Is the internet of today better than it used to be?

Is the internet of today better than it used to be?

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Has anything actually good come out of the corporate web revolution?

I don't think so.

>global audience
the US is not the globe

Give it a century or two, it will be.

not a single damn thing.

Hell no.
By 2007 the internet were at its best

Significantly worse. I mean, just look how Sup Forums has fallen. Now consider the rest of the internet fell 4x deeper.

it was way past its peak in 2007 desu. iphone came out that year, facebook and youtube were already a thing, etc.

Maybe Amazon Prime, but Amazon has a lot of Walmart grade chink shit now.
And you're SoL if you want to use a search engine that isn't google or bing.

>paying a membership fee for a retailer

2008 Internet was the best and will always be the best

Cause having to remeber about 8 different video websites was a good thing.

Thou they did have better content due to everything being handpicked.

The only better things have been the rise of on-demand commercial video and music streaming services, and constantly improving mapping services.

Everything else on the Internet is either the same or worse (particularly online culture) than before.

Also, where does Wikipedia rank in comparison to the corporate giants?

Every summer you stupid, underage faggots come in here and cry about some golden age of the internet and the Eternal September you weren't alive for. Grow up and think for yourselves, stop spouting memes.

Yahoo is selling off all it's stuff at a yard sale

>stop spouting memes
so you don't like the internet of today?

2002-2008 were the best years for me.
After that everything just started to go to hell with social media this and mobile apps that.


>Offspring Chat
>Coke Music
>Vanilla WoW
>Nerdcore Rap

The internet was better.

I could pick up emo and punk bitches all day.

dae remember the good days online when there were no smartphones?
>tfw you could get back home and still have stable latency instead of insane lagspikes because your family learned to watch facebook videos
>tfw when not everything was going around google and botnets

The internet was the closest thing to a free unrestricted market in US history and look what happened. It's the most competitive market with the lowest point of entry and we still got a borderline oligopoly.

Libertards are idiots.

Yeah, it's great if you're a hip woman into social media or a leftist cuck who likes that corp/gov dick. #yesallwomen


remember ie6 ? right. Internet today is much better than it used to be.

IE6 was good for its time.
The only problem was with Microsoft who thought their monopoly is untouchable so they can do all the want whatever they want.

Yeah bro ARPANET and those university networks were totes the best free market in town

Are questions getting smarter?
The answer to this question is the answer to yours.


wow haha you sure got him holy fucking shit he'll probably never come on Sup Forums again I mean Jesus Christ he was btfo I mean that was just insane

>you will never again be 13 and pick up girls your own age on habbo hotel, get them to add you on MSN and camming with them whilst you both got naked at 1am during the summer holiday from school

The internet is literally shit now. Mainly becasue that shit above required work. Now tweenagers are sharing nudes on Snapchat like they're going out of fashion.

Fuck. And those Hungarian "funny image" sites with huge amounts of questionable content.


Reported for distribution of child pornography

>what is costco and sams club
You're paying for standardized and improved shipping anyway, not for the ability to buy something.

Internet content went to shit over the past 6 years, mostly because large corporations learned just how powerful internet marketing could be. Bot followers, "viral" campaigns, etc. Because these corporations wanted a larger audience for their ads, they began to try and pressure hosts to sanitize their sites. It worked, and we had the whole "cyberbullying" news cycle, which has recently culminated in FB literally policing opinions for the EU commission.

Chat services going down isn't surprising, their only value comes from userbase scale. I'm amazed that forums aren't less shit though, the amount of clutter you have to wade through is stupid. I mean, come on, >it's 2016

Video hosting was always going to go to youtube, which had the easiest site to use, but Google turned it into a giant pile of shit peddling ads.

Wikipedia has been politicized by "activists" whoring out postmodernism, so there goes the one true hope for the the internet anyway, the whole free dissemination of ideas/information.


>niggernet exploder
Nice try shill

so the problem is not the internet, the problem right now is that you are old.

That's the joke you autist

>not noticing the tabs
it's b8 fampai


Thanks for your 'tip'

The irony is that shit shithole has "fallen" much less than the rest of the internet.

Sup Forums generally does feel cleaner though. I don't like it, but I'll take it over anything else at this point.

Fuck. I really miss the first iteration of r9k.



>I found 4 chan at the age of 14, in 2004 via YTMND

I've been wanting to say that for years but never could.

Hold me.

Fuck off

Fuck you bitch

Haha, good one.
The US is collapsing more with every passing day.

Better for what?

I mean, there's more stuff on it. You can buy things via mail order on it now. You can watch videos over it. Its reach and breadth is amazing now. Collectively I think it is probably the greatest single achievement of humankind, even if most of use use said achievement to shitpost, watch cat videos, or fap.

As a result of it becoming mainstream, it certainly lost the cozy feeling it used to have, and for many the ability to have semi-rational conversations - but that's simply because instead of a few subcultures nestled within, it's become enormous. I remember the days before spam and ads, and it'll never quite be the same since.

It's still worth it. Also, I don't have to dial through a BBS door to browse Gopherspace at 14400bps now.



I remember in Compuserve and AOL early days when morons publish that mainstream ruined online culture.

>implying plebbit is web 3.0

I'm glad you understand now :^)



What exactly is Reddit?

It's like a forum aggregator for shitposting.

