Does anyone of you still use screensavers?

Kinda sad that they dropped so out of style and no one uses them anymore.

There was a ton of creativity in the screensaver market back then (just remember all those detailed fish tanks for example)

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I use flurry in xscreensaver

It's not so much they "dropped out of style" as it is not serving any purpose anymore.

Fucking loved the pipes. Or the 3d maze one, that was always cool af.

reminds me of my 2005 school days. the emacs all had that one as default.

I still use them with xscreensaver. Currently using rss-glx's Pixel City

Wa-Tor screensaver master race. It's fun to watch.

>as it is not serving any purpose anymore.

It didn't serve "any purpose" back when the popularity peaked.

Burn in wasn't that much of a problem with color CRTs since the mid 80's compared to the greenscreen and amber ones of the earlier computer times.

he probably means that people nowadays just set the screen to turn off after a while instead of going to screensaver

I still like my flying toasters.

If woman activate it, they usually just have their gallery displayed.

But because in the past screensavers where set as a standart on every computer people just adapted to it and changed the screensaver type.
Now most computer are set to save energy, people just accept this new standart therefore screen savers lost their place.

actual old person here, you're very wrong. crts would burn in like a motherfucker in the 90s without a screensaver

>holy shit
>this 3D (!!!!!!) screensaver is running fine on my 486!

I made that screensaver using lwjgl for a 48 hour project in my senior year. Ran like shit but it was fun.

screensavers are a waste of energy

so is posting here


It's really too bad, there were some really cool screensavers up through the 2000s as graphics capabilities really started improving.

One of my favorites from back in high school was a 3D solar system formation screensaver for OS X. It started off with a bunch of small planets on screen and over time, gravity would pull them together to form bigger and bigger planets until eventually they'd get big enough to turn into a star. All bodies could host orbits of course, and once a start got too big it'd go nova and reset the whole thing. Once in a while a borg cube would come through and start assimilating planets until eventually, nothing but borg cubes were left and a god-ship would come through and wipe them all out. It was a ton of fun to just sit and watch.

Unfortunately this screensaver won't even run any more and nobody's developed anything to take its place.


all those hidden easter eggs were the best thing about screensavers. lots of them had them.

My screensaver on my parents computer as a kid was a tabasco sauce car that would drive over your desktop and smash the icons, and you could jump in and control it with the arrow keys. Shit was cash.


That one got me.

They'll make a comeback once OLED monitors become mainstream.

I use the cubegrid in xscreensaver

Confirming this. Screensavers were very much necessary.

Oh that's one hell of a flashback you just brought me there.

anybody have a good After Dark clone? I found a site hosting "After Dark 4.0" but it's over 300 megabytes which seems very suspicious.

I just want the flying toasters with the toast.

Screensavers are still necessary. I'm not sure if you know about what you're talking.

One of my friends calls demos (as in from the demoscene) screensavers.

I still use these from time to time:

Just nice simple gorgeous screensavers, that's about it.

Still impresses me


How on earth is there not an open source clone of this by now? Should be pretty simple... maze generation isn't hard and the extent of 3D work is a floor and ceiling plane and planes extruded from the maze edges. Super simple and even the shittiest integrated GPU would run it at 500FPS

Nope, they will most likely build in wear compensation into the monitor, the short life time of the blue emitter wont really allow for regular use of screensavers because you want to preserve brightness as long as possible

I don't even know if Windows 10 still has screensavers

Using Fliqlo screensaver on my iMac. It's comfy.

The actual source of that screensaver is available. Just track down a copy of the NT4 or 2000 source.


I still use the Ribbons screensaver in Windows just so I can tell I haven't touched my PC in more than 20 minutes. I could tell Windows to just turn off the display after 20 minutes but my monitor takes longer to wake up.

Yeah I miss the old windows screensavers. I got them all in a 7z file. I still use them to. Shame MS dropped the ball on it but what do you expect after they dump shit vista and 10 on you. The actual program files themselves didn't change, MS just copied them from 95 to 98,etc,etc. Also yeah CRT burn in was a big thing back in the day. I used a 15 and 17 inch crt for a good many years and boy I was glad when i bought my first lcd panel monitor.

i have used a number of the lightweight screensavers from xscreensaver until I settled on pic related. i like how it makes typos...

