Hey Sup Forums, I'm back again...

Hey Sup Forums, I'm back again. I had a thread the other day here about GPU upgrade advice (I had the 2 crossfired 7870s). Well they actually both just sold on eBay, so I need to go out and get a card today. So I was looking at "deals" at a local shop (microcenter if you care to follow along), and found some R9 390s. My question is which one should I go with? I'll list them below, any advice you could give me would be great, as, with a few of these, I don't completely understand the difference in price.

1.Gigabyte Radeon R9 390 Overclocked G1 Gaming 8GB GDDR5 Video Card - $284.99
2. XFX Radeon R9 390 8GB GDDR5 PCIe Video Card - $269.99
3. ASUS Radeon R9 390 Overclocked 8GB GDDR5 STRIX Gaming Video Card - $289.99
4.Sapphire Technology Radeon NITRO R9 390X 8GB Overclocked Video Card w/ Backplate - $329.99
5. XFX Radeon R9 390X 8GB GDDR5 PCIe Video Card - $334.99

So my main question right off the bat- why are #2 abd #5 priced so differently? Was that just an error on their part? They seem like the exact same card? Again, I'm still fairly new to this board in particular, so if I can post direct links here, let me know, that'd make this a lot easier.

Literally the worst time to buy a GPU
Wait for the 480 dude


Only like 2 more weeks and a cheaper, faster, powerful card becomes available.

you dun goof'd son

Firstly, 2 and 5 are different cards. One's a 390 and the other is a 390x.

Secondly, With the amount of money you're spending, in 12 days, you can get your hands on a RX 480 which will be better than all the cards you've listed.

I can't wait, as I said, both my cards sold this morning.

True story. I didn't think these old cards would sell that fast. I had them up as 30 day listings.

I completely understand that, but sadly I can't wait. Yeah I messed up, should've waited to list my cards, oh well. I'm not going to make these buyers wait or cancel their orders because I fucked up.

So, work with me here- I have to buy a card, and I want advice. What should I go with? Are any of the cards I listed decent deals? Should I go with something else?

If it has to be one of those cards and you have no other options go with option 4.

what games do you currently play user?

The GTX 980 can be had for about $370 at the moment, go with one of them.

>I can't wait
You can't wait two fucking weeks to save $200?

A lot of Dark Souls 3, but I've sunk over 150 hours into it so I'm taking a break from that. Honestly nothing way too crazy, a bit of Starcraft 2 with friends here and there, a lot of humble bundle shovelware, Civ 5, Dankest Dungeon. I've recently gotten into the whole 'recording vidya' and editing it and doing playthroughs and shit (gay, I know, but it's enjoyable), and I needed a step up in GPUs, as I get some frame drops in DS3 while I'm recording on high graphics settings (I understand that recording is mostly CPU-intensive, but it's just time for a new GPU).

just to make sure, what kind of cpu do you have installed?

Could you wait "2 fucking weeks" without a computer? Did you ask what I do for a living? I might need a computer with a GPU for my job. No, you didn't, you just greentexted something you thought was clever before asking any questions or thinking.

Just upgraded to an i7- 4790K actually, love it so far. I should provably have posted this earlier, see image for specs.

you have 24gb of ram but no ssd?

Okay, let me take a look at those. Thank you for the advice.

It doesn't have to be, they just seemed like decent cards, and hey, I get a "free" new game with it, so I thought why not? If they aren't good cards/worth it, I by no means have to get them.

Correct. I upgraded my RAM a couple weeks ago, saw a deal on amazon. This entire rig is a work in progress, I built it about 4 years ago, I'm just now starting to actually replace parts. Any GPU advice?

Worst time to buy a GPU IMO. We have new cards right around the corner. 980ti prices are falling.

Just wait a bit and see what happens with benchmarks and prices.

A 980ti could be easily had for

What cpu are you using? Go on integrated graphics for a couple weeks if you can.

I'm not a waitfag but the 480 ehich is rumored to have >390 performance for $200 launches this month.

using an i7- 4790K. My specs are here-

Yeah I know, believe me, I feel like a colossal retard. I had a long thread yesterday here, and had settled on the RX 480, so I listed both of my old cards as 30 day auctions last night and they both sold this morning. I assumed they'd just sit on eBay for a long ass time (they each sold for a really good price too, about $95 EACH with shipping included). So yeah, I fucked up, but hey who knows, maybe if I had waited to list my 7870s, they might not have sold for as much as they did (at least that's what I'm telling myself to feel better).

I'm not saying your a retard for selling your cards. That was a good choice. Just don't be a retard and "force" a GPU purchase when it's a bad time to do so.

