Old Thread: Anime edition
What are you working on Sup Forums?
Old Thread: Anime edition
What are you working on Sup Forums?
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What's your favorite text editor Sup Forums? I want to keep this straw poll going for a few more threads.
>no ed
Why use anything besides the one true editor?
> What's your favorite text editor Sup Forums?
emacs, nano for quick edits
Redpill me on negative and fractional types /dpt/
tfw you take a step back from your code and don't know wtf you just wrote.
Does anyone actually use ed anymore?
don't know that feel.
What music do you listen to while programming, Sup Forums?
I don't
>tfw you take a coffee break and solve your problem in the middle of a sip
Got any good electronic music to share?
No I was actually looking for recommendations.
checked, and where the fuck is notepad++
In the with its left wing anti-freedom author
pic related
Sup Forums would probably hate me for this but try looking at this chart for inspiration:
Just got F+ZBbZZ2 as an id
That pretentious cunt with the neural network fizzbuzz once again fails
Few people on Sup Forums user notepad++ because it's trash. They're either fine with regular notepad or get vim/emacs
Apparently NASA uses Node.js, where is your god now?
And when did Nasa last land on the moon?
I am pretty much fine with regular notepad, except notepad++ has tabs, highlighting, better search/replace features.
what else you want from a text editor
Both emacs and vim are capable of all of that and many more.
Anyone familiar with OpenCL here?
Why is it that these guys don't have to call enqueueWriteBuffer and enqueueReadBuffer when putting and getting data in and out of their GPU?
My code doesn't work unless In have buffers queued, and I'm wondering why these guys don't.
>tfw you find a project you wrote a few years ago and it compiles with 61 warnings
Now I feel the urge to clean the code up.
I don't know that feel
They call it in other files though, so I guess they call these functions at different times but eventually do?
Working on muh file manager. I've decided to go with protobuf.
Good text editing features?
What's wrong with notepad++? Why doesn't Sup Forums like it?
every time you move your cursor you have to take your hands off the keyboard. that's the largest reason, but the overall GUI design is inefficient.
They do? Shit, okay. I'm too tired today I guess.
I går knullet Sup Forums et maleri fordi Sup Forums kan ikke snakke med kvinner
Yeah in files in the layers folder.
vim > emacs > every other text editor
>tfw no language will ever suffice
hold me /dpt/
>japanske animasjoner
Noen av oss vil gjerne snakke om teknologi her.
Static typing has gone too far
Sup Forums is an English-speaking anime imageboard
Norsk er mye bedre enn engelsk. Engelsk er en dårlig blanding av tysk og fransk.
What should I learn next, Perl or Rust?
We've known for ages that you can differentiate types, and the results are zippers.
Norwegian, it's the future language of Sup Forums.
please stop advertising your garbage
It's not about differentiating types
It's about negating and reciprocating types
I know, I'm saying that static typing hasn't gone too far because we've been manipulating types like this for a while
Differentiating types is easy, because sum types + product types (the basic type semiring) is standard
Definitions for negation and reciprocation of a type (or alternatively subtraction and division of types) are not
In the paper, they're effectively requirements and contexts
wow looks like summer began
"values of negative types are values that flow “backwards” to satisfy demands and values of fractional types are values that impose constraints on their context"
Perl is out of fashion. Rust is really in. Learn Rust if you want to be a good plebbitor.
Anime has nothing to do with programming. Stop forcing it.
don't just link to your thing without even giving a description of what it is i know i could just click the link to find out but id rather know what it is before i click it so i know whether or not im interested in it first
wow looks like being a faggot began
programming is life
anime is love
love is life
therefore programming is anime
Anime has always been a part of /dpt/ since it existed.
>write fizzbuzz in rust
>Compiler takes control of computer and displays a message in big blocky letters
>sound of helicopters outside
>can hear vans driving up to my house
>SWAT team rappels down roof and crashes through window
>they beat me down and arrest me
>life sentence with no parole for writing unsafe code
Rust users will defend this
Why would you write unsafe code in FizzBuzz? Are you a nu-male or something?
Land of the free keeping America safe from terrorists like you. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
>normies voting for sublime
get out REEEEE
That doesn't change the fact it still has nothing to do with programming and it's just you faggots forcing it.
That's what you get for doing illegal shit. Maybe next time you should program in Idris.
unsafe code ⊆ free code
This poll is about most popular editors on Sup Forums. Unpopular or not used editors get shoved away into other.
>print hello world
>get sent to fema camps
can't make this shit up
OK, I'll be learning Rust next. Thanks anons.
my dick ∈ you're moms asshole
Can you please fix the user interface? Like 100% of your program is user interface so maybe you should get that part right.
If you like free code so much, use free monads.
You should only use them when necessary. Free applicatives are less powerful, but permit more analysis.
Interesting paper, thanks user!
Free monads are shit
Free fields pls
>What are you working on Sup Forums?
Nothing because I'm a depressed fuck who always wanted to learning web dev but can't seem to do it.
What's stopping you?
Learn something other than web dev?
So why didn't notepad++ get its own alternative then?
>Lavender is a Firefox browser extension that converts gendered English pronouns (e.g., he, she, herself) to gender-neutral pronouns (e.g., ze, ze, hirself).
Kill me..
The only true gender-neutral pronoun is ⊥
But that introduces ambiguity, because most English writing is done based on there being two sets of pronouns for people
Now that's nonsensical, since ze ze hirself aren't in the dictionary, but also because "they" and "them" are already the standard genderless pronous.
Oh and forget "theirself"
What's wrong with 'one'? Or 'hit'?
Too true
Becoming an employable web dev should take you about 4 months tops of intense work (assuming you know literally nothing). That is, if you don't have a job or school to worry about. If you do, probably twice as long.
Do you have the strength and motivation to commit to the same task day after day, no weekends off, for 4-8 months? Have you ever done something like that in your life?
"One" isn't so much as a genderless pronoun but for describing an anonymous and/or hypothetical subject who, in OOP terms, hasn't been dispatched. I really had no idea how else to describe it. He/She/They are tied to subjects that actually are existent.
Even then, I doubt SJWs even know much about the real world or language since e.g. unisex bathrooms have been a thing since the dawn of time yet they're still going on about a revolution where they introduce them.
It requires sentence analysis and reconjugating everything because it's plural, too much work for etnhically disinfarnchised wimyn. Check yuor pirvilegde.
Okay, so what about 'hit'? It's a perfectly good Old English gender-neutral third person singular pronoun.
Python guy here. Been going through the basics, interested in improving, and strongly motivated.
At the end at John Zelle's Python Programming, which I'm enjoying. Want to move to next level. Some sort of community seems to be recommended, but I've heard no clear specifics.
Got any good suggestions? I've done code wars stuff and made stuff related to file sorting.
That won't compile
not special snowflake enough.
i wonder when we stopped locking up insane people.
No main
Not even that. The type is wrong
It's the compilers fault for being unable to infer that Gender and Sex are the same thing :^>