Edge is dope as fuck edition
>dope as fuck
go back to "black people's twitter", Sup Forumseddit or whatever shithole you crawled out from please
This is a technology board, you have no place here.
It reminds me of chrome when it was a lightweight, superfast browser, however, without adblock and noscript it's still useless.
Both edge and windows 10 are a joke.
t. wibdows 7 and Chrome user
>refuses to use windows 10 because of muh botnet
>uses windows 7 with nsakey.
sage in all fields
Just block ads via hosts file and Edge is incredibly fast.
Datamining aside Windows 10 is still a steaming pile of shit.
It has Adblock and Adblock Edge
Since when?
Get the fuck out dumb hindu nuffin
A few months ago.
Nice shill thread op. Once it has a good extension for reading manga that works on sadpanda then we can talk.
So I'm upgrading my computer today and decided to do a clean install. Any reason to go with Windows 10 over 7?
None. Horrible UI and forced updates. Install Win7x64 and GWX control panel.
Oh and use FF instead of Chrome as Google is shit tier and worse than Microcuck. Ublock/NoScript addons that support this website. Prosper.
ABP is kinda shit tier. It lets through a large majority of the adverts. I'm using Ublock Origin and Scriptblock for some semblance of adblocking.
I don't use non-free browsers
I'll use opera once in a while at best