Previously on: >>55119368

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (, ixquick, whatever) (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:,

How do you deal with old kernels in *buntu? I've been using kubuntu for a few weeks and I already have 3 kernels installed, I thought that it kept current and last previous version and removed the rest but it seems they are kept unless removed explicitly. Am I missing something? I don't want a million kernel versions in /boot.

How do you change the default terminal in Arch?

I want urxvt to open when I choose "open a terminal here" in Thunar.
Thunar custom action is exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator but TerminalEmulator is not an environment variable. I tried replacing "TerminalEmulator" by "urxvt" without success.

have you tried the window class of urxvt? Isn't it something like URxvt?

I tried to replace TerminalEmulator by URxvt but still no success.

However, when I type URxvt in a terminal, I get the error
zsh: command not found: URxvt

It was a pointer to a direction, not an instruction. Find out what the actual window class is.

>Arch Linux
>Has no idea how to change the terminal

>has no idea how to use a shell

sorry but, EVERY TIME

Now let's be helpful.

Two ways:

1. use "x-terminal-emulator" which always points to the default terminal

2. to call URxvt, you need to use run "urxvt" (lowercase)

Ayy, I know right. I should install windows 10, stay away from a terminal and never try to learn anything new.

Thank you.
I don't know what to edit to change "x-terminal-emulator"...

what do you mean by needing to run "urxvt" to call URxvt?

The problem was solved using exo-preferred-applications and then replacing the "default terminal emulator"

>using arch has nothing to do with a file manager that is not installed by default

apt-get autoremove

So if I install Ubuntu Mate as my first linux distro. What should/could I do with it?

I just found out about KDE Connect. If I put this on my media server would I be able to control Kodi from it?

Learn shell scripting.
Automate things.
Automate more things.

Automate? Explain please. Im a pleb

Let's say you want to press a hotkey that automatically runs programs, places windows, sorts pictures and makes coffee and gives you a foot massage - then you want shell scripting.

Someone asked for pasta? Delicious pasta here:

> Shell pasta:

The based GNU Bourne Again SHell:

The community driven BASH wiki:

The Grymoire - home for UNIX wizards:

Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) wiki:

SED and AWK; your new best friends:

Google's Shell Style Guide:

The Linux Command Line - A Book By William Shotts:

Interesting, useful and dangerous one-liners:

Great online (and offline) linting tool:

Know what you are doing:

>The Linux Command Line
The book is very good, but the title pants on head.

>tfw I never managed to learn how to use sed

I kept doing overengineered vim trickeries ever since I was a freshman

I'm currently installing Funtoo

That doesn't get rid of the old ones. How many kernels is it supposed to keep?

Cleaning my pasta archives and found this one, maybe someone has use for it.

> Tiling pasta:

Tiling Window Managers:

General informations:


Awesome + Gaps:


i3 + Gaps:




Tiling scripts (these work DE/WM independent):




Pytyle differences:

Horsefuckers tiling BASH scripts:

I guess that's all.
Personally, I'd recommend bspwm.

I'm experiencing quite a strange problem with the sound in Arch linux.

>I had no problem for few months.

>Then the sound is starting to stop randomly. Once it has stopped only a reboot solves the issue
I tried for example to restart asla but nothing does.
Nothing appears on dmesg
alsa doesn't seems to have logs I can read to try to troobleshoot
The issue keep happening. Sometimes after ~40 min, sometime within seconds after the reboot.
pluging the earphone also give no sound

>But if I keep the earphones plugged in FROM the reboot, I can keep the sound working for hours.

I have no idea what to do.

tried ricing with open box and it fucked up my previous config. how do I remove openbox? running
pacman -Rs openbox doesn't work. or -Runs it's still there after reboot.

>Arch user
Lmao every time

Have you tried pacman -Rsc openbox ?

>go to friendly linux thread
>"bully" arch users
lmaoing at your life. If you spent as much time trying to install than shitposting, maybe you'd also successfully install arch one day.

>doesn't know how to uninstall a package
>wants to "rice"

Let me guess, you also installed zsh, without even utilizing 1% of Bash's capabilities?

If still not working, try pacman -Rn opembox and remove manually your dotfiles.

Also, what was your problem when you riced openbox?

zsh autocomplete is goat tho.
>let me guess, you have built your own supercomputer and installed LFS on your fridge?
My guess is that you're one of those "pls rate my built" Sup Forums spillover.

It should get rid of all unused software, which all old kernels are. Maybe it doesn't work that way in Kubuntu, I use Ubuntu. You could just remove them manually.

