Meanwhile in japanese high school computer club Sup Forums

Meanwhile in japanese high school computer club Sup Forums...

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>not crt


Private school

Fucking rich kids

Why would I join the nerdy computer club when i can join the amusement club?

>Meanwhile in japanese high school computer club Sup Forums...

It's 5:4.


watashi wa interject nihao ching chong desu kawaii baka ganoo/linux

anata install gentoo

h-hello, is this the computer club?

I doubt those narrow eyes japs understand English that well.
Also, whitu pigoo gu homu!
Suck on a fat one you weeaboo degenerates

Western media is more degenerate than anime, by far. Yet I never see anyone complain about it.

Tell us how you really feel.

>cute boy
Kill yourself.

yes it is
*unzips penis*

Don't fucking dodge the real question, and you know watching anime is degenerated. Yeah, media and pop culture is trash as hell, but that doesn't change the fact you fap to 2D girls pathetically.
I feel like shit just by typing those words, and I hope you feel the way reading it, damn weebs.

Please, i tried reverse triangular lightspeed image research but i can't fucking find it.

Fuck off, degenerate normie.

At least I don't have social skills. I spend my time on highly intellectual hobbies, like configuring Linux instead of socializing or gym degeneracy.

Like I said, Western media is by far more degenerate. Yet I never see anyone complain. What's your real agenda?

>you fap to 2D girls pathetically.
Why do you assume that, and why is it more degenerate than masturbating to porn or Game of Thrones?

>damn weebs
What makes you think I'm a weeb?

if it makes you feel better half ot these girls will become JAV idols

>actually justifying your life going wrong and jerking off to drawn images

Again, why is it more degenerate than masturbating to live action? Or Facebook friends? And again, why are you even assuming masturbation in the first place?

What case is that they're using?

>tfw akidearest uploaded a new samurai buyer video on YouTube


idk, i'm not the guy you're originally replying to, i just joined your talk. i just think that it's really pathetic watching anime past age 12. yes western media is degenerate too.


Most anime isn't even made for children.


>complaining about degeneracy on a Somalian waterboarding torture survival self help Forum


i refuse to believe

shut up and fap

>liking boys
Just become a girl so you can be a lesbian. UwU


Oy m8 if you are not doing it for fapping then you are even more pathetic than I thought. Don't tell me you just genuinely "love" anime. That's just fucking stupid. I thought this board just pretends to post those anime to "fit in" this nerdy culture ironically.
Also, I think your posts are just proving you are a dirty weeb who probably faps to little girls, or wolves, or whatever your fetish is. I have no intention to change your behavior, neither I have any problems with what you do in your spare time. It's your life, but I just find it pathetic.

>full censorship

contrary to popular belief, kids aren't watching yuru yuri or other otaku pandering shit that airs at 4am unless it's attached to a highly popular mobage like school idol festival


back to school, ken-sama

you seem to have awfully high standards considering you wanted to jack off to a bunch of lines on paper

I'm guy who argues with that weeb, and I know some are for adults, not porn kind but for adults. However, only in japan or other narrow eyes countries.

Most anime produced today airs at night, and even historically I'm not sure if most shows have been aimed at children. The mountains of straight-to-video releases in the 80s and 90s, along with many movies, were also not for children.

>Don't tell me you just genuinely "love" anime. That's just fucking stupid.
No, that's just completely normal and sensible.

>Also, I think your posts are just proving you are a dirty weeb who probably faps to little girls, or wolves, or whatever your fetish is.
How do my posts prove any of those things?

All the computers are off.

Thanks but i thought it was something else. Thank you anyway for helping me.

He's baiting you, you dumb shit.

Is being retarded a prerequisite for liking anime or something?

fuck off you stupid weeaboo scum

>h-he was only pretending to be retarded!
Damage control.

