Does anyone have a working link of the lo/g/os iso?
Does anyone have a working link of the lo/g/os iso?
Other urls found in this thread:
apparently the repos are dead now.
the i3 configs are floating around the archives, though.
Isn't it dead anyway? Why'd you want it?
i'll work on the logo
I was looking for this myself a few days ago.
You're lucky my nigga
I do but I'd prefer you use my branch of Sup Forumsos, I call it Sup Forums+. It should be out in a month or so, I haven't started on it yet. Here's the logo
I'm calling this Sup Forumsnu + linux
>using the carrot knowesd smiley
Hey Kevin you're the one who always posts that image of his homepage right?
>hello. I'm fake-gentoo-install-screenfetching Kevin. how's your day going so far?
Why would anyone fake Gentoo? I never faked Gentoo. That would be retarded and embarrassing.
How'd you get the body cantered? Like I know how to do it horizontally but how'd you centre it vertically without css?
It's recommended you do it with css.
>I never faked gentoo
>Packages: 0
Ah ok, I tried making my own using just a html doc I could easily copy to other computers
For some reason my ascii thing isn't showing up.
How does it feel knowing that your homepage will never be as cool as mine?
>Packages: Unknown
Fake and gay.
Nigger, literally everyone was here when you got debunked as just running Ubuntu. You ain't fooling nobody.
What do you mean?