Is Discord worth using?

Is Discord worth using?



>freetardation in action

I'm just searching for an alternative to Skype

>m-muh flavor of the week hip gaymurr communication platform

Sure, it has a large furry community for you

In that case, it is. At least you don't have those shitty ads and got some servers with teamspeak's quality.

It's kinda like choosing your poison.


Yes. Much better than Teamspeak or Ventrilo.

This, it's magical.

I can be walking down the street and feel a buzz in my pocket and bam, there's some fresh furry porn right on my phone. It's revolutionized the way I get my furshit.

>Much better than Ventrilo.
G-get off my lawn punk

Just use Mumble. Quality is better, it's open source, and they don't sell your data to Tencent.

IMO Teamspeak > Mumble > Discord > Vent > Shit > Skype

>Install Gentoo
>>There, now fuck off nigger. You've got your replies.

Why does that remind me of Mickey Mouse's shorts?

yes, if you got invited to certain rooms.

no. read their tos.

It's pretty good to find women to talk to.

>inb4 fake roastie who pretends to like anime and games
Who cares? They give me what I want and I leave.

I find it a good alternative to skype. it's more reliable but it will have the occasional fuckup where call quality dives. Sometimes resetting discord or having the admin of the call change the server will fix it.

I greatly prefer it to Skype, though I do wish Discord had video functionality.

I recommend having several Discord accounts. I've found it helps keep different aspects of your life separate as/when/if you start to use Discord for communicating with varied groups.

pic unrelated.

Enjoy the NSA downloading all your conversations.

I don't have it installed on my primary system because I'm not convinced of its security yet (in regards to both data farming and software vulnerability).

That said, it is becoming a very solid piece of work. It's basically Slack (which is already becoming ubiquitous) plus a voice server of quality somewhere between mumble and the next best. I've heard that you can now set voice quality on a per-room basis, as well. Once they add in video, assuming it's not a steaming pile, the trifecta will be complete as a fully featured 'Skype killer'. Of course, old dogs and all that, so I doubt it will truly kill Skype, but it will give many people the alternative they're looking for that no software has been able to adequately provide as of now. I'll probably switch, because it would certainly be the lesser of two festering privacy sores, and the only communication I really handle on Skype right now is with computer-literate people who wouldn't encounter difficulty installing Discord and hopefully becoming converts.


audio never works with firecox

> Is $PROPRIETARY_PROGRAM worth using?


they have received several million dollars in funding
does this look like a multi million dollar program to you?

Literally nothing else is worth using.

Yes. Definetly better than Skype or teamspeak, but there should be some functions that should have the option to disable them. And using the web client on Linux isn't that bad.
Windows client is nicer, but still there's options.

Do you like to suck dicks while your anus is being penetrated?

If you don't care about botnet, then yes, it's quite good.

The best out there in my opinion

Literally 90% of people in this thread are going to spout Sup Forums memes (botnet, proprietary software, install gentoo, etc etc) but its actually a very polished and fully-function VoIP that doesnt crash or bug as much as Skype does.

This is basically your wet dream if you're coming from Skype, TS3, Vent. Id say try it out for a day and you can see for yourself. It requires very little to set up and one of the more convenient things about Discord is that you can generate codes thatll send your friends straight into your discord via opening the browser so theres zero installation if thats what youre about.


Then discord is perfect for you. Enjoy!

Just another "peer pressure" program that you will use occasionally and shit, much like Skype and Teamspeak.

It's much, much better than Skype but holy shit I have never seen such a meme-ridden program trying so hard at being le funny and epic lol ecksdee. What is the fucking point of that?

you'd only use it occasionally if you dont really have one of those VoIP families or game groups you talk to daily.

>VoIP families

Awesome, thanks Pajeet.

>Gaymers use it therefore it's bad
>Mongolian cave paintings


Doesnt work on linux

>have a group of friends I game with
>use Mumble for VoIP, struggling to decide where to keep our group conversation
>half of the group want us to migrate to Discord, the other half wants to remain on Skype

I feel like mIRC is in need of a comeback. I never had any problems with that but it never sat well with the normies of the group.

That money goes to keep the servers running, servers for voice data are extremely expensive, we still haven't developed good ways to compress the human voice in audio data.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

wrong, they have "DiscordCanary" which runs good on Debian 8 jessie.

to answer OP, no. It's "free".


I hosted a teamspeak server for years, but can't beat free.

also the chat is actually useable, and the interface is pretty.

It's trashware

If you want something like Skype but not Skype, then use Telegram