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can someone explain to me the point of the red text in the image???

Is Engineering, mathematics, real science only "real" options in life?


It makes sense if you replace "computer science" with "software development". CS is real mathematics. Without CS, we wouldn't have the ML and algorithmic knowledge that fuels good search engines and 1984-tier profiling for the sake of ads.

But that's not what 99% of CS majors do. They go out into the world to write "yet another mail client for mac" and shitty websites. Their lives would be worth more if they worked in chinese sweatshops, to be honest senpai.

it's true

Pajeet just mad his cs degree from Binder Institute of Towel Head only got him a Dell support job in New Deli

Tfw too stupid for computer science


>tfw have MS in EE
>tfw literally mesmerized by all the dense and exotic theory encountered in grad school CS programs
>tfw realized rather late that there is SO much goddamn more to CS than just writing code.

wew la. So strong that i'm actually almost staring to regret the fact that i didn't at the very least minor in CS (& Math.... to be honest).It bothers me how most CS majors aren't that raptly interested in the theoretical side of advanced CS and instead leave undergrad immediately gunning for a cushy coding job.

Then why are engineering math courses always "x math for Engineers", while CS math courses are the ones also taken by math students?

the only math that CS students take is the crystal kind

Math students take honours classes
Compsci students take regular classes
Eng students take applied classes


took me an embarrassingly long time to actually get that, but i kek'd

such stupid thinking remains you cherry boy. the important thing is whether it will be money or not

The real winners are the corps

All you faggots lose

Engineers can't code.

Computer science is mathematics


ITT: EE anons wishing they had chosen a different route in life

engineering is a scam
an engineer's role is to fix a problem made by someone else

if the engineer that made the problem would have been competent in the first place, the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc engineers would not have been needed
engineers, not competent

And which classes are usually the least difficult?

I did a math degree and the only other people in our classes (past 1st year) were physics students.

Someone with a degree in mathematics wouldn't say I did a math degree.

Engineering is for people too stupid for mathematics and REAL science

20 people baited so far.

You're right I did a maths degree, forgot the s.

I agree OP. Most CS graduates don't have the critical thinking skills or strong enough maths background to do hard science or psychology.

CS grad here. Can confirm. I tried EE, dropped out, and got a CS degree instead.

I'm doing an SE and I had to teach an EE how to do low level C programming, working with bits , typecasting, etc.

We really need more empiricism and statistics in SE before I would call it real engineering but just because it's not a 'traditional' engineering field doesn't make it easy.

I double majored in Math and CS though...

Math and CS are intimately related. The pathway you achieve for one degree will have a strong overlap in the other degree.

>Mathematics is for people too stupid for engineering, mathematics, and real science
What did he mean by this?

He meant you're too stupid

This. The sad thing about CS is just how disinterested in theory most CS majors are.

it's for people who are delusional enough to not want to be software engineers and work on useful shit


CS "theory" is weird meme math. What's wrong with the ordinary math that everybody else uses?


There is a world of difference between CS101 classes where you learn about the basics of time complexity and post grad CS where you finally get your hands on some very sexy and cutting edge algorithms

It depends on college. Where I went, we got heavy theory even in undergrad courses. It was a research-focused university though.

The real problem in the end is that murrika fuck yeah decided to conflate SE and CS as being the same thing, so you really get a SE BSc and then move onto a CS master's instead of going CS -> CS.

>Be Physics and Economics major
>Do CS on the side for fun
top kek

>don't have a clue what CS is
>think you're doing it on the side
top kek

Wew lads fine arts/sociology student here