Sup Forums is technology

Sup Forums is technology.
Did you know this is an anime website? That's why we all come here United in our love of anime!

Yeah, but with the addition of new boards, it is not the purely anime imageboard it used to be.

Anime website.

Fuck off weeaboo.

You're on the wrong site if you don't like anime.

Anime-influenced website.

Fuck off weeaboo.

Website built for anime.

r*ddit is for people who dislike anime

stop watching drawn child porn

what about /r/anime

Why? Anime is technology.

animu is Sup Forums as fuck.

Anime is made with technology but is not technology itself.

How, weeaboo?

I miss techloligy threads


it's odd how sonicfags and barneyfags are on the same level of autism as weeaboos, and yet only the last get special treatment here

This is an anime website after all





your video makes me want to commit a crime


I can't decide who's better. Tatsu or Fubuki.


Knowing this is Sup Forums, this is a boy right?

Sup Forums - girl

Doesn't it bother you that you're masturbating to the creations of middle aged male Japs?

They're not real girls. Fucking animefags.

Doesn't it bother you that you're masturbating to the creations of middle aged male men?
They're told what to do, it's not real sex.

Fucking porn fags.

pretty dumb analogy user

100% true actually.

You're a dumb analogy.
