
I want to block myself from fapping.
I blocked multiple websites with the hosts files and it's helping, but the piece of shit doesn't allow blocking subdirectories. So for example I can't block the Sup Forums porn boards. I just went there and fapped.
What should I do? I tried putting Sup in the filter list of ublock and it didn't work.

Other urls found in this thread:

>fapping to traps
you know better than that user

Here's a tip, practice some self control you weak willed fuck

firefox extension blocksites does this.

If you kill yourself you cant fap

Blocking does nothing
It's still entirely within your power to unblock them and fap

Besides, it's not like you can't fap without material

If you really don't want to be troubled by excessive masturbation, just start taking propecia and kiss your boner goodbye

Why would you want to stop one of the few things that make life worth living OP?


fapping makes you weak willed

I hate to be that guy but its because you didnt do it right.

opendns family shield on your router. Give control of the password to another. There are nofap communities that keep router passwords for each other for this purpose.

You'd have to factory reset your router to undo it yourself, then you'd lose all your other settings and its a pain in the ass to re-configure if you have a lot of devices and port forwarding stuff configured. The pain in the ass deterrent works well to keep you from fapping.

If you want to customize the filtering, you have to buy the service, the free one will block Sup Forums. Honestly you should block 4 chan if you want to do nofap anyway.

>What should I do?
There is nothing you can do other than learn some self control.

Any steps you take to 'block' yourself can be undone by you.

It must be nice to have problems like "I can't stop touching myself".


What happens if you get a boner?

Unfathomable pain

It hurts so you stop.

It would be extremely painful.

This hurt to read

I honestly believe that this line of thinking is the most common pitfall of anyone trying to fix bad habits. Exercising too much self-control instead of just simply avoiding being surrounded by temptation is just counter-productive. I think that study was cited somewhere in a Power of Habits book or something.

Willpower and opendns family

>opendns family

Do this:

porn is blocked but now somebody probably reads your internet history

I'm a big guy.

For you.

Block all of Sup Forums then.

>just simply avoiding being surrounded by temptation
Anything the OP does to "block" himself from fapping can be undone by the OP. He isn't surrounded by temptation. He is seeking out the porn. It is one of the dumbest situations I have ever heard of.

Let's pretend that there is some magic filter out there that will do exactly what the op wants. What is to stop him from visiting a new site? Or using his neighbor's wifi. Or the wifi at school/McDonalds?

Wanting to be more productive (spend less time masturbating) is a good thing. But thinking one can accomplish this increasing in productivity by blocking porn sites on one's own hardware is stupid.

If he has a real problem then the OP can go visit a fucking doctor and get sent to a location where he can successfully 'detox' from the Internet. Otherwise, he needs to man up and get some willpower.

Or don't, and just continue doing what he always does all the while seeking some mythical blocker that will solve all of his problems.

Where do you think you are?


I'm not sure if I'm just spoiled with 144Hz gaming, or if that .gif is just terrible, but I simply can't follow the motion more than the one spot I focus at.

>Sup in the filter list of ublock and it didn't work.

You can get kaspersky parental and type a random password and use it while blocking porn (you can remove it only in safemode with a remover software, meanwhile your zub will get soft and you could change your mind)

Norton dns
Security + Pornography
Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:

if you lube it you can jerk it in there

Gather all electronics that can connect to the Internet and drop them into a river


Why would anyone want to do this?
What's wrong with fapping?

nothing if you're not an addict