What's wrong with being a Pajeet?


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literally nothing

Sup Forums users are afraid indians are going to take their jobs away. however Sup Forums users are too dumb and uneducated to even be considered for these jobs, so i don't know why they're afraid in the first place.


They shit on designated shitting streets.

found the pajeet

dont worry pajeet-kun, Sup Forums senpai is only jealous of your STEM degree.


lefties from Reddit are so retarded and new they don't even know how basic memes started

But that is already happening. Only thing stopping giant companies from moving in a million pajeets to take care of their IT infrastructure is the H1B visa limitations.

casual racism is not a meme, polturd

i'm the vikram

> interview for amazon
> 3/6 interviewees are indians.
fucking christ guys what are we doing wrong?
stop letting people who come from a society without toilets take out jobs.

nothing, we need more people like that kid, allegedly he has an iq of 140.

>fucking christ guys what are we doing wrong?
a lot of white people are incredibly entitled, coddled by their parents, and consequently not very competitive.

pajeets face returning to a country where a woman would be beaten and raped with a wheel jack in the back of a bus and basically nothing happens to the guys who did it (albeit after lots of international outrage in the form of temporary profile picture changes; oooh, ~solidarity~).

so, you know, they've got a good life either way.

Second most cancerous posters, after phonepostersts.

t. rasheem

Sup Forums is just jealous of spiritual superiority of Hinduism.

>pajeetification of industry well under way
>bugs, bugs every where
>code is shit
>security is shit
>corporate america doesn't care
>because they have literal indentured servants
>"hurr durr afraid of losing job"
>"herp derp virgin with no job to begin with"

Soon Pajeet, soon you will have to go back.

nothing at all. for example:


>"Indians Gone Wild"
>movies of Indians using the toilet instead of the street

The 480 RX shitposting is the most hilarious thing I've seen on Sup Forums. All those posts written in broken English and wccf articles just so you can get few dollars. It reminds me of the "fuk u India will be superpower by 2020" post. Poor Indian folks making inferior products and convincing themselves that they're smarter cuz their RMA cards are cheaper.

(thread goes silent as everyone in Sup Forums goes to fap)


indian food stinks

pajeets are shitty programmers, ask for help with everything, contribute nothing, and post shitty blogposts with incorrect information gunking up your google searches

not all indians are pajeets though, i know only one indian programmer who is amazing

not as hilarious as buyers remorse

pajeets and chinks are literally outbreeding the white race and taking over the world but other than that nothing

Nah that's just sad. It got to the point where an AMD owner can't survive 5 minutes without mentioning Nvidia. Inferiority complex at its finest.

>textbook definition of both a strawman and deflection at once
>literally about unironic memeing

>pajeets and chinks are literally outbreeding the white race

hopefully together

Pajeet makes white retards uncomfortable thanks to his superior intelligence and work ethic
Jose makes white sissies uncomfortable thanks to his manliness despite being shorter and due to his work ethic and traditional values, whitey would rather fuck his pillow than get married like Jose
Tyrone makes white cucks uncomfortable thanks to his massive dong and alphaness with women, whitey can barely mumble a hello.
Sandniggers make whitey shit his pants because he knows theyll stop at nothing until the world is under shariah law.

>Indian work ethics
Now that's what I call shitposting.



Just shit in the toilet already pajeet!

>Life in prison

you're a soulless husk

indian guys are cute

prove me wrong (you can't)

proved you wrong in the OP post.

Well he's kind of cute

your standards for cuteness are depressingly low.


dem nigger lips

Is that your argument that Indians are cute?

>superior intelligence and work ethics

whew lad


you're either indian or have never met one in your life

Look just like an off-brand mexican

indians make me laugh with their funny accent and they are mostly harmless TBCH


>a fucking wagon wheel

Nothing. The recent racism against them on Sup Forums comes from insecure white nationalist retards who are scared of 'muh jerbs' being "stolen" due to the rise of the Indian technology sector.



Your language, and its 50 million different dialects, are shit.
Your food is shit.
Your women are shit.
Your culture in general is shit.
Your streets are covered in shit.

>all those high tech companies hiring indians are doing so for no reason

>if someone is better than me its affirmative action
>cuddled white faggot logic


Indians are sexy.

Sup Forums is full of jealous neckbeard virgin white boys.

White people think they are somehow better than other people ignoring the fact that all are same. That's why they can't believe that many Indians are getting jobs abroad. These people need to wake up and see the reality

Samefags posting shite.

anything can be a meme idiot

toilets are scary because there might be a witch inside

Indeed my friend! Indians are the best and sexiest and smartest race! glory to future India and may the washroom not be constrained by ugly cultural walls


Designated shitting streets will never not be funny

Don't fall for the white man's tricks, my fellow Pajeets!
They want us to get captured by the toilet witch!


They are sub-human trash that don't know what a toilet is.

no, they are human just like you and me

and they happen to be cute and sexy

They look like pedophiles or sex offenders.

then they're cute and sexy pedophiles or sex offenders

Nothing, Sup Forums just tends to have a lot of racist posters

>superior intelligence and work ethic

>still shit in the streets and live in extreme poverty


They're doing it because you're cheapest closest legal labor force.

I don't see superior intelligence when I see a campaign asking to literally stop shitting on the street.

Or maybe because they stink, can't speak English properly, don't understand the concept of personal space and useful as nothing but a boat anchor.

Chances are you've never worked with them if you still believe this.

How do you think Indians potty train their babies? In the West you would first put diapers on them, then later try to get them to use the toilet.
In India, how do they do it? I feel like they don't have diapers over there


The difference between the Western and Indian approach to potty training is that the Western culture focuses more on the use of diapers for children while the Indian approach is diaper free.

The baby indicates his need to use the toilet by grunting or making sounds. Once a baby begins to crawl, and is found to crawl to the bathroom, parents can identify his need and help with the rest. Mothers hold their babies in their arms and give verbal cues that prompt the baby to defecate. They may hold their babies over a sink or a bowl. The child eventually will graduate to using a commode but will need help in disrobing for quite some time.

literally everything you fucking maggot.
Pajeet are almost Nigga tier or even beyond.


Whereas you shit on Sup Forums? Or in your head, based on this thread.