Phew, so it seems like cancer was on our side the whole time Sup Forumstards. No need to worry

Phew, so it seems like cancer was on our side the whole time Sup Forumstards. No need to worry.

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what does the gene pool have to do with smoking, eating gmo and all sorts of cancer giving chemicals + breathing polluted air?

>Cancer is L I T E R A L L Y mother nature's overpowered AV program

I dunno about this, considering cancer mostly strikes well after the prime ages of reproduction


That sounds like a load of crap to be honest. That's the same kind of logic that is like 'oh humans are MEANT to get gored by mammoths because those that do don't reproduce to pass on their 'get gored by mammoth' genes'

it's just saying that cancer is evolution's immune system defence mechanism.

that's dumb. if that were the case then cancer would kick in before individuals reach sexual maturity. mutations happen, cancer is a broad brush that covers all the shit that can go wrong when mutations occur.

which is complete cock because a theory you can't prove is meaningless.


that's just an undesirable side-effect. when it needs to, it strikes the young swiftly and without reproach.

That's not how evolution works.

Evolution would never create cancer on purpose because it would never get passed on

> Cancer usually manifests way past your 20's when you usually reproduce
> Meant to cleanse the gene pool
I don't get it desu

humans haven't really been doing 'natural selection' ever since we figured out how to do more with our lives other than just live

>In the light of the theory that cancer is the final checkpoint or the nature's manner to prevent complex organisms from living forever at the expense of genetic stagnation, the eventual failure of modern anti-cancer treatments is only to be expected.

Literally what. It's an interesting twisting of cause and effect, but ultimately it makes no sense.

The article sounds like trash and the website reporting it sounds like click bait sensationalist garbage.

First bambi, now this bullshit. Pretty soon each beverage will have its own personality and everyone will feel sorry for drinking the timid underdog of lemon lime soda.

>Two scientists have come up with...
>Two scientists have come up with...
>come up with...
>come up with...
Those are not scientists!!

>kills the weak willed unable to quit smoking or just stupid to even start
It all makes sense now

Where is mr. Toshiba going??


It literally need several genes to be turned off in order to develop and grow large cancerous tumors. The body has mechanisms in place that prevent radical cells from endlessly dividing and having new blood vessels grow to feed them.

They're likely on to something here.

>cancer is the main cause of death for smokers
Almost everyone in my family has smoked well until their last day, some made it to mid 80s, some called it quits at 50 and amazingly only one died of cancer, emphysema and heart attacks were the ultimate causes of death. Must me some cancer resisting gene in my family.

>cancer is killing those weak to cancer
Its working better than expected

The theory would only be true if as stated that people of prime reproduction age have cancer cells. They might in small amounts. People do start getting thin hair in their 30's.

See how many times user says 'literally'

>tfw we will all die of cancer

Can I call Norton a cancer?

epic xDD


>stops faulty DNA from being passed down
>cancer usually sets in long past reproduction age
This is even more retarded than the "homosexuality is to safeguard orphans" hypothesis.

I knew it all alone...

Even if it is like this, we're not culturally and scientifically ready to accept such a troubling concept, so that's why we're gonna find lots of bullshit comments around.

>Evolution creates stuff on purpose
wew lad

>still reading slashdot

wew lad

hive mind

Then why don't all homosexuals get cancer if evolution has such mechanism to remove unwanted genes from the pool?

Checkmate evolutionfags.

Evolution: 0
Intelligent design: 1

Unwanted from who? You?

Retarded hypothesis. Just by looking at various types of cancer and what can trigger them, even without any medical experience, it's obvious why this hypothesis is retarded.

fundamentally most cancers are triggered by the same series of events. theres only a few exceptions such as when they can be caused by pathogens such as bacteria.

Much like nutrition and exercise, evolution always seems to attract people throwing in their misconception-riddled two cents.

Where are these people when people are talking about nuclear physics or seismology or whatever?

ITT: Everybody talks about something they know nothing about without reading the actual paper.

I don't even know why I keep coming to this shithole. Here is the link if anyone cares:

Go suck a cock somewhere else.

Based retard.

tl;dr maybe you self righteous cunt

>spoonfeed me even more
>how dare you mock me for my ignorance

a good laff, a good laff indeed