Why dont you embrace the botnet? Its so comfy!

Honestly my life improved so much since I have taken the blue pill.

>Intel with backdoor chips
>nVidia with justworks
>Windows 10 with all recommended updates
>Chrome that syncs all my shit on my phone and notebook, my bookmarks and stuff are everywhere
>Dropbox syncyng my private documents on all of my devices
>Free backups on clouds, dont care about raids

its all so easy, only now I realized how much technology has progressed, I just refused to use it lol because of some boogieman that doesnt exist

5 bing points have been deposited into your account, pajeet

Only 1% of Sup Forums are shitspewing tinfoils, so this is hardly a revolutionary concept.

But i can do all of the above with my freedoms intact.

Enjoy being gubernment raped when the downfall of democracy happens nigger

>nothing works

ill take the botnet

Because in 20 years when Google releases their AI and offers to create a being based on your search history, response speed, music you like, games you like, how you write code and porn you watch I'd rather be dead than live with the fact someone can simulate me because I gave them all my data

botnet is sooo comfy

>nothing works
>working 8 hours to get it to work

my perfect waifu?

You basically hit the nail on the head. People actually believe the man power exists to spy on more than likely 5,000 deep enough

>8 hours
it never ends user

All your data is kept forever and kept for keyword searches, dude. Phone calls are ran through speech-to-text machines so it's all machine readable.
They don't spy on people they spy on topics.
If you have the wrong friends and said the wrong things back in 2015, you'll be put on heavier monitoring.
The irony really is that the NSA collects so much data that parsing it all for their purpose- stopping terrorism is nearly impossible.

sorry meant 8 hours a day :/


Exactly, What helped me realize this was that at my old work I was able to read hundreds of thousands of documents and emails belonging to other people, yet, I never even cared about that shit and never opened a single document, it was just some boring invoices, work mails and other stupid shit, like it would take me weeks to find something 1/10 interesting.

There is no single proven leak from MS/dropbox/google clouds. And if there was those companies would know what hell is, shit would be all over the media and criminal investigations all over the place. OK the government has access to that shit, unless you are on a terrorist watchlist noone will ever look at your records. Im no muhammad so fuck it.

holy kek

I went to the botnet a year ago and it's the greatest thing ever. Having support is kind of a big deal.
>something doesn't work
>call someone and ask why it doesn't work
>fix it

As opposed to the hippie freedom shit.
>something doesn't work
>look at a forum posts from 2005
>dig through current bug reports
>find a description of your exact problem
>"Yeah we know it doesn't work, we'll fix it later in the 2017 update maybe if someone feels like it, nobody's getting paid to do it, why not just write your own software?"

is there any meaning at all?

I reluctantly accepted Chromium in my life.

It's cancer, but so much faster than Firefox.

Taking the Apple bluepill was the best thing I ever did.

>years distro hopping setting up gentoo/arch with a need for meticulous attention to detail, having to edit config all manner of config files, dealing with shitty or non-existent drivers, hacking together substandard programs to get basic functionality or taking it in the ass from shit programs like libreoffice, even doing lfs just out of a need to learn basic shit
>years fucking around with replicant and f-droid etc.
>get a mbp and iphone
>everything just werks
>literally that very day I'm taking phone calls on my computer, handing off apps from my pc to phone and vice versa, having all my data transparently cloud-synced across all my devices and available everywhere, talking to my phone naturally using my voice and having it actually follow my commands and do useful shit via it no problem, phone starts automatically suggesting things to me like alternate routes for where I'm going and time to arrive all via Maps, complete integration of all my social media and phone/computer, smart activation of stuff like videoconferencing when I phone, etc. etc.
>no set up whatsoever by me
>install office and adobe shit on it no problems
>more full-featured everything-just-werks professional software

I'm not kidding: it literally felt like I was a caveman who had just woke up in the far distant future.

Your suburban white brain is actually retarded

> being too lazy and stupid to edit code and fix bugs yourself
you better leave this board

a little experience from myself and a coworker
>working with .csv files in the office
>i need to make a cross relation between common characteristics from 3 diferent .csv files
>ask coworker to made a script that identifies these values and put the ones that coincide in the same row
>after some hours he tolds me the file is ready but he cant open it on libre office because some rows have to many values
>i ask him to send me the file anyway so i can check it out
>it opens on excel without problem
theres lots of advantages and disadvantages from both sides but yeah i wouldnt use any linux distro as my daily desktop OS just for the sake of being a hipster

I do, to an extent. It's a balance for me. Some things I accept it, others I do not. Every individual ought to access their own security needs and act accordingly.