What attracts people? Reddit gold? The fuck?

I suppose it doesn't matter, the more people, the better porn.

I remember in 2005, when internet was still much of a alternative culture thing, that it was all about the cool people doing cool stuff sharing it on their absolutely dunk sites. Somewhere between 2010 and 2012 apes that couldn't use a keyboard got their devices, so those could use their fingers. By now just the vague wind of the old is left, and net is full of white trash and different niggurs.

2007 was the last good year in America

everything started to suck after 2007

desu I like it this way. I like having small, unnoticed pockets of the internet all to ourselves. It's fun.
Be still my cringing heart. Sadly, unless something gets done, the future will be worse.

Let me check
>Forged Alliance released November 2007
Yup, after 2007 something died

I'd much rather have a smaller internet than smaller pockets on a larger internet. You know that eventually, the small pockets will cede to the larger hosters, and that one community you found that fits so well will die.

but user don't you remember when usenet was the peak of enlightened discourse?

you seem to forget about how XMLHttpRequest transformed the essential nature of a "web site"

most of Sup Forums is unusable

>"check out trench-coat-core music", "you listen to wave-core-fusion-pop? get on my level"

>nsa spamming jew memes

>Sup Forums
>same ten threads on front page for three years running

>Sup Forums
>basically one large advertisement

the only usable board is /lit/ and its fucking dead

there's no sense of community anymore on Sup Forums. i come here out of habit and for the rare insightful post.

Usenet is incredibly useful, I wish I used it for more than just a few unix announce groups


>text-only usenet
nice dumb dub dubs

Uuencode an image with your post, nigga.

Binary newsgroups should be eliminated and all their users executed.

>Not /fit/
>Sup Forums

Served stop right for going to boards full of retards, and 14 year old retards.

>ads everywhere
>100 scripts to load a news article

I don't really notice a difference.

>implying ads are new

>implying I implied that

what did you imply?
ads have always been everywhere.

epitome of web 1.5

No they haven't, they used to be just here and there, on some pages. Now they're practically all over every page. Don't even fucking try to pretend it's not 1000x worse now than it was 15 years ago.

depends where you go. anyway, if you want free stuff you have to sit through ads. that's how it works.

No it's not. There once was a time when people didn't run webistes for profit.

Wow dude im sorry i don't want to read some manual.txt on to visit the famous Yahoo server

Its not funny or interesting anymore. Instead its just a sad reminder about your failed, pathetic life, that you continue to piss away, drooling on the internet in a mindless self perpetuating cycle of OCD that is reinforced by repetitious >>>/reddit/ posts. You feel the need to share that cycle with others, which is tantamount to you sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth, singing "Brown bear, brown bear" until someone forcibly medicates you and smacks your bottom.

Please, log off, and get help. This is not a healthy reaction to life. It indicates a serious problem. I'm not sure what sort of abuse you suffered, or what trauma you lived through, that drove you to this point, but it doesn't matter. You can get help, there are places and specialists that have devoted their lives to aiding people just like you.

you can make a break from your sad, failed life, and live something approaching like a normal life. You may never be totally human, but you can at least experience society in a context outside of a computer monitor.

- your Sup Forums friend.

>he thinks anything on Sup Forums is your friend
jesus, go outside.

>he is too autistic to realize this is a copypasta
jesus dude, if you can't post without sperging out then don't

> The internet was good was good when I was in my early teens

The Internet died when Geocities lost its relevance. Then it was all corporate shit and hardly had any OC that wasn't payed by someone else

this is how it works now

>MC Frontalot

The iPhone killed the Internet. People can't be bothered to open a Web page anymore, they want a dedicated app. And with a shitty 16gb of storage, the average pleb isn't going to keep a lot of them.

What the fuck
How is microsoft so close to google?
Who the fuck visits daily?
Are there this many poo in loos in America?

Their online Outlook suite has a lot of pull in education, a lot of college students have to use outlook

>needing ublock

for what exactly? only time I absolutely need it are shady jav sites. actual legitimate sites don't have popups.

All that 'telemetry' probably.

>I've never been on the internet for the past 20 years

>someone is nostalgic for shitty geocities pages


Wasn't outlook just MSN?
If so, then it shouldn't be included with Microsoft's number because MSN is in "other notable mentions"
same goes for YouTube and Google

show me one. show me a mainstream site that inundates you with popups that crash your browser.

On the whole, yes.

The internet of years ago ...I've been on it for, holy shit, 25 years... was rudimentary, looked like crap (compared to now,) and was largely one-way communication. It's like waxing nostalgic about the "golden age" of television. It was shit. Yes, we got some classic programming out of it, but the technology was shitty, access limited somewhat by economics, and programming limited in options and actual air time. Anyone old enough to remember all the TV stations playing the national anthem and going off air around 1AM?

Today you're carrying in your pocket a screen almost as big as those early TV sets, and the ability to call up virtually any form of programming on demand, anywhere.

Literally any newspaper site. Forbes and Daily Mail both recently had incidents where ads infected visitors with malware.

really? wouldn't know. welp, guess don't use it.

you do know you can get prime for free

If you're getting popups on Facebook, then something is seriously wrong with your computer.

And that would be facebook, yes.

worse, but the bigger the bubbles for other websites becomes, and the smaller Sup Forums is in comparison, the better our post quality