntu? Tried it once, and I was appalled by it. I am all for an easy, just-werks-out-of-the-box experience, but that shit is so dumbed down that I actually felt offended.
CentOS? I really, really want to go back to KDE4, instead of that pre-alpha mess that is 5, but the fact that rpmfusion is dead means that I wont get a lot of software, unless I compile myself (fuck that) or enable some one-man-autist-show repos, that might insert whatever into my system.
Something else I am missing?
Or switch DEs?
But I already tried gnome, and it was as insulting as ubuntu. And if I have to spend hours to figure out in what fucking syntax I have to write the config files of some one-man-autist-show DE, where I have to do everything manually, I'd rather waste those hours fixing/reinstalling KDE, since that actually works (if it works, that is…)
Or just give up, and reinstall windows? I still have an 8pro licence lying around, that I can either still "upgrade" to 10 (…probably not), or "downgrade" to 7pro.

Arch Linux with Plasma 5. Just works.

>Arch Linux
>Just works.
Nope. I seriously cant use a distro that has the explicit philosophy of having you doing everything by hand. I need my PC for work, not for causing me more work.

got gnome up and running. how do I start ricing?

I'm this guy.
I was able to install Fedora 23 with no frills by selecting just the SSD. Now I'll set up the swap, /var partition maybe and what not.

I'm on my week off Sup Forums, so I won't be monitoring the thread, but I'll check for replies every couple of hours.

Cheers, and stay friendly.

You can try Linux Mint :)

I want to do this. Basically, the top panel has an application launcher menu, a taskbar, a tray, and a clock. For maximized applications, the titlebar disappears and the window buttons move to the corner of the panel. Or the window controls could be there permanently and just control the focused window, either way works.

Is there a DE that will allow me to accomplish this? I tried with GNOME, but customizing GNOME is a nightmare since every single thing you want to do requires a buggy extension prone to breaking between versions, and they don't necessarily play nicely with each other. There was a MATE applet that could put the window buttons in a panel, but it's dead and broken in recent MATE versions.

Does anyone know if UDP socket states are the same as TCP socket states? I'm talking about these [1] and compared to what /proc/net/udp reports.

The kernel has an enum for TCP states [2] but there's no equalivent enumartion for UDP states.


I second to that

Stop trolling faggot.

lightdm breaks all the time and i enjoy switching between DE, what do I use instead

startx & changing the DE within ~/.xinitrc

what if i'm not autistic?

Using a DE when you're literally the only user using your computer is in fact autistic.

>using a DE is autistic

literally what? we should be using terminal only to not be autistic? what the fuck are you saying?

You don't need to use the terminal when you don't use a DE. You drop a single line into your xinit and that's it. Don't play retarded.

not even him, just trying to get what you are saying.

but whatever, doesn't matter.

gnome is dumb running xfce now. got lightdm working which is the furthest I've ever gotten with arch.

is installing open box as simple as
pacman -S openbox
openbox --replace

I guess user is talking about a DM (Display Manager)

A DM makes sense for two reasons:
- multiple users use the computer
- you have multiple window managers you want to select from via GUI

If you're the only user and only use one DE (or WM), you don't need a display manager, since everything it would manage is one session. This sessen can be started automatically by dropping startx in your shellrc.

Example: [ -z "${DISPLAY}" ] && [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ] && exec startx

This will autostart your desktop session when you login at tty1 (the default tty).

>arch for class

Hey guys. I want to try Linux but there are so many Linuxes to choose from and they all look nice. What is the BEST one? I can't decide.



Is that a portal to the dogscape?

GNU Linux-libre

It's adorable

If I want a tray icon in arch for wifi how is that done? through netctl or xfce?

Debian's kernel is better. It comes without blobs but you can load proprietary firmware.

Netctl is just a manager, you need a widget like nm-applet.


this pic triggers the venezuelians

>don't shit in the streets
>use unix

Memes aside, the only true (trademarked) unix is OS X. GNU and the Linxu kernel were rewritten with the idea of unix, nothing more or less.

in xfce when I minimize something it creates a desktop icon of it which is ugly how can I stop this, or what can I google?


>no thread title


hes right bro

that he is right or not is irrelevant. Gnu + linux is a unix like system. Gnu's not unix. No one ever said that gnu+linux was a true unix system.
If he wants to talk about OS X, he is free to do so in another threads which isn't dedicated to gnu linux

Look at OPs picture retard.

