I was offered a position in Kuala Lumpur to lead a team of Pajeets in some big data project...

I was offered a position in Kuala Lumpur to lead a team of Pajeets in some big data project. It's supposed to last 6 months, then I'll go back to Europe. Is it a good move?


No it's better to post on Sup Forums reply to the same b8 threads for 6 months

As long as there aren't too many Muslims

make sure to get all the necessary vaccines before visiting that cesspool of a country

Yes, it's a great move because you'll have very little oversight. Just go there, get the job done with as little effort as possible and treat it like an extended, paid holiday.

Only if the company sending you there is willing to spring for a bodyguard, unless you fancy being beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.

Bring lots of bottled water and don't fuck anything.

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^

Its a great move because
>KL is in close proximity to every cool place to visit in SE Asia
>SE Asia is filled with tons of cool shit to do, you could literally take a trip to a different country every other week for super cheap because they have smaller planes that regularly fly between the countries
>You could leave to go partying in Bangkok on Friday and be back for Monday
>So many places to see, Northern Vietnam, Thailand's cities and resorts, Bali's incredible surf scene, Singapore's incredible food (and whoring if thats your thing), Cambodia's ancient temples
>You could even fly to Hong Kong and Macau and mainland China
>Everything is dirt cheap

You have the potential to have an incredible time there user, don't fuck it up. Go immediately.


Go back to Sup Forums you islamophobic piece of shit.

Go bomb something Muhammed Abdul Jamal

poo in loo

pic related

There are nothing but muslims in malaysia

how can a person be this fucking dense?

Well, you're what you eat.

>islamophobia is a bad thing

Do it faggot.

My company is sending to Taiwan for 6 months to learn about their final assembly process. I consider it a paid vacation. I've yet to hear anyone regret going.

>going to Malaysia
You know, doing or smuggling drugs is a crime punishable by death there.
I'd be afraid to land on the airport in Malaysia only to find someone put drugs in my luggage (to smuggle it through easier, if it gets found on them they get killed, but if I get through normally, they can come beat me up and steal the drugs back)

The pay in Malaysia is ridiculous.
I know a pharmacist there who makes like (converted) 1000$ a month there.
Everything being cheap makes it good as a tourist place, but not to work there and then return.
It's constantly super hot there throughout the year.
Mosquitos transfer malaria there.
The melayus speak broken English, worse than Indians.
Actually, 10 or 20% of the population are Indians.
I've seen the inside of a house there and the bedroom didn't have a window

How is islamaphobia real?
Bear in mind a phobia is an irrational fear and cobsidering how much of a faggot you are, you should be fearing for your life.

>filled with tons of cool shit
If what I've heard is right, its got plenty of warm shit too.

Depends on pay. If they offer 6 figures go for it.

Malaysia is great, i lived there for 6 years.
>Cheap food
>Qt aznz
>Expats get paid bank
>Lots of stuff to do

There are a shit ton of muslims and indians though, although you can get away hanging out with only expats depending where you live.

Malaria is the least of your concern. Dengue is.

Other than that, it's a decent place to hang out. Nightclubs are kinda meh and it's harder to fuck locals (other than those "china dolls") compared to, say Jakarta or Hanoi or Manila, but security, public transport and other amenities are significantly better than other places in SEA.

If they're willing to hire an expat they would afford to pay expat's pay. There are plenty of mid/upper-mid level technicians and engineers over there and they're only hiring expats for skills that they didn't have

I know an ozzie who works as demolition specialist; blowing shit up to make tunnels and stuff.Apparently demolition is something thatis completelyforeign to them