>my apple does some of the things MS does for triple the cost
>but its easier than linux
>love my decision

I wish not to contribute to what will be in the future referred to as "the leak" and the shit storm that'll ensue.

That is also the answer to the question why I will never connect my TV, fridge, car or toaster to the Internet.

>concerned about privacy
>browses Sup Forums

>concerned =/= obsessed

I use dropbox for my college stuff, the chrome sync feature for my normie bookmarks and win 10 for my gaymes.

On the other side, for my tranny porn, 2D lolis and Sup Forums questionable stuff i use a core 2 duo machine with ubuntu and several truecrypts containers, so i guess i'm relatively safe in the eyes of my friends,gf, familiy and the botnet (at a certain extent).

Actually I find automatic updates and all that shit annoying. It eats 50% of your CPU without reason and force the system to restart when the fuck they want.

I'm fine with my phenom II and windows 7 with updates disabled and Tinywall. I will not play at 4K but everything else works fine since years.

The only "downside" in my daily rutine is I want use firefox via Tor proxy and now exhentai doens't allow exit realys, so my provider will know what I'm fapping to unless I buy a VPN.

Also fuck cloudflare, cancer of the internet.

The "I have nothing to hide meme" is bullshit for stupid people, fuck off.

Fighting the botnet's become a hobby and joining it goes against my principles, so fuck off.

>I never even cared about that shit and never opened a single document, it was just some boring invoices, work mails and other stupid shit, like it would take me weeks to find something 1/10 interesting.
>doesn't understand the concept of data mining and data analytics

>doesn't know about advances in machine learning and big data that can flag you automatically as a "threat"

All pro-Windows 10 posts on Sup Forums are shills
you can tell because they all use the same "lol dude it just works stop being such a dork" argument.

Literally this

It really shows off your technical ineptitude when you can't get vanilla distributions of Linux to work

Also if you don't enjoy doing system stuff then maybe software isn't a real area of interest for you

Nice try NSA.


Disconnect Srch for browsin/g/

>youre dumb if you cant get linux to work
why waste the time?
tons of shit isnt supported and its a case by case issue for each one.
spending all your time configuring the OS and software instead actually using it.

>Current year
>Downloading porn

Best shit always disappears.

>not downloading chinese cartoon porn and watching it with madvr and svp

>1mbps upspeed

I'll join the botnet when they bring 1gbps/1gbps fiber to my house.

>life improved so much
Are you sure? How do you know?
The way I see it, lot of the new technology only exist to crab your attention and split it into pieces. Everything available everywhere is counter productive because your mind can only focus on one thing at a time.

Taking the blue pill means you are living in a lie. I think you are doing just that, living in a lie thinking your life has improved.

Are you unironically recommending Windows 10?

Oh dude I took the blue pill and as a precaution took the motherfucking suppository. Aside from my business which is separated from my personal use. I currently use:

iPhone 6S+
-Total cloud use, all the time, photos, passwords, fingerprint ID for purchases etc
- Apple pay everywhere I can
- Google Docs for my finances and shit

MacBook Pro
-My personal design and use system, icloud all up in it, everything synced with google chrome as well

Samsung TV, XBOX, Samsung Laptop
- OMG this shit is insane how much you can do, I can literally use all of these like I never switched. Streaming, Sharing, Gaming!

Home security system linked with everything, I even get a fucking notification when I need to change my water filter.

Otherwise, I use different sites for shit like financial tracking and bank monitoring as well as identity monitor. I'm not just on the grid, I am officially one with that fucking grid.

Other than using VPN while at work, I'm fucking in the system and it rocks, I literally get a notification for everything that happens:

-You just paid a bill automatically
-You just got a text from your GF
-You just finished updating DOOM
-You need a roll of quarters for Pool Tonight
-You have an appointment with Steve Jobs
-You just got invited to a B-DAY parts
-You just entered your own house
-Your dog just went in the back yard
-Your back yard light just came on
-Your mail has been received
-You have a package waiting on the porch
-Someone just pulled into your driveway
-You have a meeting at 12

You can safely use the cloud for anything the government would have access to anyway. Personal details, tax returns, college work, real work, etc. All of this shit the government can easily take, track, and probably already has.

But when you're doing real shit, or thinking for yourself, there is no substitute for an air gapped arch install on ~pre 2006 hardware.

>tfw have OpenBSD with encrypted home partition installed on non-x86 laptop with firmware password
Secure masterrace reporting in

Why? Are you part of some criminal organization or doing cutting edge research?

Also, Sup Forums always complains about tinfoil shit, although I never see them complain about the image captchas. You're training an AI by solving those.

>your mind can only focus on one thing at a time.
I feel so bad for you. You have no idea.