Sup Forumsuise , if i use an nvidia/intel laptop with nvidia drivers installed but choose intel with prime-select, is the nvidia card turned off or just not doing any work but still using some power?

UDP is a datagram protocol, it is stateless. They kernel could make up state about whether there is someone listining on a socket of time since traffic seen but I don't think it does. The conntrack subsystem might though.

Alright, I'll just disregard the state field that the proc filesystem displays for UDP connections then.

I finally got it. I had some trouble with Gnome not shutting off/on properly so I scratched it and installed from a new iso with KDE. Works like a charm.

Or I should say sockets since it's connectionless :-)

How do I get an additional dns server in my resovl.conf? resolv.conf.head doesn't seem to work

>Suse has a few KDE patches of their own still. Used to use suse back in the days where you actually could buy a box full of DVD'S and handbooks, and it was quite comfy, but somwhere along the way, they kinda lost their focus. Worth returning to?

Seriously, KDE5 is an utter mess. Now plugin and unplugin monitors does not kill plasma, but I just get random crashes (which it recovers from) all the time, and occasionally, I loose some windows, mostly terminals that are running fucking zypper. And it sucks to have an update running, that might or might not work, causing god knows what kinds of havoc.

Currently trying mate.
Looks like shit, but seems to work, but it cant fucking connect to my wifi, since it seems to colide with the KDE setting for it.


>myth meme meme meme myth meme meme memememememem lol mememem

That's how your post sounds to a normal person.

nm-applet needs network manager.
there's wicd-gtk, but wicd is abandoned and deprecated.

I had to disable UEFI secure boot to install propietrary Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 16.04.
How do I enable it again? And do I need to enable it?

What's the best distro for my shitty 2007 macbook?

I've read about some of them struggling with power management and whatnot. Want something that just twerks for shitposting and jewtube.

OCDfag here. Can I rename .Xresources to .xresources and simply call it every time via xrdb .xresources, or will it break something?

Just make a symlink called xresources.

If you don't mind it appearing in non-hidden directory lists then I'd leave out the . too, less typing.

hey guys I need some help

I've written a font.conf file, but I dont know where to place it
currently it's in ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
is it the right place?
I have the feeling it's either ignored or at the wrong place

teach me how to do it right

That'd bother me too much since I usually list hidden files inclusive. (Why must X be such a special snowflake?!)

Also: Nice quads.



Alternativly, use the deprecated .xdefaults file.
It's not recommended, but supported.


Simply drop xrdb randomfilename into your .xinit or .bashrc

I almost can't believe I wasted quads on such a hacky workaround

Another idea, why don't you just make an alias for it in your shell, maybe xres or xdb?

went to use open box and now my windows don't snap at the side and the terminal is no longer tranparent. cool ricing guise.

>cool ricing guise.
Since you want to shit on it, I don't see any reason to help you. Enjoy. :^)

this is a friendly linux thread be nice.

I'm still trying to be a good example.

- You need compositing, because OpenBox is a lightweight WM that doesn't support it nativly. Solution: install compton

Things like window snapping or hot corner are easy scriptable via xdotool and/or wmctrl?
Bunsenlabs got some nice example here, written in Python (works on any distro/WM):

Furthermore: Everything is possible on GNU/Linux.

Hello guys

I want to start learning C++, and since I use GNU/Linux, I wanted to ask - what's a good IDE to use? Codeblocks?

Unconventionalfag here: Don't use an IDE. Learn vim and compile external (gcc, etc). The benefits are: You don't only learn how to write correct code, you also learn how to please compilers and how to program in lightspeed.

Some thoughts.

Sublime: May help you alot, but since it's proprietary, it's just another uncomfy dick in the ass

Atom: IMHO better than Sublime, but since it's based on JS it's slow as fuck and you will get in trouble when you try to work with large files.
Also: Shithub - nuff said

Geany is nice. I've discovered no bad things about it so far.

And then there are Vim and Emacs. Choice is easy: You're from planet earth? Use Vim. Not? Use Emacs.

Everything else: Drop it.

When will there be an official Ubuntu derivative for Cinnamon so we can recommend that to newbies instead of Mint?

I'm not a programmer expert, I'm still learning a lot, but I think everyone should start with a dumb text editor, the command line and a compiler. I tried to learn programming a while ago when microsoft released their free version of visual studio, and the build process of software stayed mysterious to me until I went on linux and started to use the command line to compile LaTeX documents. Also I forgot basically everything of C#, since VS with its completion and debugging tools don't force you to write correctly nor to know the exact syntax or keywords. Now, when I learn a language, I actually learn it, and the text editor doesn't think for me.

