Explain "Pajeet"

What is it about Indians especially? They are good coders? Bad coders?


What is the deal?

go away pajeet

Pajeets = hindus/street shitters/piss drinkers/corpse, infant rapists etc.

Tldr: Pajeets means indians.

>Pajeet spotted

Interested in this as well.

Not a Pajeet like OP btw.

Are pajeets specifically Indians in India, Indians who happen to program, or just all?

I find cartoon indian accents cute/funny but whenever it is a real indian I just nope out of there

they can only do one thing: java.
and that not even right.
their schools are basically pay for a degree. you pay money up front. never go to school and get your degree mailed 3 years later.
the only sort of knowledge they have is from shit tier udemy/codeschool courses.
where they pick the shittiest ones.

Tookourjobs ree

Pajeet is a meme spouted by neo-Sup Forums aka Sup Forums which refers to Indians that are oversaturating the Computer Science field to the point where they are becoming the majority. College degree holding White males of course are pissed that their overpaid jobs are getting outsourced to lower wage pajeets who went to coding camp for a few months and then took their job position.

It was originated in Sup Forums retard. And pajeets deserve every bit of hatred they get

It started with poo in loo, idiot

It originated on ebaumsworld

Poo in the loo

Indians are always in India, no matter where they are. They take that shit with them everywhere they go

Because Indians are both arrogant and ignorant

He looks vaguely like Snoop.

Not every Indian who programs is a pajeet. Just the total shit ones that provide shit work for a dollar an hour

it started with them not pooing in the loo

Had to switch gyms because the curry problem got too bad. Rajesh phoned Sanjeet and said "bring everyone" and suddenly you couldn't get a turn on the squat rack because Rupinder had his squad spotting him while he curls there. Meanwhile, the village elders tagged along too and chilled in the locker room like it was a sauna, despite the gym actually having a sauna. Whole gym smelled like curry all day.

Thank God I switched gyms, and the curries we have at the new one is a couple of pakis

Sandals. Gross, leathery sandals and ashy feet. Shoes piled up several feet high at the front door of their shitty, smelly, crowded Fremont apartments. Curry and diapers waft through the air, from the hallways to their beat-up Camrys. And they all let little pajeets in the back put stickers all over the inside windows. Those who don't code, are cashiers at Frys.

Fucking pajeets.

they terk er jerbs

Sikhs are pretty based

Southern Indians are a shitstain on the world.

The Pakis are a problem, They combine poo in the loo with Islam.

Once based Trump gets elected he's going to ban Muslim immigration so 50% of our poo problem will be solved

>Sup Forums makes fun of pajeets
>the CEO's of major tech companies like Google and Microsoft are pajeets
>meanwhile Sup Forums is full of neets

can't explain that

I'm a britbong, so it won't solve mine.

I'm amazed that the Gujurati Indians are so nice - they're a miracle from a continent of shit. Although they're all accountants and dentists...

I'm guessing they're the northern light skinned ones?

I know it's pretty Sup Forums thing to say but the lighter aryan ones tend to be more compatible with Western civilization

It was originated in Myspace you goddamn pissfuck

Lots of Indians are actually code monkeys. Regardless of the quality of their code, they usually only learn how to create websites and apps, but they weren’t taught they more in-depth intricacies of coding and programming, so they don’t really understand what is going on when they do thing —a bit like most of teens who began to code by learning the syntax of a language and how to do things with, without more knowledge about all of that (I think a lot of us began this way) –and alas, there’s not only code monkeys in India, but all around the world.

Also, the incredible difference of cost and speed of developing a website/app in India or in a first world country makes a lot of companies order their product from Indian companies, and they don’t care if the code is bad and they don’t understand why it is a bad thing, until they have to maintain it.

But I think what is mostly to blame are the companies who want their product NOW at the lowest cost possible, so they go for shitty solutions and wonder afterward what went wrong. And as that’s something that works quite well in India, well Indians learn programming and coding that way since it’s what works best for them.