>cute boy awoo.jpg
>oh no i cant fap to this it's gay



I'm fine with it but i can't self insert into a cute boy. I need some fat degenerate or at least a normal man. If that man happens to do lewd things to that cute thing then i'd have no problems.


Alright, like I said before, it's your choice. I mean, you can enjoy and be proud of it, and I have no problem with it. I've watched anime in my teenage years. It was fun and worth it, and still gives lots of memories even now. However, my point is being grown ups should move on. Again, it's your life, my judgement means absolute nothing.
Btw, shitty taste.

i can't fap to it because it's censored and on nhentai

>i can't self insert

wow you're really missing out

>tfw my school doesnt have a computer club
It's like the one thing I am good at, instead I have to throw three pointers with the basketball club or play other sports.

sport is what separates the men from the boys

What are some age appropriate hobbies, mr. well adjusted adult?

builds character

Most anime isn't made for children, and something isn't "mature" just because it's live action.

>Btw, shitty taste.
You whine about the need to grow up but shit on Shouwa Genroku? Would Dragon Ball Z be better then?

I got one at home. 1280x1024 is fucking gorgeous, the quality of the image is awesome compare to most 16:9 I could see.
Sadly most games no longer support this resolution, so I'm considering buying a second monitor. Probably a 16:10 which is less retarded than 16:9. It's not like we have the choice nowadays...

The basketball club is suspiciously all girls though.
Is that normal in Japan?

who gives a shit about fucking japan

Books, sports, politics, and fapping to porn.
Eva & ghost in the shell

I thought this thread cared about Japan.

So adult-oriented anime isn't a problem? Which is it?

People who make their entire live revolve around sports and have sports memorabilia lining the walls of their house and on their person are no better than a weeb who ERPs as an anime schoolgirl on the internet and has anime shit all over their walls.

at least they are healthy and have better muscles than weebs

what a joke
most of them are binge drinking losers with a beer belly
the only difference is that they go outside.

I've never said it was not a problem. Just by personal standard, those are less degenerated.
I agree. Obsession is a sin, but there are bigger sins and smaller ones.

Why is adult-oriented anime a "problem"? And what "degeneracy" are you talking about?

keep telling yourself that, whatever makes you happy then
imagine a scenario when someone asks about your hobby or they see your wall

What is this thread even?

at least they get more sunshine and that helps bone grows.
Sup Forums 1
wee/a/boos 0

It's just normies getting triggered as fuck. Like always.

anime are degenerated as a whole. Did you forget my memo?

>someone asks about your hobby
won't happen
>they see your wall
won't happen

>imply this isn't weebs getting triggered by obv b8

How is it degenerate?

And why do I never see people make the same complaint about Western media?

>i-it's bait!
Damage control.

well fuck your sad life

Oh yeah, because your life is so great, right?


Dude, why do you always compare with western media? Doing that does not make anime culture un-degenerated. Yeah, media is lefty as shit and promoting many degenerated things, such as homosexuality, interracial marriage, multiculturalism, but it does not promote pedopholia like anime, which is illegal in most of countries.

>Dude, why do you always compare with western media?
Because people complain incessantly about the "degeneracy" of anime yet almost never say anything about Western media.

>but it does not promote pedopholia like anime
Anime doesn't do that. Western media does though. Which is my point.

>Anime Internet Defence Force

>Because people complain incessantly about the "degeneracy" of anime yet almost never say anything about Western media.
Maybe because no one posting smug_media.png in every fucking thread? Damn it you weebs
>Anime doesn't do that. Western media does though. Which is my point.
k. scroll up and watch those anime images getting posted. Most of them are 12ish girls. Tell me again this is not promoting pedophlia. Also, where does media do this shit? Like I said, media is degenerated, but it won't promote crime, unless it involves minorities.
Also, why do you keep referencing "western" media? Are you living in your glorious nippon or some shit? Do you even watch those media in non first world countries? Let me tell you something, weeb, even tho "western" media is fucking shit, others are fucking worse.