Valve desperately trying to sell VR headsets

>Valve desperately trying to sell VR headsets

What happened? I thought these things sold like pancakes.

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that's desperate to you?

vr has no gaems

They do.

Got mine recently, and it's amazing.

I also have a vive. It's pretty damn cool.

how are you enjoying those overpriced tech demos?

They're fucking great.

I'm having a lot of fun with it, actually.

The visual fidelity is immersive and the room tracking is phenomenal, clearly beyond a technology demonstration.



I sold mine after 3 days
>shitty fucking party games
>I used the Oculus DK2 back in November 2014, how in almost 2 years since that was released is the Vive/Rift still basically on the same resolution?? Pixels the size of fucking beach balls

I'm not kidding people; pixels the size of fucking beach balls. You want to play Flight simulators?? Well enjoy not know what the fuck is what, is that a building or the runway.. I have no fucking idea.
Oh; your not into that? You fancied some GTA5? It sure as shit ain't GTA5 with the Vive; picture GTA:SA whilst running in 800x600..

"Oh but once you start really getting immersed, you don't notice it"
No. fuck you.. the only people which say this are the people playing the God damn party games.

I'm sorry; some people might find these piss poor pixels acceptable; but i do not regret in the slightest selling the Vive and going back to Nvidia 3D vision glasses and track IR and once again being able to see where the fucking runway is.

Looks interesting but images quality sucks and there's no games to play only shitty tech demos.

>not going to parties

Going from the DK2 to the Vive is night and day. Lost all credibility there.

No AAA games + VR motion sickness = glorified tech demo

Yeah actually i guess it is, the Vive doesn't sit on the head properly and constantly feels too high on the back of your head; let alone how its heavy and uncomfortable it is as it constantly pushes on the bridge of your nose....

So yes i guess you are right it's very night and day..

But hey i get it; you need to feel your purchase was a good one; I say Thank God i only lost £50 quid on it.

Your nose must be huge. Really sounds like you didn't have either as comfort is night and day as well in favor of the Vive. It was actually my biggest worry but it hasn't been an issue at all.

>Thank God i only lost £50 quid on it.

Funny as shit considering I sold the first one I got and made $1000 on it. I basically got my second Vive for free.

I don't understand what's supposed to be desperate in this image?

They hyped the thing for such a long time, that people really stopped caring. It's virtually vapourware to most people.

The sales curves 'pancaked'

Bulky gimmicks, will go the way of Google Glass and 3DTV in 3 years time max, a sad fad proving that marketoids are eating their own tail in creating "needs". The tech bubble is about to burst - the only plus side.

>advertising their product

Lel so desperate Oculus is winning valve sucks rurbrkebofebkewibdndlmd

For me, there's no real reason to use one.

It really needs a good game that can only be played on it for me to use it.

There's a reason why nintendo released new consoles with awesome games ready to play on them.

>german "humor"

This shit(VR in general) needed to be $250 or less like they fucking promised.

How the fuck did the devkits sell for so much less than the final product? Shouldn't mass production have made them cheaper? What the fuck happened?

Ya, they never promised "$250 or less"

>Having your product in stock is now a bad thing

Nice try Palmer.

Sounds like you want the OSVR HDK2 user.

>everyone and their mothers releasing their own vr headsets + controllers
>each one will require specific programming
Game devs are gonna love this shit.

>each one will require specific programming

Never heard of openvr user?

Only Oculus' DRM box requires specific code

Let's hope publishers to not fall for that, using and supporting multi-platform APIs instead of locking yourself and needing to rework big parts of your whole engine, like with most microsoft APIs, is the most convenient thing for both users and developers, in that scheme only the company that tries to lock their users is the only one who wins.

Let's hope everyone to do the same as croteam, now they have my support:

mfw everyone in this thread is talking about how valve needs a new game to sell this thing.

Nah, that's the Oculus Rift.
Vive is pointless.

>Requires specific hardware, DRM crashes games if it detects that you're trying to use a different headset

>People are throwing random old shit like PS Move controllers and Hydras at it and they can all work
>It even supports the rift

Only an actual fucking moron would support Oculus. What they're doing is objectively bad for everyone.

I don't know, oculus policies and business practices looks much worse than their competitors, also the vive seems to be good so i would like for oculus to lose, otherwise a lot of titles will be locked in their APIs.

Yeah, as i said, i hope for more publishers to reject money for exclusivity like croteam did.

what? many fucking times before facebook bought them they said they expected the final product wouldn't cost more than the devkits.

That was one of the huge reasons most people said to wait for the final release. This was years ago when the first devkits were getting sent out.

You tried out be porn right? Before you sold it? Cmon user, don't tell me you didnt try vr while you have the chance

tfw waiting for this fad to die out.

They said they were hoping the final right would cost in the same ballpark as the devkits ($300 and $350). That's not the same as "promising" it would cost "$250 or less". They fucked up but saying they "fucking promised" 250 or less is bullshit.

>Only an actual fucking moron would support Oculus
It's hard to resist that Facebook money, user.

oh no the semantics are to terribly different.

