Is there a decent alternative out there yet?

Is there a decent alternative out there yet?

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What else do you faglords need? I've had version 2.9.3 for like 3 years now, zero complains cause it's fast as fug, bug free and does everything I'd expect a non cancerous social media focused app do.

Feel you man... CM gallery came pretty close, but it can't fucking fullscreen... I'm seriously considering just throwing something together myself.

Just use AFWALL+ or XPrivacy or both to block QuickPic's internet access

I've been sticking to 4.5.2 until now. Every other gallery app has at least one show stopping defect that keeps me from leaving QuickPic

Wasn't it just one of the most beautiful pieces of software on android? Light and fast as fuck. It barely made it past a megabyte, while other apps happily go over 10MBs for the same basic functionality.

In a perfect world, google would have aquired QuickPic and merged it's code into AOSP

Too bad ES explorer suffered the same fate

Doesn't help our fellow average users who don't/can't root their devices.

And why even bother, it has been feature frozen since Cheetah came into play, at least it was last time I checked


Amaze > ES currently. Shame.

I'll add Asus ZenUI FM because I tried it on the ZF2.


Just install an older version of Quickpic or use F-Stop.

What do you guys use now that pic related is bloated spyware?

Tried Leafpic, offers nothing new and almost double the size.

Yeah, Amaze is good. Bonus points for FOSS.

They could prolly just rename themselves Cancer Mobile, it would be a much better description of what they're doing.

Never used that garbage to begin with

It's solid.

Solid explorer

Sup Forums doesn't know about quickpic mod.

I switched over to fstop recently and its pretty great

You know your life is empty when you spend your time looking for different gallery apps

>Sup Forums posting manchild calling other people empty
o i am laffin

Why not use Google Photos? It has amazing photo recognition.

Why are you pointing to me that Im on Sup Forums?

Stop making this fucking thread

No hiding photos
Takes forever to load large folders(my wallpaper and reaction image folders)

the Gallery by default on my zenfone is great



I just use stock gallery. What's wrong with me? :^/

solid explorer and google photos cover all of my phone image needs

Solid explorer classic or the paid version?

Amaze is shit, specially when it comes to extracting rars and zips.

Is QuickPic still the only gallery app that's compatible with file explorers?

I tried using others but they won't let me swipe pics in a folder.

They're both paid.
I got the new version. It has many features and actually implemented them quite well.

Old QuickPic:
Solid paid version:

Total Commander has served me well ever since I moved to android.

Totally am gonna install precompiled binaries on Sup Forums

I trust this place more than random ad filled jew "blogs" to be honest.
At worst it's just bait and not a credit card miner.

Amaze and other alternatives didn't do it for me


Piktures is pretty good.

>Using Chinese app to manage your photo

Yep. If someone were going to do something malicious in an APK here, it would be more likely to just be fullscreen, uncloseable daily dose that sets your volume to max and shouts NIGGERS over and over than identify theft or data deletion



just use file explorer to browse and old quickpic to view

Is 4.5.2 safe?

This Amaze has everything I need. It's a bit ugly but better than most foss designs.

Solid Explorer is one of the best designed apps I've ever used


Piktures is the best. It's secret photos thing actually encrypts the photos, rather than just hiding them

Qpic is still the best. Needs paint/text/neon

Material design is shit for complex file managers
Es got away, they had their familiar system, but used menus and other fragments to follow the design.
Still keeping up with the familiar layout and design from the earlier release.

I still have to use es though because it's feature rich
Ftp, cloud, samba, phone ftp

why would you need an alternative? its a very basic and plain app that does exactly what u need. Unless you dont like simplicity and want extra shit like a pleb.

Hello summer.


If you want, I say update to 2.9.4. Just as slick, no bullshit ads or addons or anything, and just the benefit of one more version with updates.

Thank you user. I just got that and it's so fast!

chinese botnet though

Can't delete Photos on sd card so kinda useless now

Leafpic is pretty great
Better than fstop

That's what I did. Now my pics are quick and I don't have to worry Cheetah Mobile BS.

>on Sup Forums
>average user
git gud.

Amaze hasn't gotten an update in a whole year

bought the pro version. no regrets.

Pikture, the best thing I found. Is not perfect but it's nice and fast.

Solid can do all that and more
Maybe except ftp server.


Why do you need updates when it already works perfectly?

best gallery app to-date on android, been using it for years to hide my porn on mobile. and no that they have cloud backup support it makes saving large gallery 100% easier.