In a few weeks you'll regret getting that 390, which will tank hard in resale value. I sold my 390 a week ago with the intention of waiting on the RX 480. I'm perfectly find going with Nvidia and a 980ti or 1070 even if the 480 dissapoints. But as of now I am free to buy whatever GPU I want, don't ever "force" a purchase. Especially with PC components which become obsolete so quickly. PC gamers have more buyers remorse than any other consumer base, so try to limit much remorse you'll have.

Good point. If I were to wait, how bad would integrated graphics limit me in terms of gaming? I have a 4790K. I assume it'd be a huge step down.

>I might need a computer with a GPU for my job.
Not with those two sacks of shit you just sold you don't.

You just can't deal with 2 weeks of no gayms, and that's fine, you're just being a huge defensive faggot.
You've literally fucked up as much as humanly possible, I'd call you smart for dumping your two pieces of shit before the market gets fucked by new cards, but you're just a retard who got lucky with the timing and is too stupid to take actual advantage of it by just waiting for a couple weeks.
Just buy something rudimentary so you can run your games on low but playable framerate and then replace it with some dank fresh shit.

For real tho, you dumb as fuck if you buy old gen cards.

As I've said multiple times- I completely realize that I fucked up. Are you going to just continue to focus on that point, or can we fucking move on and actually discuss something technology-related? Would that be acceptable? Do you need to hear it one more time? I fucked up. I made a mistake. I'm sorry that affects your life so much. Why are you so angry at me? I'm not blaming anyone but myself.

>I'd call you smart for dumping your two pieces of shit before the market gets fucked by new cards, but you're just a retard who got lucky with the timing

I actually knew exactly what I was doing there, but okay. Pieces of shit? Those were great cards, lasted years, still work fine. Geez, you're angry at the graphics cards as well?

So, can we move on? Are you still just gonna sit here and yell at me on the internet? I'd much rather hear your opinions on some GPUs, but it's whatever man.

if microcenter accepts returns within the month like amazon does i would say get #4 (r9 390x) then return it once polaris is out early next month and get that
otherwise i would go with a regular r9 390 but i prefer sapphire so any of your options are pretty shit except maybe the gigabyte one

Not him, but if you can't wait a couple of weeks without a graphics card, then that's pretty pathetic. If you absolutely need a card, I would get something like a 750 Ti which plays games at console level and is pretty cheap (about $150) and then buy the RX 480. You can even keep the 750 Ti as a backup.

I'm sorry, my chicken tendies are fucking late, gonna give mommy a chocolatey surprise later, but until that happens I'll just be really angry at the world.

Basically there's no advice to give if you want to wait, in that case you'll have to see the actual benchmarks (because all dis pre-release shit is shady af) and then decide on price/performance.

If you want to buy something this gen to last you a long time don't think about anything but novidya 980ti or 10XX whatever.

If you want to buy something to survive for a couple weeks then 960/760/ 375 and such is what you should be looking at.

If you can return your new shit like this it would be a great option to take.

Has a point.

Order whatever the fuck you want from amazon with next day shipping, and just return before the end of 30 days.

You can get yourself a RX 480 or a GTX 980TI after the fact.

Given the games you listed, and that you're taking a break from DS3, just stick with the integrated GPU for now and wait until the next generation of GPUs. Better to suffer a bit for a month or so with your mistake than for the next couple of years with a relatively worse GPU.

Oh shit, they do accept 30 day returns. Damn, I didn't even think about that. Good fucking call, I'm gonna do that. Thank you so much, fantastic idea.

Muh vidya basically. You all actually had me convinced to wait at this point, but see above.

Gotcha. Yeah they do 30 days returns so I'm gonna do that because honestly as you said....muh vidya. You actually had me convinced to wait before that guy above thought of doing a return, so there's that. I hope your day gets better, thanks for the advice. I'm off to buy a card before I get buttwrecked by Virginia traffic, I'll report back once I'm back with pics of muh sexy, temporary card.

You can play sc2 on integrated, the same with civ and darkest dungeon, Wtf are you on about op.

Just deal with 720p and low-medium settings for two weeks and you'll be a damn sight better off.

Kudos for selling those cards at that price though, you wouldn't have got that if you'd waited.

Yes, you're right. See the post above yours. I saw the error of my ways and was ready to wait, until a brilliant user mentioned that I could just buy a card and return it later this month, so I'm gonna do that because I'm impatient and like being impulsive and gaming the system. Or whatever. See ya, I have shit to go buy.


You can get a 980 Ti for like 400 bucks now, maybe you should do that.

Be careful returning used video cards though. I've been denied before as I've returned a lot to different retailers from extra parts in builds I do for people.

Some clerks at microcenter are picky and notice that the anti static bag will be crinkled and obviously the card's been used. Their policy is "like new" condition so if you are missing anything they can also deny the return. People do this a lot, buy with the intention of returning and they are aware of it. In most cases

If you intend to return I'd do it through amazon as I've NEVER been denied a return there. Amazon returns on products that don't have a problem are usually $5 shipping. I'll take that over dealing with annoying "tech expert" clerks at microcenter.