You're using alsa only or with pulseaudio?

only alsa.

r="$(dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d')"
[[ -n $r ]] && sudo apt-get purge $r

I've been running mint 17.2 for about 6 months now. Initially I installed it for my uni work as developing embedded software in a gnu/linux environment is much easier, but I have begun to use it for entertainment thanks to wine and the growing support for gnu/linux as a platform.

However, I get the feeling that my system is slowly failing. It is beginning to freeze after ~1 hour usage. Shutting my laptop and re-opening unfreezes it and flashes an error message across the screen for a second or so before it flicks to the login screen. Is there a way to find or capture these error messages? The messages always say something about "unclaimed resources" but I need to record everything before I can get more help. A quick google has yielded nothing.

not sure I can help you but try giving a look at the ouptut of "dmesg"

Also maybe not a fix but have you tried other desktop environments or windows manager?

This guy.

I've been installing Funtoo for the past fucking 3 hours. Kernel took an hour. God damn

Is this shit even going to be worth it in the end?

>installing an operating system without even knowing its merrits


Is that what you decided to stick with windows 10?

Have they?

He's uniq.

What flavor of Debian (i386 or amd64) do I put on my 6600K PC?

>makes coffee and gives you a foot massage
>mfw we live in a time where this is actually possible

the 64bit one.

Don't see Debian getting much love in here. Is that bad or good?

I need to get a new laptop and I'd like to be able to do some light gaming on it. Should I go AMD or Nvidia? I know Nvidia has better performance on the proprietary drivers for the moment, but I hear AMD is catching up, is that true? Also, which one provides a better experience outside of gaming (keeping up with kernel updates, etc.)? Will Vulkan tip the balance in AMD's favor a few years down the road?

In short, which would you pick?

Used it for a few years. Debian stable is great until you want a newer package and go to Testing, which removes Debian's trademark stability. Then you might lose your GUI just by running apt-get dist-upgrade without an easy way to unfuck your system just by running a command.

If there was an easy and obvious way to do that I'd still be running Debian Testing. Now, I'm trying my luck with Fedora.

If someone gives you a script/command to 'undo' apt-get dist-upgrade it's totally worth checking out.

Do I have to install usb drivers for my portable usbs to work in arch?

My mouse works fine but my beagle bone and usb don't even show up when I plug it in. worked with manjaro.

gotta appreciate them diving into the deep end.

now if they only drowned too.

Is this good anons?


>Bumping that fast
there is no "good" scheme.
If you want a separate home partition and some swap, go for it.

Myself, I have only one partition, the /
I have only one user, myself and I don't want to swap on my ssd.

On the gentoo handbook, they advise to have at least a / and /boot partition.
if you have a lot of user, a separate /home partition is good
if you are running a mail server, a separate /var partition is good

One good thing with a separate home partition is that you don't have to backup your stuff when you fuck up and need a fresh install. But I don't mind since I backup anyway.

>my picture used for a general
oh boy

Wow, you're such an unique and well rounded person, amazing how you project your soul and personality via an image, we approve you, you're g approved, amazing, you were validated, people look at your objects that other people created but you consume, you did well, amazing, you did so well buying things

thank you, friend! that was the validation I was looking for!

If I was you, I'd use a /boot partition (and it should be the first one)

I can't use "Universal USB Installer" to install on my usb drive, "syslinux" just crash instantly.
How to proceed?

>sharpnel sticker
good taste

I am trying to use the wifi on a Dell Latitude e6440
From this page, since it is using muh non free driver, I have to install it myself

Following the instructions on this page,

I add to /etc/apt/sources.list
# Debian 8 "Jessie"
deb jessie main contrib non-free
and run the instructions

# apt-get update && apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi
# modprobe -r iwlwifi ; modprobe iwlwifi

as root.

But no wifi interface shows up when I do ifconfig.

Wait what
I didn't know about this

your distro will have specific instructions for making a usb if not post your OS and what distro you're trying to use

the universal installers can be okay for some distros but they tend to break others

And here we see an autist and its natural reaction when seeing people.

How do I clean up useless packages I have installed on arch? I mean when I use yaourt is installs a million things to compile shit

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

can you copy pasta all your /etc/apt/source.list please ?

use pastebin if it's too long

So I've installed arch and now got a comfy set up. Feels good actually. pretty novice linux too.
why do archfags insist on being pricks?


# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 8.5.0 _Jessie_ - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20160604-15:35]/ jessie main

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 8.5.0 _Jessie_ - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20160604-15:35]/ jessie main

deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

deb jessie/updates main
deb-src jessie/updates main

# jessie-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb jessie-updates main
deb-src jessie-updates main

# Debian 8 "Jessie"
# for the non-free wifi driver
deb jessie main contrib non-free

I'm not sure those guys are actual arch users. I think there's a lot of retards that wants to shitpost and just meme about arch users.

They don't. It's arch hater that keep shitposting thus propagating the image.

add contrib non-free at the end of every line starting with deb

deb jessie main contrib non-free
is probably not required, you can try without it, it should works.

update & try to install your driver again.

>deb jessie main contrib non-free
This isn't just for the non-free wifi drivers
Its for everything non-free not included in the main repos

Anyways try to replace deb jessie main contrib non-free with deb jessie main contrib non-free

Do not do this
It will break the main repos

I installed firmware-iwlwifi already.

But when I try to add the module, nothing changes in the answer of ifconfig.


The comment was for me to remember why I put that line there. But thank you for the precision.

I'll try what you suggest and repeat the process, but as mentioned in this post, I feel like the problem is with modprobe

>I installed firmware-iwlwifi already.
>But when I try to add the module, nothing changes in the answer of ifconfig.

I tried before posting.

What's the benefit of using urxvt? I know rice fags like it, but I'm pretty happy with my default xfce but if there's some features that I'm missing or perfomance I'd be interested.

Have you tried this?

Funtoo comes with a binary kernel now doesn't it?!
If you're compiling debian sources then it is huge with every module known to man enabled.

I tried before posting but since no wireless interface was shown in ifconfig, I went asking for help.
Somehow after the edit proposed by my ifconfig now shows a wlan0

I'll try, hoping it works.

The wifi is on, but no network is showing up when my computer is scanning.
I tried nmtui and it doesn't even let me activate the wifi.

When I have the wifi on, I cannot acces the network via a wired connection. Switching it off instantly makes it available again.

How do I go about customizing lightdm-gtk-greeter it's just an ugly black colour atm. using xfce

nah, you're only missing out on autism.

[user1@primary ~]$ pacman -Qi lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
Name : lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
Version : 1.2.0-4
Description : Settings editor for the LightDM GTK+ Greeter
Architecture : any
Licenses : GPL3
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : gtk-update-icon-cache lightdm-gtk-greeter python-gobject
Optional Deps : None
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 1052.00 KiB
Packager : Maxime Gauduin
Build Date : Sat 30 Apr 2016 04:34:08 AEST
Install Date : Wed 15 Jun 2016 00:54:27 AEST
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Validated By : Signature

You can use lightdm-gtk-greeter

I use urxvt because I can add space between the lines making it more readable to IMO.
Else, stick with what is working for you.

You're the kind of guys that is changing changing the wallpaper and gets sour when people tell you it's shit? Or you're more a wannabe that keeps crying "stop liking what I don't like!!" cause you can't tweak your gui?

Now I am completely lost
Atleast I got you somewhere

already have it installed. tried going into the conf file and changing the variable background to background=/home/paddy/Pictures/1452552535352.png
but nothing has changed.

It's a gui though.

that's odd. what's the gui called? I have both light dm and lightdm-gtk-greeter installed.



holy fuck I'm retared. thanks so much.need to read properly

Glad I help.

(Shameful bump for my sound issue )

have you tried pulseaudio ?

I'm getting the message "Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch" when I'm in a X session and change TTY and I can't go back to my X session, what do?

No, I didn't tried on this machine.

I tried, a while ago, to have both pulseaudio and alsa on the same machine but I got caught in a clusterfuck and wasn't able to see what I was doing anymore.

On this machine, a thinkpad x201, running only alsa worked fine until it didn't.

I am afraid not to be able to control the sound from my gui and buttons on the keyboard anymore.
For the buttons, I add

# Mute
"amixer -q set Master toggle"
m:0x0 + c:121

# VolDown
"amixer -q set Master unmute && amixer -q set Master 5%-"
m:0x0 + c:122

# VolUp
"amixer -q set Master unmute && amixer -q set Master 5%+"
m:0x0 + c:123

in my .xbindkeysrc so I'd have to find the new "way" to change the volume. For the gui Volume Icon it was a pain in the neck to tune and I feel like it is likely to make things worse.

I've got NIC with ath9k driver. On windows my connections is two times faster than on Linux. How can I fix that on Linux?

ah the woes of setting up a dual boot

Is that a x200 or x201?

How do I edit these files to turn amdgpu on, it just doesn't show up on Xorg.0.log