How do I hack into a computer?
Personal reasons.
How do I hack into a computer?
You have install gentoo, after that the instructions are in the wiki
Sup Forums really suffers when they let school out.
>taking this bait
Sigh, Sup Forums really suffers when they let college out.
It's because of Clover. Sup Forums is the default board for the app.
Nobody on Sup Forums seems to be willing to give the dev(s?) at Clover shit for that decision because they're such retarded faggots that anyone who can code more than Hello World and FizzBuzz is as a god to them.
Start by clicking the adds on this site
I know this is bait but look at all the threads with 100+ replies and tell me they aren't the pinnacle of shit posting.
Sup Forums is shitty 24 hours, a day 7 days a week, 365 days a week.
That was the case till back in January. Now it's F-Droid only and underage high school kids don't know how to install F-Droid. They just stick to their mobile browser.
ask reddit
build website with assembly
heh.....some of us are smarter then others......but we don't even post like this fucking idiot OP
boot linux
all their files are accessible without password
I've been coding for 16 years, I know more hardware messing around with pi / automated systems / robotics / sonar / plant & farm management engineering
I wouldn't say I'm above average programmer on Sup Forums but I can get my way around what I need to do
does that mean I'm shit?
I know how to do it and I didn't need any shitty try out or buy programs, but I won't tell you which.
Personal reasons.
soak it in the bathtub for at least three hours, and the wetware will overload the default password configuration and load diagnostic mode.
Source: I'm a computer technician.
>Sup Forums is shitty 24 hours, a day 7 days a week, 365 days a week.
I was talking about Summer Vacation lad. But yes I agree, Sup Forums is a shit. But it has been getting worse over the years. Sup Forums cross posters have conquered this board.
sign your own initials as long as they are the same as someone else so you can gloat and get away with it because your ego is off the charts. then try to frame someone else and pretend it wasn't your team working on nights and weekends. helps if you go mit.
Find the owner of the computer, and beat their ass until they give you the login password. Now you are a master hacker.
You need a dildo.
>Install botnet rootkit
nice trojan