you niggaz WISH you could render fonts as sexy as THESE
Font rendering
I can, my computer shows your picture just fine.
I'm happy with mine
Keep telling yourself that so you can sleep at night, petal. It's fucking unreadable.
Your cleartype font is actually disgusting in case no one told you yet
I never thought I'd see the day where a Windows user brags about their fonts.
Windows 10 is even worse than the older ones because you can't even fucking fix it yourself anymore because mactype is broken for most "modern" apps.
Wincuckolds cannot change their shit fonts anymore
no i don't
my eyes aren't so bad that i have to blur everything so it "looks more natural"
Surely that isn't a Windows screenshot. The file name makes me think Android.
Android has absolutely beautiful font rendering. I am truly perplexed by how bad Windows' is. The Settings area is particularly bad. Just look at this shit. This is with cleartype on and configured to make the fonts everywhere else look passable at least.
>Surely that isn't a Windows screenshot. The file name makes me think Android.
The name is the default template name for screenshots on OS X.
You're better off taking a picture of your screen, a screenshot won't show how it's really displayed. Quality text rendering takes the subpixel layout into account.
hows my hackintosh font rendering?
Legitimately shit.
pretty shit though your image looks compressed to hell and back which doesn't help. When I had a hackintosh on my XPS 13 with a 3200x1800 display it was top notch.
can i make the font rendering better somehow? i think it expects a fuckhuge screen, but i only have 1080p
we need a way to compare rendering without people's resolution getting in the way
>nothing can beat this
>being beaten by a fucking phone
You sure?
that is the exact same rendering library
yeah that's trash
You must be blind
No he's right, it is trash. Just like your existence.
Oh no... a piece of shit said my existence is trash... and didn't even post a screenshot
Here you go, it's a screenshot of you, Timmy.
I have no idea what the fuck you just posted
>someone posts picture of you
>pretend not to know who it is
And still no font rendering screenshot...
Win7, 8 and 10 are both trash for fonts.
Most satisfied I was font-wise was with like, XP 64.
Windows 7, 1080p
>being this concerned with winning on the internet
And yet again no screenshot...
how do i even fix the kerning
the option in mactype doesn't seem to do anything
you fix it by not using mactype
cleartype is even worse, though
proper letter placement > everything else
one of the selling points of ClearType was its ability to snap to the subpixel grid, not just subpixel rendering.
That patent has recently expired and freetype2 is using it
I'm at work (pretending to work) but if you keep the thread alive for me I'll show you font rendering as god intended, 'kay babes?
that's probably because the font is shit, no proper pairs
pic is with HintingMode=1 AntiAliasMode=2 RenderWeight=1.0 open sans
I'll raise you Windows 10 font rendering
wanblangs 4 lyf
gdipp is better at this, use it
What do I win?
Wangblows, 1080p
>2560 * 1600
>everything is huge
Looks good here
Beat this.