Alright, TN, VA or IPS for monitors ? What do you all think, for general use, gaming, video editing etc

Alright, TN, VA or IPS for monitors ? What do you all think, for general use, gaming, video editing etc.

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Will you be looking at it from weird viewing angles?

Yes? IPS
No? TN

My current monitor is TN because old and cheap, but I don't mind it too much since I don't move much when in front of it.

Dell 1440p ips fo life

1440p IPS here, the colors are very good. I also have a nice Benq TN for FPS games.

>for general use, gaming

>video editing
VA for its superior black levels.


I am thinking on getting the Asus PG279Q, is it a good choice ? or should i go with the TN version that is the PG278Q ?

That's right shit bird. We have IPS monitors running at 144Hz native with latency below the required 6ms to actually display those frame rates, and it's done at an overdrive level that doesn't cause any ghosting or "shadows."

There's no excuse to buy TN these days unless you're poor as fuck.

Enjoy your motion blur and backlight bleed.

Pretending TN's advantages matter in anything other than competitive FPS. I'll take the superior picture quality of IPS in everything else any day. KYS.

I use a TN and an IPS on a dual monitor mount.
Both is always a good thing, switch to the TN for lag-free games like CS:GO and the IPS for basically everything else.

>backlight bleed.
Yeah, because TN doesn't have that problem. Are you fucking stupid?

>motion blur
Bitch what the fuck did I just say about the latency, refresh rate and overdrive? Are you fucking retarded?

The main benefit of TN panels is how mature they are. Dead pixel rates rise dramatically going from TN to IPS and worse yet is the policies most manufacturers have adopted which allows an acceptable amount of failure rates to meet the consumer and rejects returns.

All of the cucks buying up those 27" or larger IPS Gsync/Freesync monitors all got a nice bunch of DEAD PIXELS and are unable to return it due to manufacturer policies.

Absolute mad man cucks to be buying IPS panels.


>I'm a superior adult who only enjoys his forms of entertainment when printed on paper
kys famalam.

>3-4ms makes a difference


Average human reaction latency is around 270 ms.


>paying out the ass for a shitty TN GAMING monitor

I have 2 of these

We had all 3 at the office.

VA is alright, but I prefer IPS.
TN is just garbage.


Gaming > CRT
Photo editing > IPS
Laptop > TN

Same here.

once you use IPS going back to a TN monitor sucks tits. Doesn't matter if you move or not or if you might see it from weird angles.

VA, definitely. IPS looks like horseshit when you're watching anything with lots of black, like pretty much any modern movie, series or game.
If it wasn't for the fact that I spent a lot of money on an IPS monitor last year, I would switch over to VA right away. Nothing worse than IPS glow when you're in a dark room trying to enjoy a movie.

Or you could wait for OLED, but I doubt they'll fix the burn-in and color shift anytime soon.

>Muh viewing angles

how the hell are you sitting infront your screen?

Is it no longer worth it to get one of the 27 in korean 2k monitors theyre like $290 and you can get a cheap 2k Acer or Asus same size for around $300-350 not looking to spend more than 400 and going to a get a seperate 144hz 1080p monitor for game

IPS always for everything. TN is a dying technology.


Generally either VA or IPS. TN only for budget gaming.

Yes if you pick a proper one. Also entirely depends on what kind of a game are we talking about. Someone playing turn based strategy won't care rats ass about input lag or pixel response times.

When the viewing angles are so bad the colors get skewed when when viewing the monitor directly it's a problem. Hello nearly every TN panel.