Contextual Identities


>The Containers Feature in Firefox Nightly enables users to login to multiple accounts on the same site simultaneously and gives users the ability to segregate site data for improved privacy and security.

>inb4 muh mozilla is ded
This thread is just for discussing this feature, please keep political/agenda bullshit out


So it's like profiles? That thing Chrome has had for years?

Not exactly, because profiles are not active tab to tab, it's similar though. Profiles can't necessarily be open at the same time as it causes issues in chrome. The profiles are more like "users" of the browser.


Wow, a feature no-one will use.

If this breaks my theme I will REEEE

Maybe normal users wont use it, but it makes sense if you actually care about keeping these things separate.

Keeping what separate? All this does is allows me to have multiple cookies for one website and use them in different tabs at the same time. But seriously who has more than one twitter account, bank of America account, Facebook, Gmail, etc.. Moreover, who has two of these accounts AND wants to use them at the same time? Like you could say oh if you have a work mail and a personal mail you can be logged in at the same time but only autists wouldn't just forward the mail to one account OR use a desktop mail client that manages your emails for you. Good job Mozilla, you added bloat.

>more bloat features
hahahahahahahhahahaa ok pajeet you can go now

Anyone with an actual job probably has couple emails (I have 4).

.. oh I forgot I'm on Sup Forums. Never mind

It's good, but not enough to bring me back to Firefox.

Honestly, it will be a good year or more before I give Firefox another shot, and they better use that time well to actually improve the shit and not remove more good features and bundle more software I don't want.

So I can be logged to Facebook in one container and watch porn in another one without having Facebook follow me around?

Sounds like it.

Netscape/Mozilla has had them for over 20 years

How will this not die like Persona?

how does this fix any of their current issues, specifically around UI lag?

I have over 20 email accounts so this would be useful for me. But I think they should keep shit like this contained in an add-on. A feature useless to 99% of people is just bloat.

That's the idea. You'll be able to create them at will and put websites into them which keeps the browser from leaking your personal information everywhere.

Websites like faecesbook track you around the internet if you're logged in. If you throw facebook into its own container you will be "logged out" in all of the other containers, it cannot directly tie your browsing habits to your profile so it will have to use other methods like fingerprinting instead.

Read the article first, lazy dumbass

This can be enabled on Firefox 47 by setting privacy.userContext.enabled to true in about:config

Currently testing it, I have Facebook in a single container and it doesn't seem to be tracking me outside of it. Pretty neat.

A 10 years old loser like you don't need these features

It allows a single profile to have multiple stores for cookies, cache, and other temporary files. The "containers" have shared bookmarks, history, passwords and some other stuff. This is actually how the google safe-browsing stuff is handled, to prevent it from leaking your personal information the safe-browsing thing has its own temporary files like cookies that are isolated from the temporary files you normally use. This appears to be Mozilla taking this functionality and making it more widely available.

>the only way Facebook can follow me is through cookies

learn to style with CSS. it's incredibly easy

So like incognito tabs in the same window as other tabs

Sounds nice, if you can choose which add-ons for which identities. Looks like i will switch back to firefox again, soon.

great feature to break GTK theme compatibility with

This is fucking stupid. Just do firefox -P -no-remote if you need to use multiple accounts on a website.

Pretty cool it's a shame Firefox is such a turd,i hope chrome steals it

Another proof that Mozilla just tries to damage Chrome to lure users over and another proof that Mozilla is all for Chrome parity instead of power user parity.

Taking left and right features from Chrome, putting a bit own sugarcoat over them and call it "unique".

And in the meantime to get lighter, they remove again customization features or general features which give the user flexibility over the browser UI itself.

Not interested in a developer who can only copy stuff from Chrome.

I miss the times when there was real inventors, like the very early Opera: They had features no one else offered, for example tab stacking or customization.

Firefox took all their own features first from Opera and now from Chrome. And that fact makes me vomit, as Mozilla has clearly almost not ONE single idea on their own. All they can is copy and modify.

Seriously, what for a bunch of losers!

It will be slashed like panorama in a year or two

>browser sucks in every possible way
>let's add more useless features!
I used to be slightly disappointed with mozilla, now I'm just grateful for the entertainment. Could they get any more clueless?

nice repetitive digits, but sadly this feature is DANKSAUCE for me.

They took that feature from Brave, they also took the native side bar concept from Brave too - Means Mozilla gets incredible nervous because of that 2 Meme-browsers.

Well, granted, Mozilla had that idea for such a feature set already years ago before Brave was created. but the one who implements such a concept first is always seen as t he origin and the one's who implement later are the copy-cats.

Anyway, it is sad that once so proud and powerful Mozilla is sent into the world of despair and fright by 2 lame Mem-browsers, one which is Google-Botnet and the other one Ads-Botnet.

Disgusting and truly sad.

Sorry, the side bar concept they took from Vivaldi. Anyway, it is still sad that Mozilla is so weakened that they are afraid of 2 fake browsers.


top kek, get your shit together, mozilla

The fuck are you on about, how is this a chrome feature?

Firefox also had profiles since years. Fuck off faggot

How about you use an actual client instead of a webmail client?


Its a niche feature.

But the most important thing is your fucking speed mozilla and your inefficient money spendings. Holy fuck. Its no wonder you're begging for donations and shit when you spend your money on womens studies and major shit.

Sup Forums is always so negative. This is functionality that is not complete Mozilla is calling it an experiment, it's restricted to the nightly channel where it can be worked on daily depending on user feedback. Right now it requires user intervention to work but it might be possible to containerize websites automatically in the future so the user doesn't even have to realize anything is going on. It will be interesting to see if anything comes from this.

Protonmail doesn't support desktop clients.

I was thinking of traditional email, but you have a point.

that's exactly what firefox needed

more bloat