>Barbie is embarking on a new career as a game developer
Is it the Jews? The SJWs? Who is pushing this bullshit? Nobody said that girl's couldn't be game developers, but this shit is starting to piss me off... Pic related
>Barbie is embarking on a new career as a game developer
Is it the Jews? The SJWs? Who is pushing this bullshit? Nobody said that girl's couldn't be game developers, but this shit is starting to piss me off... Pic related
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Isn't the whole idea of Barbie and "the perfect girl" completely contradictory to this feminism shit?
Yep, you can end up just like Notch
>Spouse(s) Elin Zetterstrand (m. 2011; div. 2012)
Who gives a literal fuck? They made a five guys burgers with fries barbie and I think there's an aids one too.
Let the industry fall apart with this so they learn from their mistakes.
Besides They contradict themselves all the time. You'll have people saying this is really sexist or the complete opposite, both sporting this nonsense.
Barbie can be literally anything
this isn't about SJW, Jews or anything, it's Barbies destiny to have a figure for every fuckin career in the world
>Is it the Jews?
careful everyone; she's gonna change directory on us
I can be computer engineer
Why does Sup Forums think this is bad
girls can be whatever they want, so can be boys
I think it's better that people be passionate about what they do and not their paycheck, if stupid toys at early age are what it takes then so be it, who cares
Kinda weird.
Barbie consumers tend to be on the girly end of the spectrum, whilst vidya is on the opposite side.
It's like trying to imagine a steel toe capped high heel, it just doesn't have a market.
That being said, Barbie is all about fantasy. Girls can fantasise about being a software developer, but doing it is just too gosh darn difficult, or boring.
So the jews
Girls just aren't autistic enough for coding, there's a reason so many men like tinkering with stuff.
I hate this, not because of the dumb SJW implications but rather the dumbification of women.
Hear me out, being a game developer isnt the easiest of jobs but its not the job young women should aspire to to "stick it to the boys".
Game development nowadays is a fucking low-tier tech job nowadays, it's not like in the 90s where making games involved writing a whole new engine and doing some arcane hardware hacking
What I'm saying is, celebrating women going into game development is like celebrating women being able to work as a janitor, it doesnt elevate anyone and is just as patronizing
tl;dr I want sysadmin barbie
>but this shit is starting to piss me off...
Why? It doesn't affect your life.
Sysadmin is even more janitor-tier, you just sit on your ass and run a script every now and then.
But janitors have to actually work. You can't just sit on your ass and collect a paycheck for watching anime.
I know that everyone gets pretty mad at this kind of thing - but has it ever actually accomplished anything?
What do the makers of this doll want to actually do and how does this contribute?
If we say that Sarkeesian is trying to make the game world more equal then by the data she posted on the latest E3 offerings she's actually empirically achieving the opposite of that.
I knew girl who was sysadmin
She was the kind of worker who relied on everyone else to get shit done
>On holiday
>Email her to check the uptime of the server
>"Um Annon I can't find how to start the GUI on the server"
Look, I'm not saying that women are bad at computers but I met a lot of them who would have a very hard time grasping very basic concepts. Hell I'm tutoring one myself and she's really having a hard time learning from some other teacher how to set up windows backups.
I swear to god this is why macbooks sell so fucking much.
>, I'm not saying that women are bad at computers
No need to virtue signal here, friend. Girls are bad with computers, you can admit it.
Sup Forums cares because female brains aren't as equipped for software engineering when compared to men. This is an attempt to destroy biologically founded gender roles which is annoying because it is so counter-productive and inefficient..
Also, paycheck > passion. You will learn that once you get older.
If you are upset that a plastic doll can be a software developer, there is something wrong with you.
> Red hair and problem glasses
Why does feminism ruin everything good about the 20th century?
a plastic doll in a headset isn't destroying anything except your desperate need to feel superior
Can't wait until they make gnu/barbie as a free software developer.
That's because men are most naturally better than women. I don't want unqualified females taking a qualified males job.
Maybe the problem is with you if you aren't getting employed.