Use your iGPU until you can buy the RX470/480 numbnuts

I agree with waiting for the newer generation of video cards.

I am also using amazon as a way to temporarily own a video card as my inbetween.

OP here reporting in on my phone. The base employee here literally just told me to return it once the 480 comes out. Fucking awesome.

Did you read any of this thread before you posted?

No one said anything about integrated graphics. No, I didn't read the thread, because anyone with half a brain knows buying one of those cards is the correct thing to do.

However, NVIDIA's cards just got price drops, so I'd get the 980Ti for 400 or 970 for 275 or whatever it is. 390 would be good too, but it hasn't received any price dropsand supply was already running short

Make sure to ask him when he works. If your in the CA store there are some employees that help me out a lot. A few I know to avoid.

No one said anything about integrated graphics? Really? See-

You're a fucking idiot.

>$150 for a 750 Ti

>when the 950 is cheaper and faster

Either way OP should wait. In literally two more weeks AMD's releasing a new card for $200 that'll be faster than all of his choices.

OP here, reporting in with my new R9 390. Went with one of the cheaper models I originally posted since, hey, you all were right, it's just gonna be a temporary card until I return it for the 480, so I wanted to leave some extra cash in my account. Pic related. This thing looks so pretty.

So I'll leave 2 questions here while I put my new card in, maybe someone will have the answer. So this card I just got (that I'm going to return for the 480 later this month) came with a mail-in rebate. If I plan on returning it anyways, should I not do the rebate? Or are they not going to refund me that part of the sale?

Second question- It came with a free game and I'm tempted to redeem it. Will that cause return policy issues? Seems like a shitty thing to do either way, I probably won't do it, but I am definitely curious if they would know/care/give me a problem.

Don't play with fire. Do the absolute minimum you can with the purchase to avoid any possibility of denying the return.


Bad time for an upgrade, 1070/1060 and rx480/470 will come out soon, just wait little bir longer OP.

?? Why does the brand matter, I'm returning the card in like 12 days.

Yeah, this is just a temporary fix until the 480 comes out. I didn't think my cards would sell in less than a day on ebay.

Yeah good point, but what about the mail in rebate? LIke, is it assumed that I do that regardless? Will the store refund the full amount I paid, or the amount minus the rebate? I'm not trying to scam them, I genuinely don't know.

Don't know. Usually mail in rebates require you to submit the receipt along with some proof of purchase anyway, so I don't think you can have your cake and eat it too.

Good point. I'll just wait and see what they say when I return it. I just thought that stores might expect people to do the rebates that it comes with, so I thought maybe it could be policy to refund the original amount minus whatever the rebate was, especially since the rebate comes out of the manufacturers' wallet.

The only game that would need an actual GPU in those is DS3. Every other will run just fine at low settings with the integrated GPU from your CPU. Just deal with shitty graphics for a couple weeks, and then get an RX480. It's the best course of action for you right now, unless you like blowing cash for no good reason.

Just wait for 480 RX OP. Its performance is somewhere between 970 gtx and 980 gtx but with superior OC and new AMD drivers this card will be better than Titan X going head to head with 1070 GTX which costs two times more. Supposedly with proper water cooling 480 will only be 5% weaker than 1080 gtx in dx12. India will be a superpower by 2020.

I like blowing cash for no good reason. Also, we came up with a solution so it's all good.

I'm gonna laugh when they deny your return for some dumb reason and you're stuck trying to sell that shit card

>he fell for the amd meme

rofl, never listen to Sup Forums

>Could you wait "2 fucking weeks" without a computer?
could I go 2 weeks without playing games? yes, easily

go play in the park or jerk off, you retard

Hm. Alright, do your thing. Whatever makes you happy. Thanks for the huge contribution of knowledge you've added to this thread.

I've never had a problem with AMD in the past. I don't care one bit about brand loyalty, if a product works as well as an opponents' product, I will buy the one that is less expensive.

This thing is running pretty hot. I'm not doing anything special with it, just sitting here on Sup Forums, and it's at around 138 F (56 C). Is that normal?

I know you aren't the same guy, I already talked with him earlier when there were less posters in this thread, so you're literally posing as someone else to get into an argument right now on Sup Forums, even though I have already, multiple times, admitted that I made a mistake by listing my current cards for sale so early. It's pathetic man. Do you realize the irony in telling me to "go outside" while you're pretending to be someone else on Sup Forums in order to get into a fucking argument? What's wrong? Can I do anything to make you less angry today? You don't have to post here, I already got my answer (not that you'd know, because you didn't bother to read the entire thread, you just stopped towards the top at the first opportunity to shitpost).

