Are you literally just discovering this now after I posted it in the other thread? That's amusing.
Sadly, you're far from the first person to make this shitpost, friend.
Are you literally just discovering this now after I posted it in the other thread? That's amusing.
Sadly, you're far from the first person to make this shitpost, friend.
Only freetards care about such bullshit. World has bigger problems and internet nothing-doers aren't gonna help anything anyway, so why not just watch porn, drink bear and don't be annoying Sup Forums equivalent of those hated "SJWs"?
The real question is, does anyone give a single flying fuck? I don't.
>don't buy intel!
>don't buy amd!
then what am i supposed to buy? freetards and so ideological that they've driven themselves out of the industry.
Buy ARM chips instead! lol jk.
I'd rather have the botnet fuck me up the ass without lube than have to use an angry birds processor that probably has a botnet too.
>drink bear
>anyone who needs actual privacy and security.
Terrorists, child porn, in other words. I have no problems with the police being able to snoop them.
There is a good reason why police can get wiretap permits for investigation, and computers/internet are nothing different.
it's been the same with microcode since decades.
what processor am I supposed to get whenever I need a high performance one?
how do we make amd and Intel stop this madness?
How much are you being paid? Surely you must understand that you won't convince people to surrender their constitutional rights here? I recommend you try shilling at - they even have a cute little alien mascot I know you'll love.
AYYMD is a shit company supported by shitty AYYMDPOORFAGS that think it can't do wrong
why can't the government leave me alone?
all I want to do is browse dank memes without having to worry about being spied on and tracked
>not paying attention to VIA boards and CPUs
>If you don't agree with your government you are a terrorist
Huh. really makes you think, damn huh?
>hurr hitler
>durrr opression
>derp evil government
Dudes, you completely miss the point and jump to retarded strawman arguments.
You are aware that there is such concept as laws, and "rule of law" (google it)? And that for rule of law to exist, you need law enforcement? Law enforcement is perfectly in harmony with human rights, democracy and freedom. It is what they depend on.
Without rule of law, you won't have freedom, you will have anarchy and Mad Max/Fist of the North Star.
It is sad that this elementary thing has to be explained, web kids are so criminally uneducated it hurts.
police hardly need the NSA's catch-all approach to intelligence gathering and you know it
Libtard, please go.
Daily reminder, AYYMDPOORFASGS are not very smart people, support shit company that does the same things as Intel but giving them a free pass for no reason