Working in the games industry is shitty and pays less. Why do you care?
Girls aren't capable of doing as good as men. It's like the military lowering standards so females can join.
The company behind Barbie, duh.
Markets have the power to coopt everything and anything, the female game Dev is a meme right now so they made a product about it so it gets attention and sells. That's all there is to it. SJW and Jews conspiracies go in a different board.
Fuck Jobs for establishing this fucking stupid idea that 'being a nerd is cool'. Every fucking naruto watching javascript dev with a mac now considers himself a nerd. Fuck women for ruining the gaming industry and fuck Jobs for starting this shit.
Quick, somebody make some enraged commentary so Jezebel can make a new weekly hit piece!
What the fuck is this picture?
is it satire?
>another company trying to look hip and doing it wrong
What's new about this?
>just as all the women they hired had to be strong in the face of a five minute interview that landed them a job some red blooded beast of a male spent years trying to get
>had to be strong in the face of a five minute interview
>some red blooded beast of a male spent years trying to get
Kek. Wait is this seriously the way things are shifting? People are starting to despise males for no reason other than "hurr not enough women in the industry"?
it's like I've been saying
being part of a protected class like women, lgbt, etc. basically guarantees you a job at progressive companies
if you walk into the interview in drag wearing a sundress and a rainbow bracelet, you're basically guaranteed a job due to quotas
This girl on my course almost failed her second year at uni, she was told to stay because being female would get her hired straight away at any tech company so long as she had a degree
It's just a pendulum swing. It's in the women's side atm.
>Fuck Jobs
who's the cutie in the upper pic?
This sadly. The world shifts like a pendulum from left to right politically every 20 years about. The 60s-80s were liberal feminist domain 90s-10s were decent semi-right domain until obama, now we're fucked for another 10ish years. Eventually it'll get so bad people will wake up and have a return to the normal.
Obama is further right than Reagan you dingdong.
>itt: shitters with victim complexes blaming others for their failures
remind you of anyone?
[citation needed]
>niggers ?
I dunno man, i got a job at a game company (web-browser and mobile so not real games) and im the team leader of a bunch of females, many of them will never get promoted but the fact that their spot could be occupied by a guy who has chances of being promoted pisses me off a bit. I don't care that they are female, but they are worse than any male programmer i had to work with/for.
That's just my anecdote tho.
...alright kiddies, now me and her need some private time ok?!
>glasses are the only difference between normal-barbie and nerd-barbie
>no lenses
I am a guurl programmar.
Is that a framework?
>something that affects your socioeconomic and cultural system doesn't affect you
I guess OP could be an ayylmao posting from another solar system.
What are they working on?
bringing him coffee and naming variables
Nobody said that anybody said women can't be a game developer. Why are you building this alt-right straw man for a viral marketing thread on Sup Forums? go back to pol, trumphumper your boss is a bankrupt degenerate.
I like that she has dyed hair, hipster glasses and wears a gaymer headset. It reflects reality perfectly.
>Ubisoft 2007
>still capable of releasing good gaymes and still allowing developers to create what they are best at rather than being forced to act as support devs for shitty gaymes (see Massive Entertainment for example), and release the first Assassins Creed game which was great
>the degeneration of Ubisoft starts from here, as they ruin Prince of Persia series, The Settlers, and force good RTS/RTT devs such as Massive to work on shitty projects, and reduce Assassins Creed into shit
>Ubisoft 2014
>the lowest point of Ubisoft, with a reputation almost equaling EA
>produced more ruin and regression in gaming than they produced good
It's pissing me off that you're getting pissed off about it faggot. Who the fuck cares? If this is what girls now a days want and it even slightly encourages more girls to program, I'm all for it.
And don't give me shit about shitty programmers there are, I've seen a lot of shitty male programmers too. The good ones, regardless of gender, will always be a rarity.