Anyway, vim and emacs can act as IDEs. Also learn the interactive features of your shell, they're really helpful.

IMHO derivatives are nice toys to play with, but nothing to run as daily driver.
Next to this, I think that Mate is pretty much more comfy for refugees than Cinnamon.

Afaik the free VS is botnetted with telemetry.
Some days ago there was a thread about that topic.

I agree with learning programming via dumb-editors tho.

Got an issue on my arch install
do you want to help troubleshoot or I go to arch IRC?

on reboot theres no internet connection, I can ping, but not
if I sudo pm-suspend, and wake up from it, everything works

What's the best way to force a 1920x1080 resolution on a 1360x768 monitor? tried xandr with the outputs from "cvt" and it looks like dogshit, is there a linux equivalent for AMD custom resolutions on windows?

xrandr can do this. You just need to create a new mode if the desired resolution isn't available by default. Check the manpage and the arch wiki for more infos:

There are also a lot of frontends for xrandr, but since I never used one of them, I can't recommend one.

Yeah but it looks like trash, like blurry as hell or even out of the frame, I even tried adding the resolution to 10-monitor.conf in xorg.config.d but doesn't help

If it looks blurry, try to lower the DPI.

Join #flt (see OP) and ping the sleeping fags (call their names).

Why didn't the IRC level up to fglt yet?
Please no 150 shitposts now.

its called downgrade
also you started to shitpost

>IMHO derivatives are nice toys to play with, but nothing to run as daily driver.
Maybe for you and me, but noobs want something that just werks out of the box. I want something I can recommend in good faith that will make the transition as comfortable for them as possible, and out of all the current DEs, Cinnamon is by far the best for that purpose IMO.
>Next to this, I think that Mate is pretty much more comfy for refugees than Cinnamon.
In some ways, maybe, but it's feeling pretty old-school these days. I don't think it's really that inviting for former Windows 7+ users, especially without Compiz. It'd be fine for someone who misses Windows XP.

>RMS is eating shit from his foot
>RMS is a pedophile
>GPL restricts freeedom
>FSF is a cult
Meh. Seriously. We aren't 12 year olds.

I usually recommend Fedora since it's not as satanic as Ubuntu (spying, Microsoft BBF) and not Mint (security desaster).

What about those Arch installers like Evo/lition, Archiitect, Antergos etc? Anyone got experiences to share? How's Manjaro, SSL memes aside?

What's the package that changes the terminal colors and make everything look uniform and use the same colors? also how do people change the terminal so indea of a ~ it shows some icon or some pretty shit like that

I've used Architect a couple of times. It does what it says on the tin. Honestly I probably wouldn't bother installing Arch "manually" these days, simply to save time.

Do bugs ever get fixed? I just searched the web for a bug I was having and the bug was filed on launchpad. The first post was made back in the first month of 2014. It's for a bug for the Xfce panel menu on Xubuntu. When ever people bash linux saying how it's always full of bugs, linux users just say "hurr durr you're too retarded to google and file bug reports", but people are doing just that and they still blame the user.

Some do. Xfce is pretty much a dead project, though, so I wouldn't expect much change anymore.

Generally: Only if the dev of program X wants to fix it. That's the spirit of GNU/Linux, but part of the spirit is that people actually fix it right at the time the bug is reported (usually they point to a patch). Always tinker through bug reports and search git for patches and bug fixes.

I wouldn't enable it unless you are familiar with signing kernel modules

>Xfce is pretty much a dead project
I keep hearing this, but the repo at seems active enough.

Reminder we have threads on /t/ about

ported videogames
tutorials on system administration

~ % ping
ping: socket: Operation not permitted
ping: socket: Operation not permitted
Where did I go wrong?

sudo chmod u+s `which ping`


That picture with the captions and the lady is cringy as fuck

>i want to use arch for days, weeks, months, but i can't sit down 10 minutes to install it how it's meant to be installed

How to spot a pretentious poser who doesn't need the operating system in the first place.

I have a 16gb USB stick and a macbook running 10.7.

Unetbootin doesn't start, I guess my own is too old.

What options do I have to install Ubuntu or debian onto that USB stick?

I tried unetbootin from my winblows box but I can't boot and install to and from the same stick.

I also created a persistent file to store settings and whatnot but that doesn't seem to work either.

Fixed it