What do you think of the reddit algorithm changes?

What do you think of the reddit algorithm changes?

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What algorithm?

nice try Sup Forums


Reminder that if you don't browse reddit you're simply blocking out a large source of worthwhile information and have nothing to be proud of.

What "worthwhile" information?

Almost any interest has a subreddit with real world experts in it. Not to mention a lot more posted relevant news when compared to somewhere like here.

Simply ebin friend!

The information is accessible by googling.
That's the only time I get to reddit.

So quit stalling and tell me one

So you're just confirming my post.


>Current Year

>Reddit PCucks that claim to be so “”progressive”” still don’t have an imageboard

Imgur is cancer

It's good desu. We absolutely must stop Trump from becoming commander in chief because he will starts WW3 no matter what. Go Hillary!


Hiroyuki is a Hillary supporter.

I don't care because I don't ever visit r/all.

Useless piece of shit

the last one is my favourite

Yes, Reddit is much better. Maybe you should stay on Reddit and never come back here again?

Maybe you should back off?!


Also important is that Reddit is open source, unlike Sup Forums.

Sup Forums = smart people acting dumb

Reddit = dumb people acting smart

And Reddit mods are transparent and publically known. Unlike

ya mum!


This desu family

They're also powertripping attentionwhores that set up rules for everyone only to break them themselves constantly. Like all the mods from old forums.

I really prefer Sup Forums mods and the fact that I don't have to know who they are over that.

> How Cow Urine threatens to derail one of India's institutional strengths.
kek also get your lols here:


Imageboards are shit anyway. Anonymous forums with automatic, periodic cleanups is where it's at.

No thanks, I'll get my "lols" elsewhere

>Sup Forums
>smart people
ebin meme friend

>Sup Forums
>smart people

why. butthurt hindu comments are always funny

better than reddit at ant reate


Why is /e/ not there?

>Sup Forums iq is 93
>/k/ iq is 120
fucking chirst, no wonder they shitpost on /k/ all the time

they want to dumb us down to their level


> wg and n over g
i highly doubt

>according to a bullshit study with no paper linked or even refrenced inside. I can't believe anyone takes this seriously

Fucking KEK'd hard.

>imblying that information is worthwhile just because it exists
your fillin' your brain up with junk mate

So is the joke that the people who actually believe this is real are from reddit?


This is a meme you know.

Dont post that agaib


Mostly trash, but some okay posts. They typically just give vague pointers and non-specific information unless you're making another monolithic UNIX-clone on x86.


Literal fucking hellhole. Arduino is absolute cancer for non-engineer """hobbyists" that couldn't put together a basic digital circuit if their life depended on it.



multisubs are still useless if you mix highly active subs with not-so-active ones


Nah, Sup Forums is filled with the same stupid as reddit. It's just that on Sup Forums no-one pretends to be particularly smart and those who do are typically tripfags.

True, as long as you don't participate in the community and never post, reddit is a pretty good place. Meanwhile 4chins is just play shitposting everywhere 24/7.


Sup Forums is so low because only neo-nazis, eastern europeans and arabs actually unironically visit that shitboard

I really like reddit because people upvote the best content, and I don't have to filter through all of the trash.

Sup Forums is equally good because of the funnier reactions images xD!

Literally fuck off to reddit

I'm a mature adult. I can browse the websites I want to, even the 18+ ones!

Literally fuck off to reddit

are people actually taking this seriously or

He doesn't censor us

The first one is actually correct to be perfectly sincere with you pham.

lolz i get all my epic pepe memes from Sup Forums,haha rare!!!

>believing online IQ tests

I know who has the two digit IQ here

Double lliterally fuck off to Reddit.

Reminder that you're fucking retarded

Look at the replies, they very much are. Put anything in a chart even if the data is arbitrary and watch as the sheep flock to it like truth.

Without getting very technical, Reddit admins have been actively trying to censor /r/The_Donald. They are a Sup Forums-centric group that oversaturate /r/all with Hillary Clinton kissing KKK-man memes. It also boosted the reach of pro-Hillary subreddits such as /r/EnoughTrumpSpam. I'm not a fan of censorship, but most tech companies are fairly liberal, so you can't really get upset by it.

>read about something on reddit
>unpopular opinions are hidden
>random posts with unfunny 10 year old memes everywhere
>posters actually mentioning that they copied their post fro someone else because they want karma
>"thanks for the gold"

Literally the opposite of free speech and Sup Forums

The funniest thing about redditors is that they really believe everyone here visits their crappy web site.

>Unpopular opinions are hidden.

That's kind of the point. People who are off-topic, posting hate speech, etc. don't even get to see the light of day.