The point is they were off by a fucking LOT. $300 is good price., $200 would have put it in practically everyone's hands.

But $600? $800? That's way too much to justify.

Valve is apparently loaning money to developers to make Vive games now, and since making a game for the Vive makes it easily compatible with everything else, that's a much better way to go

>oh no the semantics are to terribly different.
Yes, they fucking are, and you're retarded, especially if you ever thought it would cost less than 250.

I was expecting something between $250-$300 faggot.

Do you get paid to be a retard or what? "Gee guys $600 is a great price! We never PROMISED it would be unreasonably expensive. We just said we HOPED"

>I was expecting something between $250-$300 faggot.
>$250 or less like they fucking promised
Ya ok m8
>Gee guys $600 is a great price
It's almost like I said they fucked up on the price. It's almost like you realized you're retarded and now you're doing damage control.

Whatever nigger, you think "hopefully 350ish" and "definitely less than $250" is merely a semantic difference. I don't need to argue with you further.

lel stfu poor fag

itfb... so sick of hearing about VR bullshit. don't care, don't care... don't care

>needed to be $250 or less
>personally expecting $250-$300

You're arguing the dumbest fucking shit imaginable. The point is it needs to be half the fucking price for anyone to give a shit. Especially since they themselves know that and wanted it to be less than the devkits.

The initial VR hype was based on that expectation. When the final numbers came out they practically killed all the hype they gained over the last few years. No sane person will pay that much for the experience it provides.

Absolutely amazing to be honest.

I've had more fun with a $15 'tech demo' than i have in any $60 game for the past decade.

I'm also getting really /fit/ from it.

10/10, would buy again.

>I have no idea how programming works the post.

Dont worry, I'm sure he knows that "JAVA IS SHIT!!!!! LOL WHO WOULD USE JAVA" and that's all anyone needs to know on Sup Forums

too expensive.

Welcome to the most shortsighted opinion on the internet.

You've clearly never used high end VR.

There's a reason that;
and many more major players are investing into VR.

It is the next major platform for humanity, on the level of the internet being created.

Yeah! Just like motion control!

The question I have is how fast they will refresh these. Yearly? Bi-yearly?

How do Americans pronounce this?
Like 'jive'?

So the millennials can live out their lives in VR world with no need to ever leave mom's basement?

I got a free VR headset with my galaxy s7 so no need to buy a vive anymore

we pronounce it 'vive'

This, it's starting to feel like when nvidia released it's 3d vision back in 2010, Which completely died out in like two years. Valve could've released a killer app to solidify VR but they didn't.

And it's just not a tech bubble that's about to burst, it's the whole fucking economy. I look forward to scorched earth.

Do you fap to /s/ with it on?

as in 'la france'?

no just 'vive'

>I've never used VR

Also, there was almost no interest in low tier motion controllers. Nintendo just released some shit, and Sony/Microsoft tried to copy the fad.

The difference between old motion controllers and the Vives controllers is so vast. Vive is as about as good as it will ever get, ever. It's tracked perfectly with no latency to sub millimeter accuracy. It's amazing to just rub the two controllers together in VR and see how good the tracking is.

The guys at Oculus have said it will have a slower refresh than phones. I'd assume 2-3 years.

tried some 3d hentai.

So like vivé?

t. South America

>The guys at Oculus have said it will have a slower refresh than phones. I'd assume 2-3 years.
To add to this, they said between consoles (5ish years) and phones (every year) so ya, 2-3 years sounds about right.

no just vive

The same is said for every generation.

"Kids read too much, never go outside anymore"


"Kids watch TV too much, never go outside or read anymore"


"Kids play videogames too much"


"Kids sit on phone/internet too much, never go see friends anymore"


"Kids sit in VR all day, never leave the house anymore"

But yes. Within a decade or two, everyone will have VR, and will spend a lot of time in VR.

The misconception is that its an anti-social experience. It's quite the opposite. It can be very very very social. It's amazing to hang out with friends in VR;
- meet up in VR with friends
- sit in a virtual cinema together and watch a movie and chat
- finish movie, decide to play some games togehter
- just hang out and chat, maybe explore some cool apps together

It's a jab at Oculus that can't ship to anyone but retail stores.

And yes, I'm being completely serious. Adults used to complain about their kids reading books too much.

Does anyone actually like the VR masturbating experience?

I'll admit it's cool to have a VR stripper/sex going on right in front of you.

But masturbating with thing on your head and split between two worlds is awful. And without that I don't care about the content so much.

Greatly prefer desktop masturbation or tablet in bed method.

I was a day 1 pre-order for Oculus... I still didnt have it last week, and decided to cancel and get a Vive instead.

Room scale is so amazing. I"m glad i swapped.

I don't understand your complaint? Do you look at your dick while masturbating? I find it better, though it's hard to find porn that I like yet. It's all mainstream boring shit at the moment.

My favorite thing to do at the moment is to watch from VR porn on my Vive, and get my girlfriend to watch what's happening on the TV and replicate it IRL. She's getting really good at it, and it's pretty awesome.