I'm not a fan of datamining.
>Also, Sup Forums always complains about tinfoil shit, although I never see them complain about the image captchas.
I've complained plenty about it
>You're training an AI by solving those
Not really, I enter incorrect answers for address number captchas.

i like you

What's the point of giving the companies all your shit? You can do all of this from home. FF you might use a login for bookmarks but at least they give the appearance of having some fucking ethics unlike Google and others. You can sync files from a machine at home so all these companies aren't even necessary. Netflix/Spotify/Google/Pandora is even obsolete since you can just use Plex or similar apps and provide your own content.

>man power
Everything is automated retard
NSA uses algorythms to search and collect data all over the internet

That's exactly what i was thinking. Only 20 years? I better get a head start on my data upload...

>doesn't care about food taste
fuck you
you can do ALL OF THAT STUFF yourself with a fucking raspberry pi even

>Using a well known Brother printer, download the recommended drivers.
>Shit doesn't work.
>Post a question on Linux stackexchange.
>Response: Oh, yeah, I had the same problem. I used a different driver, and it prints now, but the quality is shit.
>Download said driver, and it prints, and indeed it looks like shit.

I even started on easy mode with Ubuntu. I just don't think I'm cut out for this.

Nearly every company is a copyright holder these days

It's not that they will arrest you, it's that they have data they can use as undeniable evidence that you committed a crime when you uploaded that copyrighted image for no justifiable reason. You can't afford a lawyer good enough to justify your use of that image, and if they want you in jail during another red scare-type social crisis you're going the fuck down.

ah, idiots. one of the many reasons why linux isn't popular.

>hey this program won't open this file
>are you sure i don't just need a better office suite

Does it make any difference to your privacy as to what OS you use, if you connect to the internet anyways?

The internet doesn't know about your gay furry collection you got on CD

Windows 10 does, and it's reporting you to trump under the new Stop Unchristian Thoughts act

fuck chrome, i look at horse mating videos and girls shitting in diapers videos on youtube and now that shit shows up on the tablet i let my cousin use ruining my reputation in the family

Except half of the notifications are going to be ads and eventually you're just another source of revenue to companies because you're easy to mislead.

You left your search history enabled, moron. Youtube even gives you a button to remove it...

You know, Cypher is the only one who made any sense. You live in the Matrix and you can make your life whatever you want. You can go to the bar, get laid, go skydiving, take a cruise, climb a mountain, take up race car driving, start a family, or anything at all. You leave the Matrix and your life is shit. You hide like a rat in subterranean caverns from murderous robots. You eat synthetic protein slop for every meal. Everyone you ever loved is still plugged in. You're thrust into the middle of a war you never knew about our had anything to do with.

Sounds like the Matrix has more freedom in it than the real world.

I dualbooted linux and launched vpn to discuss gentoo wtf are you

I jumped into the botnet with my android phone and it really is comfy having all your shit syncing and doing everything automatically for you.

I sorta took the other path. I now work for a company that makes the botnet happen, I hope one day to be in charge of the bot net.

INB4 poo in loo

People here would rather noticeably complicate their lives just to try and fit in and be some special snowflake.

Pretty much this.

A bunch of losers with nothing going on in their lives, so they spend their time fucking around with linux to try to make themselves feel better about their awful selves.

8 means ∞

use the right tools for the right job.

same with programming.

FUCK chrome and microsoft i cant keep up with all of the shit i have to go and actively turn off so it doesnt fuck me in the ass later on

>windows 10 pro unlicensed
>open command prompt
>ping google.com -t
>leave it minimized
>can't find it in my taskbar, thought I accidentally closed it
>do it again
>I can't find it after minimizing.


>no pirate copy of win10 enterprise

the only reason i havnt switched yet

Anal probing ain't comfy

Not with that attitude

This is totally missing the point. Even if they're not spying on you, specifically, right this second, they're still collecting data on every facet of your life, ready to be examined at a moment's notice if you step out of line. This really isn't tinfoil hat conspiracy theory stuff, it's basic things that we know are happening because those collecting said data freely admit it.

fuck, your life sounds horrific

have a bug out bag and enough stones to shoot someone you don't trust when the time is right. ride the wave.

>Why dont you embrace the botnet?

Because I believe in Neo.


Why do you think enterprice is better?

>Why? Are you part of some criminal organization or doing cutting edge research?
Fucking Apple uses full encryption in iOS

Putting your privacy up for grabs is retarded

JTRIG: the post

uhhh it costs more and people keep saying you can only turn off certain settings in that version.

My first thought as well

RAID isn't back up

nice shit post

Hello retard.


you don't embrace the botnet
the botnet embraces you

>Data mining

Ctrl+F, sex, enter

Should be enough desu