I have my mac go through my library of 400+ desktop images while in the screensaving mode.

That's pretty cool but with as old as that code is, I don't think it makes sense to try to reuse any of it. Anybody creating a clone would be better off starting over.

The mypics screensaver that came with xp was cool. browse to your fav porn pic /doujin directory and tell it to display full screen and off you go till you tire yourself out or your dick gets sore.

>open screensaver control panel
>choose "marquee" and start time 1minute
>set phrase to "[insert shitty teacher here] is an asshole"
>do that with every pc in the classroom in the 5 minute break
>quickly and finally wiggle every mouse to get 1min escape time
>walk out quickly and enjoy your day

Those were the days.

xscreensaver is the only thing comparable to after dark

screensavers were never necessary, hell it was probably worse to keep your monitor running 24/7 like that, they were just cool fluff that was more entertaining and nice to look at than just blacking out the display which most shit did by default

So much this

I use the penrose one from xscreensaver. It's a waste of power, compared to setting the screne to disable, but it makes me happy.

ever since DPMS became a thing, screensavers have become useless, even wasteful

nowadays with monitor/gpu/cpu power management it's better to have the display turn itself off, and let the cpu/gpu idle rather than render something

using a screensaver now is purely for their entertainment value, as entertaining it is to not see it because it only shows up when you're NOT looking at your computer

no because i'm not using a crt television set as a monitor

Why wouldn't it be 300 megabytes. It was 1996, there were CDs back then.

LCD screens don't burn in. The real nail in their coffin though was energy saving - practically overnight everyone has it programmed to turn off their monitor now instead of running a screen saver.

>300 megabytes which seems very suspicious.

COULD be legit.
there were tons of sound samples in these and image files of course

>CDs being able to hold a lot of data is "suspicious"
I would be more suspicious if it was 30 MB, AD screensavers had a lot of content and most CD software tended to try and pack as much shit in as possible

there's no reason for an abandonware archive to purposely and obviously bloat 20-year-old software with hidden malware, most of them barely even have advertisements

It's quicker to disable a screensaver than have the monitor turn back on.

I just use the Windows 10 lock screen.

But having the monitor ON uses more power, stupid. The original intended purpose of a screensaver was to prevent burn in on CRT-based displays.

Now that CRT-based displays are no longer in any relevant major use, and because LCD technology cannot burn in because - tada! - there's nothing to burn in, the only technology that could potentially benefit from screensavers are OLED-based and Plasma-based displays which DO suffer burn in over time.

As for the power savings, setting things so the monitor powers down or goes into standby is still the recommended action.

Running a graphical screensaver - even one that barely touches a GPU - is still using more fucking power with a monitor AND a computer on than the monitor in sleep/standby and a computer not having to process any video output whatsoever.

If you want to run a screensaver then at least admit you're doing it because you like the graphical aspects because there's no other legitimate reason to use one anymore UNLESS you're old school and using an actual CRT - some of us own the Sony FW900 which is the best CRT ever made but I'd still rather put that thing into sleep/standby than have it consuming 125 fucking watts of electricity just to show me some pretty graphics.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

it's a handful of 200x200 gifs and a couple midis. how could that possibly add up to 300 megs?

>Doom II came out in 1994 and fit on two 3.5" floppy disks
>After Dark came out in 1991 and couldn't fit on two hundred 3.5" floppy disks

give me a fucking break. I'm old enough to have owned After Dark and it fit on a single 3.5".

That's why i liked it so much, was always impressive to me.

>january 99
>still a little shit
>best friend got a brand new PC for christmas

>he's away for a while

>meanwhile checking out the screensavers
>tfw for some unknown reason totally fascinated by "mystery"

I don't know why but I fucking love it even though not that much happens in it.

Someone needs to make a new Johnny Castaway or update the old one to work with higher resolution and wide screens.

enjoy :) ripped it from a VM and works with W10. on mobile so link may be broken

awesome, thank you!

>99% of it is static images that would burn into your CRT monitor

like stated before, no one used screensavers for screen saving purposes after the 80's.

they were pure idle-entertainment.