>alt-right strawman
>your boss is a bankrupt degenerate
>All first world nations whine about declining birth rates
>They force both parents to work by shaming stay-at-home parents and lowering the average income
>They try to fix this by letting more and more subhuman niggers and sandniggers and spics immigrate
>The overall intelligence of the population declines as more subhumans make up the population
>Less qualified workers are available
>Chinks slowly but surely take over as the major economic power
Gee. Better encourage our women to get into all kinds of jobs for which they are unsuited instead of taking advantage of their strenghts and letting them take on the role as nurturers of our next generations.
Are you gay or something? Have you ever been to a professional developer event or had any development jobs? No god damn pussy around ever. I hope to god in a decade or two there will be more females so I can finally be a sexual deviant that I have a right to be.
Oh right, you probably don't know shit about our industry and you're just spouting out bullshit. Fuck you, I need easy pussy.
>Wah wah, I'm a fat beta virgin neckbeard
>The only reason I don't get pussy is because there aren't any at my work because I never go out
Top kek. Go back to playing dwarf fortress, nerd.
Don't shit where you eat.
Can we ban obnoxiously heterosexual posters?
>comparing sleazy bar/tinder whores with high-income earning bitches who would also share my interest in development
I don't think you understand how perfect dating a developer would be for me.
I would of told you to fuck off, but you are welcome here, for the sole purpose of making our sides hurt from laughter.
Ubisoft games at this point aren't even worth pirating
>girls dont want me now
>they would want me if they had the same job, same income and status as me
9/10 i replied
Woah woah woah, don't associate dorf fort with pathetic virgins, that's totally uncalled for.
All women who don't want me are all sluts and whores obviously. Once they see my badass Magic The Gathering collection I'm sure they'll turn around.
God's not real senpai
Holy shit this.
Wew I've been working as an electrical engineer for more than a decade now and let me tell you mate it sure is dry on girlcunts around here.
Though it does have perks being a 6'2" 164lb pussyslayer like me in this field, last conference I was bitches just jumped my dick like a tiger quoll jumps a musky rat-kangaroo cock a doodle doo.
I am legitimately curious for those in the industry. Have you ever met a woman, pajeet or not, who was as qualified or more qualified than the average man in a programming field?
what about women makes them so bad at it? why will many of them "never get promoted" what are they doing differently and/or wrong?
>would of
>no bottle of tequila on the desk
>happy expression
>dresses in a respectable outfit
The people really didn't do their research when making that doll
>DYE hair
>headset with mic
>huge galsses
>mac book
>game developper
when will they learn ?
This has more to with the fact that pretending to be a nerd is chic and something like knowing a bit about computers or games is a trendy in fashion accessoir.
Wont be supprised if they also roll out a D&D barby.
You would off yourself if you were smart.
>he didnt buy Jade's game
>Meritocracy vs Diversity
ah yes, very impressive
>topical humor
Fuck off to reddit
I've met a few women who can code circles around most devs I know. They have massive chips on their shoulders, and instead of screaming about social justice to get a job, they focused their time and effort on becoming undeniably strong developers.
I've seen the same from some college dropout devs I know too. Instead of complaining that the system isn't fair, they sit down, shut up, and git gud.
I like the accompanying text especially.
>Congratulations for paving the way to hire based on gender
>women had to be strong in the face of a five minute interview that landed them a job some red blooded beast of a male spent years trying to get
At face value I'd have to rule that as satire but we all know how the world today is.
Oh sweet now I cam watch Barbie stare at her screen for hours barely moving and lose interest in her favorite hobby just like I did.
>At face value I'd have to rule that as satire but we all know how the world today is.
Don't worry, it is satire. It's actually pretty good bait, it definitely rustled my feathers. If you check out that facebook group it's all shit like this.
Direct me to reddit, friend-o.
8pol here
>We need the "Springtime for Hitler" of videogames
Would buy and play
Okay, you go ahead and be a code monkey while I masturbate to anime.
>fried cheese
wew lad
I want to fuck her despite her shitty personality.
>muh boys club
you're just jelly of our delicious fried foods
With that type of English, she is already halfway there.
It might just be the Lets Player audience. Kids like that shit.
>Da Jooz making people into yesdevs
I'm fine with this
>I can be computer engineer
>Game development
>In Javascript
wew lad