SteamVR works on Oculus with Touch controllers. So technically Oculus gets room scale (360 degrees) and Chaperone with SteamVR.

On Oculus's official platform it's still going to be suggested as a 180 degree experience with no Chaperone.

That is if they ever ship their Touch controllers.

>Do you look at your dick while masturbating?

i'm gay so yes looking at my own dick gets me off

You're making a lot of assumptions there.

Touch will ship with a 2nd tracking camera.

Oculus recommended set up is both camera in front of you, meaning they DO NOT RECOMMEND room scale.

Some people have said that if you put the cameras in opposing corners (like the Vive) you can achieve full roomscale, but there hasn't been enough evidence to prove these claims yet.

Vives tracking technology is just flat out better than Oculus'. There's obviously a reason that Oculus recommend the two front facing cameras... but we'll just have to wait and see.

At the moment, if you want full room scale, Vive is the only option if you don't want to gamble.

Ah, fair enough. I don't think many people look at their junk while masturbating.

How can it have chaperone with no camera?

It still brings up the grid when you get close to walls.

The camera on the Vive actually isn't used for chaperone by default, and i personally wouldn't recommend turning it on, as it's annoying.

Both Vive/Rift know where walls are because you do a room setup before playing, where you trace out the boundaries of your playspace.

It already works.

Yeah, i know.

My question is HOW WELL will it work.

My play space is 4x5m.

I'm yet to see any evidence that suggests Oculus will work for full 360 room scale for a playspace that big.

I've seen a video where a guy started to lose HMD tracking at about 3m from the camera, which would imply the largest possibly playspace for him would be 3x3m, and that would still have issues, as there'd be regions that only 1 camera could see... so it'd have to be smaller, with a max of 3m between the cameras.

As i said, we need to see more testing.

Maybe you just have lame orgasms.

I can't deal with the thing on my head, especially since it partly falls off when you start thrashing around.

It's like having sex in a gas mask.

It's like all the bad things about a condom only worse and on your head.

The Romans tied headbands on when drinking and thought it changed the whole experience. They were right.

I wouldn't wear a bicycle helmet if it weren't so important. This is like that but a thousand times worse.

Another thing is you can't just disengage from the porn immediately when you're done. It's attached to your face it takes a few seconds.

And also there's this dissociative aspect of the orgasm that gets totally wrecked. Normally you would just disappear completely for a while, la petit mort, but you can't do this because you have this fucking clamp on your head and these images and sounds hounding you.

Anyway that's pretty mean to your girlfriend why don't you just call her ugly fat girlfriend who is too ugly I don't wanna look at.

I have my HMD adjusted really nicely, and it's very comfortable.

The only part of this that i can relate to is the tedium of wanting to take off the HMD when I'm finished. But i have wireless headphones, so it's relatively easy.

I also dont think it really takes much more effort than grabbing my mouse and closing whatever porn I'm watching.

>Anyway that's pretty mean to your girlfriend why don't you just call her ugly fat girlfriend who is too ugly I don't wanna look at.
We have a great relationship and we communicate really well.

We love exploring new things, and we both enjoy this a lot. It's like a fun sex game, where she has to copy whatever the girl is doing. She's not very good at deep throating, so it's always fun when we get a video with lots of deep throating.

We've also tried the inverse, but there's not much female POV VR porn yet, and most of it is pretty shit.

I don't really anticipate it will have the same range of the Vive, but most people don't have an area that large. I bought the Vive, and have no desire to buy an Oculus. Just looks funny that SteamVR may end up being the preferred Oculus experience.

I got my Vive early May and had to RMA a base station because the vertical laser wasn't working. I just got it back a few days ago so I'm still playing with my setup.

Yeah, I don't really see how the Oculus Store is going to turn out well...

They're competing with Sony, Valve and Microsoft now...

They can pay for all the exclusives they want... but I just don't see it working for them. Especially when people can just pirate all Oculus games with Vive.


So Sup Forums, should I buy the rift or vive? I could get my hands on either immediately.

Vive if you have room for the room tracking mode and want controllers, otherwise oculus.

I can't see any reason to get a Rift over a Vive, the Vive is better in every way except price.

What's it like to be a cuck?

>tfw you lived through the 90s VR hype and can't take this iteration of it seriously either
wake me up when I can literally plug my brain into the holodeck

Mobile VR is a silly kids toy compared to Vive/Rift

Vive is the most complete VR package on the market.

Rift is ergonomically better, and might be able to do room scale well at a later date.

It's pretty rad though, I watched Lawnmower Man on it and everything.

I just watched my first movie in VR yesterday, after owning Vive for over 2 months.

Watched Zootopia in 3D in my very own personal cinema. I even made some popcorn.

It was probably the most immersive thing i've done in VR. I tried to lean on the arm rest a few times.

>buying first gen hardware
>not waiting for gen 2 with eyetracking

top cuck

I cannot wait for virtual anime girls to get mad at me for ogling them.

>missing out on years of VR because you're poor
Why not wait for gen 4