>Le Fizzbuzz thread

I bet you Ranjeets can't even Fizzbuzz in one line.

['Fizzbuzz' if not x%15 else 'Fizz' if not x%3 else 'Buzz' if not x%5 else x for x in range(1,101)]

>write fizzbuzz in (almost) any language
>remove line breaks
>have fizzbuzz in one line

>he doesn't known what a one liner is
Even by your definition, go ahead and write it in Java so that it fits in one line of a Sup Forums post on a 1080p screen, at default 100% page zoom.

That Python "reduce" syntax is disgusting and unreadable.

Feeling uncomfy, Rajesh?


Sick Stockholm Syndrome case, man.

What do you guys do? Sit up all night learning indian names to call each other on Sup Forums?

>still hasn't proven neither being white or able to write the OP request
Ayy Charanjit, how's that underpaid Windows development for the superior white race treating ya?


Do you at least know what Stockholm syndrome is?

still shite compared to fizzbuzz of the christ

fuck right off

For(int I = 0;I

>"Let me tell you about Fizzbuzz"
>Doesn't tell me about what Fizzbuzz is
So are you gonna explain it to me or are you just gonna pretend I google botnet it?

print $_%3 ? $_%5 ? $_ : "Buzz" : $_%5 ? "Fizz" :"FizzBuzz" for 1 .. 100

Although, one can do almost everything as "one liner" by excessive use of ternary operator...

u wot m8 ? "Ranjeet" isnt even a indian name
this is what i call simply FAIL

A[I]←1+I←(0⍷A)/⍳⍴A←('fizzbuzz' 'fizz' 'buzz' 0)[2⊥¨×(⊂3 5)|¨1+⍳100]

>why do other languages even exist

>why do other languages even exist

what is fizzbuzz?
>sorry for being newfag

Print numbers 1-100 except for multiples of 3 print fizz, multiples of 5 print buzz and multiples of 15 print fizzbuzz

for (i=0, i++) {if (i%3==0) {var i='fizz';} else if (i%5==5) {var i='buzz';} else if (i%5==0 & i%3==0) {var i='fizzbuzz';}


Yeah dude, I'm sure your middle school computer lab teacher will be real impressed

for(int x=1; x

for ( int i = 1; i

You didn't print the result, you just stored it in a list. Try again

>OP is a faggot