How trackable is your browser?

How trackable is your browser?
Remember that while disabling JS is an easy way to hide much of your browser fingerprint many websites don't work without it, so it's kinda cheating.

Things that can make you less trackable:
Disabling cookies unless required. Cookie monster is a good extension for this.
The Tor Browser Bundle, the browser with the best fingerprinting defenses out there. Sadly requires use of Tor.
Using multiple browsers (e.g. I use Chrome for all my botnet shit and IceCat for my shitposting and web browsing).

Useragent spoofing is a thing not to do unless you're using a different UA for every site you visit.
Even rotating every x requests is a red flag.

Other urls found in this thread:

Whatever, I'm not a pedo so I'm not worried

>Welcome to the job interview
>We're sorry but our Internet background check of you found that you spend over 2 hours a day wasting time on a site called Sup Forums that is notorious for cyberbullying and extreme right views.
>We will not be considering you for this position.

can't get them to work on my browser
probably makes me the easiest to track of all

Are you using some kind of ancient or ultra paranoid browser or something?
Did browserprint work?

Do you honestly believe something like this has or would ever happen?

It's just a covert and resistance free way of businesses doing the whole "give us your Facebook password" thing.
Google already sells your browsing history to advertisers, so what's the stop them from branching out?

I can't live without my addons so I'm always screwed on these tests.

why is user agent spoofing bad?

I'm a snowflake.

>Oh look, a Windows Chrome user
>But this JavaScript (Math.tan(-1e300)) gave the result -1.4214488238747245, that means he's running a Linux system
>I bet this liar's traffic is interesting! Lets take a look!
Or alternatively
>Oh look, this guy's UA is "Fuck you I'm not telling you anything about me"
>I guess that means he cares about his privacy
>Too bad it means his traffic is now the most interesting traffic we have
Or alternatively
>Oh look this person using my exit relay is browsing Amazon items, how uninteresting
>But their UA is changing every 10 requests
>I guess they're misbehaving, better carefully scrutinize their traffic to find out what they're doing

There's paranoid delusion, and then there's Sup Forums

Mein Browser kann mich mal am arsch lecken, hier sind sowieso nur volle schwuchteln unterwegs

I'm speaking from experience performing traffic analysis

As a job or as an autist on the internet?

>Remember that while disabling JS is an easy way to hide much of your browser fingerprint many websites don't work without it, so it's kinda cheating.
Not many, actually.
They might not work properly, but most of them still work.

They already look people up on Facebook and other social media.

As an academic doing a research project

Using Palemoon on Linux and I have citric receiver installed for school stuff. So pretty unique fingerprint.

the whole point is to blend in
the goal is for your browser to look just like (or as close as possible) to everyone elses browser

spoofing your shit makes you 100% unique
this is not what you want

unless we all agree to send the same spoofed information, then we all blend in
and that's what the tor browser is doing, essentially

Based on some of the shit screens for you're unique regardless based on shit like plugins installed.

>2 hours
>not 8

>Remember that while disabling JS is an easy way to hide much of your browser fingerprint many websites don't work without it, so it's kinda cheating.
Well, many websites can fuck off.

>implying Sup Forums releases this information to random employers

it's possible for a browser to only send certain essential pieces of data

for example, we could all be using a browser that only reveals (the same set of) 30 fonts, regardless of what we actually have installed
same for resolution, etc

>for example, we could all be using a browser
Who is this "all" though? Cause it's no way in hell gonna be more than a few neets like people who go here

If you're the fag in you're just gonna say "oh look, all these people are spoofing the same thing, they must be doing shady shit, let's look closer at their activity"

>Who is this "all" though? Cause it's no way in hell gonna be more than a few neets like people who go here
yes, you're right
the hope is that a major browser in a future update will do as I have described
and then everyone using the browser, including normalfags, will be sending the same 'spoofed' data

That's quite a stretch

Even Tor Browser with JS disabled leaves a fingerprint due to nothing more than how many fucking versions there are

Sup Forums uses Google Analytics.
Google Analytics tracks people.
=> If you don't disable GA somehow Google knows you visit Sup Forums.

Can you solve captchas of GA is disabled?

it wont happen quickly, that's for sure
and that's because almost nobody cares about this right now

I don't know if you require scripts from Google Analytics to be enabled, but you do need scripts from Google.
And there's nothing stopping them from including tracking code in that

Then the simple solution is use a different agent/identity/browser/whatever for shitposting than you use for personally identifiable stuff where your name is involved.
>through multiple domains, is tracking users on around 80 percent of all Top 1 Million domains.
>Additionally, besides tracking scripts, HTML5 canvas fingerprinting and WebRTC local IP discover, researchers discovered a new user fingerprinting technique that uses the AudioContext API.
Fingerprinting is real and used by Google

Adding to this, just by turning JS on, Tor Browser was no less unique than Firefox was according to Panopticlick

tl;dr you're fucked no matter how your shit is set up

What the fuck? Why are Seamonkey and Firefox and Pale Moon all reporting the same plugins? They're only installed for Firefox

This is fucking stupid they're not even installed in the same folders or even the same drives

Forget disabling JS. Ad companies can track you based on what resolutions you support, what fonts you have installed or even the jitter of your audio hardware and shit. It's crazy out there.

How the fuck do I defend against canvas hashing/fingerprinting? That shit's pretty much the only thing foiling me across all the various other sites like and shit too

Tor Browser Bundle has HTML5 canvases disabled and asks you before allowing websites to create them.

does the phrase do not track mean anything to you?

>He thinks people actually honor the do not track header
Kek. Maybe in 10 years if we're lucky and the government enacts laws, but they'll still probably ignore it

>eff test
>Does your browser unblock 3rd parties that promise to honor Do Not Track?
>No, with a red X implying this is a bad thing

Appdata bruh

Useful advice - though you may be missing the point

Implying my real name is anywhere on the internet.


elinks, am I the only one using this shit?

Basically by trying to appear normal we actually look like the shady fat guy in a black leather trenchcoat in 90 degree (Fahrenheit) weather at a beach?

Has Sup Forums's obsessiveness in privacy actually made us more of a target? Have I been rused?