Are you implying that unpopular opinions are always bad and that the crowd mentality is always right? Then fuck off to reddit, Sup Forums is not for you

>People actually think this is real
>These same people are mocking the intelligence of other people
>Scientific "facts" can't be argued with
Yup sounds like Reddit.

Unpopular opinions are not ALWAYS bad, but if you actually go peruse through a random Reddit through you will see that stuff that gets hidden by downvotes is nearly always complete nonsense. It's a fair compromise. You can see quality content that people upvote, and maybe once a month you'll miss out on good information that was downvoted. Whereas here on Sup Forums, most of the things are meme-themed.

I only browse reddit for the resources on the subreddit sidebars.
[spoiler]And also niche porn.[/spoiler]

>reddit has section about Sup Forums
>no one gets upset when you mention Sup Forums

>someone mentions reddit on Sup Forums
>everyone gets buttmad and tells them to leave

Sounds like the issue is with Sup Forums, not reddit.


everyone but me - dumb people

This is a reddit meme by the way

Sup Forums = dumb people acting dumb

Reddit = dumb people acting smart

>it's an issue if you complain about idiots taking YOUR website over
I like how you redditfags get so upset when someone points out that your behavior is redditlike and you get upset
Fuck off to reddit

That's not a problem unique to Reddit. You can't demonize an entire website because one subreddit had incompetent and biased moderators.

Except people on reddit are smarter. You should be happy they keep Sup Forums from becoming completely irrelevant.


What's the difference between wading through all the shitposts on Sup Forums and other imageboards, and wading through all the shit subreddits on that place? And the good subs you find are probably irrelevant.
Why don't you just go to a good site instead of a shit site with a 1% good part.

Sup Forums = kiddies and underage b&

Reddit = kiddies and underage b&

>People who are off-topic, posting hate speech, etc. don't even get to see the light of day.

that's not the point though, downvoted posts almost exclusively boil down to "someone disagreed with me" resulting in post hidden because of herd mentality, it's common as shit for a post to be downvoted to the point it's hidden until someone with some common sense links it on another subreddit and a brigade comes until it's upvoted again -- ever see "edit: why the downvotes?" on an upvoted post? now you know why

you just need to look at how karma is handled to realise how the reddit meta works, the reddiquette or whatever the fuck they call it explicitly mention that downvotes should be used for posts that are either off-topic or breaking the rules or the like and should not be downvoted just because you disagree with it, yet up/downvotes are used exclusively as "I like this" and "I don't like this" buttons which is why as others have mentioned shitty memes that have been beaten to death constantly make the top posts in every thread

sure, sometimes posts that legitimately deserve to be hidden by default are completely off-topic, hate speech, nonsense, etc, but equally posts that people just disagree with are hidden or sent to the bottom forcing posts that appeal to the lowest common denominator to the top

I'm subscribed to somewhere between 50-100 high quality subreddits. Most of my friends referred me to them, so I didn't really have to wade through anything.

>went to the Sup Forums subreddit
>full with /r9k/ unfunny memes
>all posts are just screenshots of "funny" shitpost Sup Forums threads made by the redditards themselves
>"user does X"

This is a fair well constructed argument. I might have changed my mind about Reddit.



pretty sketchy

they made the trump forum's votes count for less, and the anti trump forums votes count for more

>mfw you press send without checking

>Why don't you just go to a good site instead of a shit site with a 1% good part.

fucking THIS

im so sick of the "smaller subs are good" maymay. it's like saying detroit doesn't suck because you frequent the only good restaurant in town.

no, detroit still sucks. move somewhere else.

it literally changed nothing except getting the trump subreddit off the front page. its back to how it was before trump took over. there was obviously no algorithm change, except maybe to add specific cases for the trump subreddit.

>I'm not a fan of censorship, but most tech companies are fairly liberal, so you can't really get upset by it.
wew lad
>I'm not a fan of letting syrian migrants rape my daughter and wife, but the liberals are the ones who brought them here so you can't really get upset by it

I'm American, and I've never seen a Syrian migrant. My daughter and wife will most definitely not be getting raped without the perpetrator being shot!

What are some good subreddits

They're being imported to rural areas without the states being notified. If you're in the city you're probably safe for now.

I think I'm alright here in Florida. Our people have accepted the Guatemalans and Cubans, but I can't imagine them taking in Syrians. It's kind of nice living around bigots, so you can be a good person and get stuff done.

Sup Forums = dumb people acting even dumber
Reddit = dumb people acting smart

this. a lot of people say "there are some good subreddits" but what are the actual good subreddits? I used to visit a lot of the smaller ones and all were cancer