I came to this thread to laugh at OP.

Nice dude. Which part are you laughing at the most? The part where I sold two old video cards for $200, or the part where I now have a brand new card that I'm just gonna return in 12 days for a 480? Which part is the funniest do you think? On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard are you laughing? Are you actually laughing out loud, or did you just really want to type that you were laughing? Can you record a video of you laughing and post it somewhere to prove that you're actually laughing, not just typing the first retarded thought that jumps in your head?

Let me know!

yeah, thats a normal idle temp
operating should go up to around 80C on that model of cooler

Hawaii does drink alot of power mind you

I bought a sapphire nitro 390x, it's pretty good. The fans don't turn on till 50°C.

Good to know.

Wow dude, you made a dumb decision and now anonymous people are making fun of you, why would you get so mad? Just close the thread and go for a walk or something.

>can't go 2 weeks without vidyagaems
lmao fucking kids these days

Get a nice gtx970

So let me get this straight. Op sold his 7870s for 200 bucks and has no gpu. So instead of waiting the two weeks without games, he buys a 390x.
That is kinda retarded. It's only a few weeks, games aren't even fun anymore. I myself spent 2 months on igpu after my cards broke until a friend gave me their 780(God I love that guy). Even now, I barely play shit other than league. I only play a few other local coop games when people come over on the weekends.

Anyway, in all honesty op probably made the right choice? Let's be real, his chances of getting a card day 1 is pretty low and it will take weeks for restock. Maybe he made the right choice in hindsight

Where in the fuck can I buy two 1080's from? The good ones always sell out in seconds on Newegg and they have a 1 limit per customer except on shitty reference ones. It's the only part I still need...

Again, I have admitted I made a mistake. I'm over it, why aren't you? Are you really reverting to the "why you mad" bullshit? I don't care that people are making fun of me at all, I was more wondering what the point was. I already acknowledged my error, you're literally accomplishing nothing here. You call my decision dumb. That was your entire point. Well, I've already admitted myself that it was dumb. I also admitted that I was impatient and didn't want to wait 2 weeks to play vidya. What is the problem here exactly? I have money, I have a solution to the problem (that I created for myself I admit), I read every comment in this thread, and responded to most of them. I listened to everyone's advice and weighed my options, and made a decision. I bought a card that I plan on returning once the card most people suggested I wait for comes out. Is there a flaw with what I did? If so, present your opinion on the matter instead of resorting to criticisms that I have already made of myself. It's like you want me to admit to shit I've already admitted to.

>Just go for a walk
I actually just did, I walked my dog around the neighborhood, thanks for checking on him, that was nice of you.

Something like that. minus the kid part.

Basically, yeah. As I said earlier, I honestly didn't expect my GPUs to sell in under a day, but here we are. As for buying the 390x, we came up with a solution in the thread. I'm going to exchange the card for a 480 once it comes out, as the place I bought it from has a 30 day return policy. So yeah, I made a mistake, but a brilliant user came up with a remedy for the issue.
>Anyway, in all honesty op probably made the right choice
Thanks, even though it was on accident.

It's the right choice but still the fact that he can't go 2 weeks without vidya is pathetic

I can, I just prefer not to. You're on Sup Forums on a Friday evening and you're judging me for liking video games?


Get that person's name so you can quote them on it later.

when did he say he was the same guy?

I know someone who works for Microcenter corporate and I'm going to have them advise all stores about your scam.

>I've never had a problem with AMD in the past. I don't care one bit about brand loyalty, if a product works as well as an opponents' product, I will buy the one that is less expensive.
This is the correct attitude to have. GPU shills are the worst.

repeating the same things 20 times to make your reply look longer doesn't make your arguments worth more
>inb4 another essay about "I made a mistske" "at least I read the thread" "what is x? is there y? why do you z?"

>Why does the version matter
Are you really asking that?
And don't give me
>hurr durr it's just a temp card who cares!

I have it, it's on the sticker that he put on the box. Good call though

>could I go 2 weeks without playing games?
When he said 'I' in response to what I said.

Thanks bud

>repeating the same things 20 times to make your reply look longer doesn't make your arguments worth more
No, but it makes me right considering you're dodging. What are you so angry about? Just drop it man.

Yeah, I'm really asking that. What's wrong with Gigabyte? I genuinely don't know.

Yes you are trying to scam them.

You're borrowing the card then returning it despite nothing being wrong with it and it being exactly what you thought it was. You're abusing the return policy to game things to your favor. That is a scam bro.

I'm allowed to return things within a 30 day window if I'm unsatisfied with the purchase, which, in 12 days, I will be unsatisfied with it, so although it seems like a shitty thing to do, it isn't a scam. Either way I don't give a fucking shit, I was asking about the mail-in rebate.